Since then, many so-called new charitable organizations have emerged in Western countries. 】

[These charitable organizations can provide food or clothing to the poor living at the bottom of society every day, and the operating funds of these charitable organizations are all provided by the big capitalists or consortia behind them. 】

[At the same time, the government of Eagle Sauce has also introduced a tax exemption system for welfare undertakings in a timely manner. 】

[In 1909, the relevant tax laws of Eagle Sauce began to exempt charitable enterprises from consumption tax. 】

[In 1917, the Eagle Sauce Congress passed the first law for charitable foundations: the Tax Act of 1917, which encouraged charitable donations through tax deductions. 】

[Today, in Eagle Sauce Country, individuals who donate to charity can enjoy tax benefits of up to 60% of the year's income, compared to 25% of the company's pre-tax income.] 】


The Ming Dynasty became the ancestor plane.

Zhu Di's brows furrowed slightly.

Although the tax system of later generations is different from that of the Ming Dynasty, after watching the relevant videos from the giant screen in the sky, he also has a little understanding of the tax system of later generations.

For example, he knew that in later generations, the taxes collected from companies were an important part of the country's tax revenue.


Although the specific systems are different, he is clear about the basic relationship between taxation and the operation of the state.

So, at the moment he felt that something was not quite right.

If a company does charity, it is tax-exempt, so isn't it the state that loses?

Isn't this equivalent to the state paying for good deeds, and then the company earns fame?

Of course, if the national treasury is rich, it should also do good deeds.

But why give up fame?

Or is the amount of tax exemption that the state gives to those companies much less than the money that the companies take out for charity?

Zhu Di quickly thought of a possibility.


[The law of the Eagle Sauce Country also stipulates that a foundation that enjoys tax-exempt status must spend an amount equivalent to 5% of the market value of the foundation's assets every year. 】

[In other words, if the fund size is $1 million, then at least $50,000 per year must be donated to charity to maintain tax-exempt status.] 】

[And if you accidentally donate $60,000, don't worry, the extra $10,000 can be kept for the next year.] 】

[In other words, you only need to donate $40,000 for the next year.] 】

As a result, most foundations only pay a small part of the year for public welfare, and they can retain a large amount of money. 】

On the other hand, as long as the wealthy people of the Eagle Sauce Country donate their funds to charitable organizations, their funds can enjoy tax-free preferential treatment. 】

[In this way, the wealthy class of Eagle Sauce 457 can use their foundations or charity committees as an excellent place to store their belongings.] 】

[After all, the importance of the Eagle Sauce Country to tax work has reached an unimaginable level, and everyone should have heard of the prestige of the Eagle Sauce State Taxation Bureau. 】

Barrage flying:

"A lot of wealthy people's charitable funds are stuck at the standard line of 5% giving, and then invest more funds in the name of the foundation. "

"Reply - that's right, they don't really want to be charitable. "


"I see. "

Many ancients in all dynasties suddenly realized.

This passage is very straightforward, it is not complicated to understand, and it does not require much advanced knowledge.

To put it bluntly, the rich people of the Eagle Sauce Country donate their money to charitable organizations, not to help the poor, but mainly to avoid taxes.

The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin said:

"It's a good calculation. "

On the one hand, you can do good deeds to gain a good reputation, and on the other hand, you can avoid taxes

The rich people of the Eagle Sauce Country are really fame and fortune.

But the question is, why would the Garuda allow this? Why did it enact a law that would allow the rich to exploit loopholes?

The tax received is less, which is obviously harming the national interests of the Eagle Sauce Country.

The reason why Li Shimin has such doubts is naturally because he still doesn't know very clearly who the real ruling class of the Eagle Sauce Country is.


[Not only to avoid taxes, charitable foundations have also become one of the legal ways to pay bribes in Eagle Sauce Country. 】

[Former presidents of Eagle Sauce countries such as Clinton and King Knowing have charitable foundations named after themselves. 】

And when an interest group wants to pay a bribe to an official, it can donate to a charitable foundation. 】

[In this way, even if the matter is exposed in the future, officials can openly say that they originally intended to use the money for charity, and the public should not condemn them, but praise their good deeds.] 】


The plane of the Great Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly and said:

"What a bunch of flies!"

He hated corruption the most in his life.

He is naturally very unaccustomed to this kind of bribery.


[In addition, charity is often regarded by the wealthy as an important channel for cultivating their children to brush their resumes and contact with elites from all walks of life.] 】

[Many wealthy people in Eagle Sauce Country may not hand over the company to their children after retirement, but they will most likely hand over the foundation to their children to take care of. 】

[For example, the financial tycoon Solos handed over his foundation worth $25 billion to his son. 】(cjae)

[While ensuring that the children stand at the end of wealth, the connections are also excellent, and they can also stand on the moral high ground because of charity. 】

Barrage flying:

"The main wealth is in the foundation, which is actually equivalent to letting one's children change to inherit wealth. "

"Reply - why not let the children inherit directly?"

"Reply - that's of course because of the inheritance tax, the Eagle Sauce Country has to tax the estate of the deceased, the more the inheritance, the more you pay, the highest level is 50%, who can withstand this? Half of the family property has to be taxed and handed over to the government, which rich man is willing to do it?"

"Reply - the lowest level also has to pay 8%, which is not a small amount of money for the huge wealth of the rich. "

"Reply - how do I remember the lowest level is 18%?"

"Reply - how good is a charitable foundation, it doesn't pay taxes, it should be spent. "


Looking at these barrages in the giant screen in the sky, the ancients of all dynasties were stunned.

"Inheritance tax?

"You still have to pay taxes to inherit the inheritance, and you have to pay half of it at most?"

Many ancients exclaimed.

They couldn't believe that there would be such a tax.

Many ancients even felt that such a tax was a bit excessive.

These reactions are normal.

Although as early as ancient Egypt more than 4,000 years ago, Pharaoh Khufu levied an inheritance tax in order to raise military expenses.

However, in ancient China, there has never been a real inheritance tax.

Some experts have proposed that in the Song Dynasty, a tax was introduced for the inheritance of the "extinct family" by the relatives of the side branches, but after more argumentation, it is believed that the Song Dynasty collected the deed tax, that is, the handling fee, rather than the inheritance tax.

Therefore, the inheritance tax is absolutely unheard of for the ancients of all dynasties.

The plane of the Great Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked and thought about it again, and felt that this inheritance tax was quite interesting.

Obviously, this tax is mainly aimed at the wealthy, and wants to prevent the concentration of wealth in the hands of large families.

At the same time, it can also increase the country's revenue.

"Can Daming collect this inheritance tax?"

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered in his heart.

The Ming Dynasty was established in the midst of war, and everything was in ruins, and money was needed everywhere.

There is one more tax to "rob the rich", Zhu Yuanzhang feels that it is not unavoidable.

By the way, we can also crack down on the gentry landlord group, because if the inheritance tax is to be collected, this group of people will be the focus of this tax.

The more Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it, the more reliable he felt.

"Boss, do you think we can collect inheritance tax?"

Zhu Yuanzhang opened his mouth and asked Zhu Biaodao.

"Dad, I'm afraid that many people will fiercely oppose this tax. "

Zhu Biao didn't answer if he could, but just reminded him.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said lightly:

"What we have to do, it is useless for anyone to oppose it. "

Although the tone is calm, it has the domineering spirit of Emperor Hongwu.

Whether Daming collects levy tax or not, he still needs to consider it carefully.

But if he really made up his mind, no one in the entire Ming Dynasty could disobey his will!

is not only Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Taizu plane.

In many other dynasties, there are many emperors who have the same mind as Zhu Yuanzhang.

The emperors were naturally interested in things that could increase the income of the imperial court.


[And if you feel that this method is too feudal, the charitable foundation can also directly insert "your own people" in the government through the spiral door. 】

[Dean Lasker served as Secretary of State for John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, Dulles was the first Secretary of State in the Eisenhower administration, and Syros Vance served as Secretary of State in the Carter administration, all of whom held key positions at the Rockefeller Foundation. 】

...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Collusion between officials and businessmen. "

Many ancients in the past dynasties looked at the giant screen in the sky, and these four words appeared in their hearts.


[Seeing this, many people may have questions, although the rich people of the Eagle Sauce Country do charity for their own interests, but after all, they are also doing good deeds, and they do help the poor. 】

[But is this really the case?]

[Has the charity of the Eagle Sauce Country made the world a better place?]

[Not really!]

[On the contrary, the truth may not be so comforting.] 】


In fact, many ordinary people in all dynasties also thought so when they saw this.

They feel that no matter what the purpose of these charitable organizations in the Eagle Sauce Country is to do good deeds, they do give free food to the poor, so that the poor will not go hungry.

Although they are selfish, they can't deny the role of these good deeds, right?

Not only ordinary people think so, but even some emperors think so.

Although they believe that such charitable tax exemptions are detrimental to the interests of the state, for the poor, they do benefit from it.

So. []

Why would the people of later generations who explained this video think that this kind of charity is exploiting the poor?

With such doubts, the ancients continued to look at the giant screen in the sky.


[According to statistics, the income of non-profit organizations in the Eagle Sauce Country has accounted for 5.6% of the GDP of the Eagle Sauce Country, and the industry accounts for 1/3 of all employment in the Eagle Sauce Country, that is, 30 million people in the Eagle Sauce Country are working for non-profit organizations. 】

[And with such a large volume, it is inevitable to form a class dedicated to philanthropy.] 】

[When philanthropy becomes a cause and is linked to income, charities tend to keep the charity alive.] 】

[As a result, they will have a negative attitude towards a complete solution to poverty and hunger.] 】

[Rather than systematically changing the living conditions of the people at the bottom, they are more inclined to help individuals, because it is easier to take photos, more suitable for publicity, and then attract more charitable donations.] 】

[At the same time, they will also do their best to prevent the reform of charity, to ensure that the rich will not reduce their investment in charity, as the so-called millions of workers are tied to food and clothing.] 】


The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin looked at the giant screen in the sky, listened to the narration, and suddenly understood in his heart.

If there were no poor people, these charitable organizations in the Eagle Sauce Country would have nothing to do and would not be profitable.

Therefore, these people prefer the long-term existence of the poor.

"It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. "

Li Shimin sighed with emotion.

Li Zhi, who was on the side, heard this, and said suspiciously:

"Dare to ask my father, how do you say this?"

Li Shimin replied lightly:

"If you are a poor person, do you want others to give you something to eat, or do you want to teach you the skills to make a living and improve yourself, and provide you with the opportunity to make a living?"

"Are you willing to be a poor person in need of relief for the rest of your life?"

"Erchen understood. "

Li Zhi is a smart person and reacted quickly.

And he also thought that most of these charitable organizations that provide "fish" for the poor will not only not teach the poor to "fish", but may also prevent others from doing such things.


[Look at the huge amount of international aid launched by Western capitalists every year.] 】

[On the surface, it is doing a great thing, but in fact it is to make the developing countries that receive aid forever unable to turn over. 】

[As we all know, if a country's economy wants to be truly developed, it must establish its own industrial system, for example, our dragon country is relying on a strong industrial system to create today's economic myth. 】

[In today's world, there are still many poor developing countries that have been in the initial stage of building industrial systems. 】

[Among these countries, there are also countries that have long-term plans and goals for the establishment of industrial systems. 】

[However, as soon as the Western countries, led by the Eagle Sauce Country, began to provide so-called international aid to these countries, a large number of cheap and high-quality Western industrial products would flood into the markets of these countries. 】

[As a result, it will be difficult for domestic companies that are already struggling to survive.] 】

[And once a country loses the opportunity to establish an industrial system, then it will most likely be exploited by the Western world and will never be able to turn over. 】


Many ancients in all dynasties instantly thought of the cactus country.

Although it was agriculture rather than industry that brought down the Cactus Nation by the Eagle Sauce Nation, the method is very similar.

They are all destroying the industries of other countries with a large number of cheap products.

And now the Eagle Sauce Country and other countries have also put on the cloak of doing good deeds for their own behavior, which is even more deceptive.


[There is another phenomenon, that is, what various charitable organizations provide is not necessarily what the other party needs. 】

["Science Eagle Sauce Nationman" once published an article saying that Bilgaichi should stop telling Africans what kind of agriculture they need. 】

[Gaichi's philanthropic foundation launched a campaign in 2006 with the goal of increasing investment in Africa to reduce poverty and hunger. 】

[But the analysis notes that after investing more than $1 billion in the program in 14 years, there is no evidence of an increase in the incomes of small-scale producers in the beneficiary countries, nor a significant increase in productivity.] 】

[Conversely, the number of malnourished people has increased by 31 percent, and crop diversity is declining. 】

[The article also said that these philanthropic companies would prefer to open up African markets with chemicals, fertilizers and genetically modified seeds rather than help farmers.] 】

Barrage flying:

"Hehe, do you know who the Gaichi Foundation's partners are in promoting agricultural technology in Africa?

"Reply - I have heard that it is to ask Monsanto to develop a batch of wheat seeds for the African people that are rich in vitamins and proteins, of course, must be genetically modified. "

"Reply—no wonder! It's hard to wonder if you're working with such a notorious company, and it's hard to wonder what the Gaichi Foundation really does. "

"Reply - Gai Chi has 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock,"

"Reply - so it is not surprising that there is such a result. "

Back then, Gaichi generously gave aid to 35 million U.S. dollars worth of genetically modified crop seeds, claiming that it could solve Haidi's food problem, but Haidi is still a pure grain importer. "


Many ancients in the past dynasties remembered the country called "Haidi".

A country that is so poor that it really "eats dirt".

"Eating soil" in the physical sense.

"These charitable organizations in the Eagle Sauce Country do not seem to be simple. "

Many ancients in the past dynasties began to realize that the wealthy people of the Eagle Sauce Country did charity, not just to avoid taxes.

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