There was no sign, as if the Sword of Silver Wick had never appeared from the beginning to the end.

The space is still the same. If you don't go through it, you will be trapped in it for the rest of your life.

John took a deep breath, took out his wand and held it tightly.

When he saw his arm, John discovered that there was a golden mark under the skin of his left hand.

It couldn't be wiped off, and John saw a black mark on the other hand.

"We can only go in."

He stayed in this space for a long time, took out his pocket watch and looked at it.

The pocket watch has stopped, and time is frozen.

Gathering up the courage to take another step, John walked towards the crack.

Beyond the crack is nothingness.

There is no distinction between up and down, countless broken lenses are spread in every direction.

If the trance is a minimalist art, then this place is complex and gorgeous.

The foot stepped on the lens, and there was a crunch, and the mirror fragments seemed to be broken in the next second.

John stood on it with his whole body, and the mirror was not broken.

He didn't know where the exit was, so he could only move on.

At the same time he discovered that his sword was not there at all.

"Did they fall into different places?"

After thinking for a while, John moved in one direction.

He didn't know how long he had been walking, but John came across a mirror while walking.

The moment he touched it, he saw his reflection in the mirror change.

A disheveled man was adding something to the crucible. He looked crazy. His wife came over and insulted him. He chopped off his hand and threw it into the crucible.

His wife was scared away, but he didn't care and continued to refine it for ten years.

But until he was about to die, he still couldn't get what he wanted.

John stared at the mirror thoughtfully, then touched another mirror.

There is also an alchemist inside. He is different from the previous one. He is elegant in manners, fond of his wife, loving to his son, and kind to his friends.

It can be said that this is a very perfect man, a good husband, a good father and a good friend.

But whenever night comes, the man always goes to the secret base where alchemy materials are placed.

His life was very happy. Gradually, his wife died, his son grew up and left home, and his friend lost a leg because of adventure.

The man became even more eager for that thing, and he soaked in the materials day and night.

At the age of fifty, he finally died in the secret base that no one knew about.

Then the next one, and the next one.

This is true for everyone, they are either happy or sad, rich or poor.

Without exception, they are all alchemists, a traveler who never stops on the road of pursuit.

Suddenly, the reflection in the next mirror turned into a man, and he looked at John with a half-smile.

"John Wick, I'm glad you're here."

John realized that this was not a reflection, but a living person.

No, talking about living people doesn't seem right.

John looked warily at the man who emerged from the mirror, dressed in feathers and resembling a large white bird.

He was probably in his twenties and was holding a cane made of oak.

"You know me?" John asked.

The man smiled, walked out of the mirror, and said, "Of course I know you. I know every alchemist. You are the most special one. You have experienced a flash of time and arrived here."

"Shifian?" John heard the words and followed him.

"Time just jumps around randomly. The person I saw last time has turned into a skeleton. You are the only one who can come over."

His eyes are pink, and he seems to be able to see through people's hearts.

A door appeared in front of him. The door looked ordinary, but it seemed both harmonious and awkward in this space.

The man stopped, turned to look at John and smiled, "You are one of the few people who have come here over the years. You can call me Alchemist Zero, and here..."

Alchemist Zero pointed to the door, and said loudly with a solemn and solemn tone: "This is called the Gate of Things. It is the realm of the other side that can only be reached by those who have reached the peak of alchemy."

John looked at the simple door and saw nothing special.

Unwilling to give up, John used insight. At this moment, the door in front of him changed, and countless messy codes rushed into his brain.

John looked pale and took two steps back, panting heavily and not daring to look any further.

"You are better than I thought for being able to discover the specialness of the Gate of Things."

Alchemist Zero showed admiration, patted John on the shoulder, and said kindly: "Go, that is your reward. Open the door of things, and you can get everything you want, whether it is magic or magic." Money, or status.”

His voice was very tempting, but John looked up at him, his deep eyes piercing people's hearts, and asked coldly: "Then... what's the price?"

Alchemist Zero did not expect this question and was stunned. John had straightened up and said calmly: "The basic law of alchemy is that there is no free gold."

"You are very smart." Alchemist Zero put away his smile and said lightly: "Those alchemists who came here have basically forgotten this matter."

He didn't hide anything and said: "The price, any price, may be your arms, your eyes, your body or even... your soul."

When he said the last two words, Alchemist Zero smiled again and said: "You don't seem to be lacking these. The Gate of Things is the highest reward for alchemists, and its status is above the Magic Stone. You don't Will be willing to give up.”

After that, he said no more, and John looked at the door quietly.

The Gate of Things is the supreme being in alchemy, capable of completing all refinements, even the most taboo souls.

Just push away and any wish can come true.

Accordingly, he needs to pay a price, which is an equivalent exchange.

Since entering this space, John has been thinking about how to go back, and the Gate of Things seems to be a good choice.

John walked over, and when he passed by, Alchemist Zero had a sneer in his eyes, filled with mockery.

When his hand was about to touch the door, John paused, turned around and said, "The highest reward for an alchemist?"


Alchemist Zero nodded without hesitation, but John smiled and asked, "Have you seen a man named Nico Flamel?"

"Nicholas Flamel?"

Alchemist Zero was stunned, and John's body suddenly accelerated and rushed in front of him.

The wand in his hand was held backwards, Alchemist Zero did not react, and there was a cracking sound on his neck.

The tip of the wand passed through it like a poisonous snake. When it was pulled out, Alchemist Zero's body fell down.

He couldn't believe it, and his expression gradually turned ferocious.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

He covered his neck and spoke with a hissing sound.

John showed disdain and sneered: "Did you forget that we just met outside?"


There was a drop on the tip of the wand, not blood, but something as black as ink.

Before being dragged into this space, John saw the cursed face.

He was familiar with it, because the owner of that face used to torture himself every time he used the soul potion.

Extis, the creator of the Dementors.

His youthful face appears in the space, and John wand attempts magic.

Well, no.

But this actually made John feel at ease. For him, no one can use magic. Isn't this John's Happy House?

"Nicolas Flamel refined the Philosopher's Stone. He is undoubtedly the greatest alchemist. He has not even come here. How credible is what you say?"

John had a sarcastic look on his face, and Axtis could not have imagined that Nico Flamel would be alive to this day.

That's why Extis was so surprised when he heard Nico Flamel's name.

After his identity was revealed, Extis had a gloomy face, but he soon started to smile.

"John Wick, it's thanks to you that I came to this place, and it's also because of you that I can wake up again."

Extis's arms were spinning like silk, with black silk threads floating around his body. He raised his eyebrows and said with sarcasm on his face: "In return, I will make you my new work of art."

"No need to."

John sneered, gripping the wand tighter in his hand.

This old Yinbi actually pretended to be an NPC to trick himself into opening the door to things.


It depends on whether I can do it for you or not!

Chapter 167 Extis and Sacrifice

Extis can use curses because he is cursed, but it is only limited to controlling the physical body.

He was already dead, but he regained consciousness due to the curse left on the dementors and the time turner.

Originally, John was wondering why Extis tortured people to create dementors.

This kind of simple evil that harms others without benefiting oneself looks like a lunatic.

Now it seems that the nerves are real nerves, but they are not without profound meaning.

An accidental birth created an immortal Extis.

As long as he leaves this space, Extis will completely gain immortality.

It was such a bargain that John couldn't help but laugh.

In fact, he did laugh.


John covered his face and laughed, his laughter rising from low to high.

There was a greedy look in the gap between his fingers. Even Extis was confused by this look.

"It seems you are very confident." Extis couldn't stand such a look. He had always been the one who took the initiative, and it remains the same now.

But John seemed to be the one taking the initiative. His eyes were like looking at an object. He said coldly: "Why are you laughing?"

"Me? I remember happy things."

Trying his best to suppress the curve of the corners of his mouth, John said with a smile: "You want me to open the door of things and use the door of things to return to the world, right?"

After his mind was exposed, Extis also laughed, and his smile was particularly crazy, "You know? It doesn't matter, I will send you in."

"No, no, no," John waved his hands repeatedly and said with a smile, "I mean, is there a possibility that I plan to do the same?"

A mirror floated over and stood between the two of them. When they left again, John was gone.

Extis's eyes widened, he didn't notice the magic fluctuation, how could this be done.

Suddenly, a whisper came to my ears.

"Tell me, how valuable is a person who has lived for hundreds of years?"

Axtis' black thread suddenly turned around and shattered a mirror, but there was no one there.

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