As she said this, Hermione looked nervous. She was afraid of losing this friend.

Originally, she could have concealed this unspoken suspicion. No one would know, and John would still be her friend as before.

But Hermione couldn't accept this.

Friends should be sincere, not suspicious and concealing.

When John heard this, he was silent for a moment.

Hermione's palms were sweating, and her face gradually faded. Was John still angry?

Suddenly, John chuckled, looking at Hermione whose blood was flowing back, he said in a serious tone: "Hermione, I accept your apology."

This sentence made Hermione breathe a sigh of relief, and her face was no longer pale.

"Perhaps I have too many secrets and cannot be sincere with others."

John stared at Hermione, his first friend, from the moment he stepped into Hogwarts to now.

The time the two people spend together is getting shorter and shorter, but the friendship has stood the test of time.

"But, Hermione, I wouldn't hurt a friend."

John was very serious when he said this.

Hermione nodded, believing it.

She swallowed back what she wanted to ask about that day at the lake. She knew that it must be full of danger.

Seeing John's nonchalant look when he came back, Hermione chose to give up asking.

Afterwards, the two discussed the broken time turner for a while, and finally decided to go to Dumbledore to explain it together.

For this reason, John wore an extra long sleeve under his robe.

His right hand had recovered, but John was still a little nervous when he went to the principal's office.

"Toffee finger cakes."

Knowing the office password from Professor McGonagall, the two people walked up the spiral staircase.

The first thing you see is the Sorting Hat and those weird silverware.

But this time there is one more thing.

John's eyes fell on the wand on the table, and his pupils contracted.

The Elder Wand.

In the office, the kind and charitable silver-haired old man didn't seem surprised by the two's arrival.

"Miss Granger, Mr. Wick." He called to the two of them.

Two chairs were already placed there. After John sat down, he raised his head and met those wise eyes.

He immediately froze and activated Occlumency.

"I'm sorry, Professor, I broke the time turner." Hermione spoke first.

She was a courageous witch and said loudly: "It's all my stupidity."

Dumbledore's reaction was surprisingly calm. He shook his head with a smile and said, "Miss Granger, this is an object. If it is an object, it will break one day."

"I'm glad that its damage did not affect you." When Dumbledore said this, he was completely like an amiable old man.

Immediately, Dumbledore turned his attention to John and said, "Mr. Wick, I am very pleased that you can accompany Hermione here."

After a pause, Dumbledore said with a deep look: "I will explain everything to the Ministry of Magic, but it may take some time. Their temporary minister is in trouble."

John blocked all eyes and watched his nose and heart.

Hermione asked curiously: "What happened to the Ministry of Magic?"

Dumbledore smiled: "I believe that an unjust, false and wrongful case from twelve years ago will be recorded in detail in today's Daily Prophet."

He blinked, Hermione being a smart witch, suddenly thought of Sirius.

She couldn't sit still anymore and quickly stood up to say goodbye.

John was also about to leave, but Dumbledore stopped him.

"John, I hope you can give up something. Not everything on the path of magic is justice."

When Dumbledore said this, his tone unconsciously became serious, solemn, and even reprimanding.

John stopped when he heard this, turned around and asked doubtfully: "Professor Dumbledore, did you only apply for a time turner?"

After saying that, John walked away quickly.

Dumbledore opened the drawer and looked at the intact time-turner lying quietly inside. He sighed after all.

Chapter 171 The Ministry of Magic Scandal and Another Step Down

The Muggle world is changing with each passing day, and the times are developing rapidly. Maybe yesterday's trend will become backward.

The same is true in the wizarding world. The Ministry of Magic's announcement of the capture of Sirius Black was delivered to every wizard in the "Daily Prophet" at night, and everyone chanted the name of Rufus Scrimgeour.

By morning, they had received news that the Ministry of Magic's incompetence had allowed Sirius Black to escape.

Before some people could react, Rufus Scrimgeour put pressure on the Daily Prophet to stop reporting.

Unfortunately, they still underestimated the boldness of the Daily Prophet.

Rufus Scrimgeour personally took the stage to give a speech about Sirius Black's escape, and there was a well-intentioned speech behind it.

He also issued a kill order in the name of the minister, and when he saw Sirius, he could use the Unforgivable Curse to kill him on the spot.

At the same time, he also criticized the chaos in Knockturn Alley and expressed his anger at some wizards' behavior of proclaiming themselves kings.

He plans to use the power of the Ministry of Magic to completely rectify the dark wizards of Knockturn Alley.

After this speech, he seemed to be temporarily free of public opinion.

However, it didn't stop for a day, and there was a report called "Hero?" traitor! "The article took the wizarding world by storm.

Even Rufus Scrimgeour never imagined that Peter Pettigrew, a former war hero who died a heroic death, would one day appear in the Wizengamot.

Former Auror Donmie Shelby shook hands with his old boss Barty Crouch with a smile on his face and graciously gave him a gift.

Peter Pettigrew, once a dead man, a war hero, and posthumously awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class, stood alive.

He was locked in a cage, looking miserable, with fear in his little eyes.

A confession that slapped the Ministry of Magic hard on the face.

"Twelve years ago, we sent a true hero to Azkaban, and the traitor who killed the Potters openly took over everything that was rightfully his."

The person who opened the mouth was a man named Pierce Thicknesse. He was wearing a crisp suit and had a short black beard on his chin that was neatly trimmed.

He faced everyone in the Wizengamot and started talking.

Pointing at Peter Pettigrew, who was imprisoned like an animal, he shouted angrily: "Twelve years, exactly twelve years!"

"The Ministry of Magic's hastily determined guilt resulted in a hero being tortured in Azkaban for twelve years!"

"Isn't this a shocking scandal, a punch in the face of the Ministry of Magic?"

Pierce Thicknesse is eloquent, and his words make people close their eyes, as if he is imagining a man who has been kissed by a dementor for twelve years.

Rufus Scrimgeour's eyes were fixed on Piers, and his fists clenched and made a clicking sound.

As soon as he issued the kill order, it was revealed that the real murderer was someone else.

"This is just your one-sided statement."

As soon as Scrimgeour spoke, Pierce smiled. He opened his arms as if he were open to anyone's exploration, and said, "The 'temporary' Minister of Magic is right here. You can ask questions at will."

The word temporary stung Scrimgeour again.

He was about to speak, but Piers Thicknesse interrupted him aggressively, "Please tell me why Peter Pettigrew disguised himself as a mouse and hid for twelve years, exactly twelve years."

After that, Pierce looked around at everyone and shouted with determination on his face: "Twelve years have passed since Voldemort's fall. Why is he still hiding?"

There was silence on the seats. After hearing these words, it was like hot water boiling, and the sound of gasping came one after another.

"He actually said that name."

"Pierce Thicknesse, when did he become so brave."

"Who doesn't know that a curse is placed on that name."

They whispered that even after many years, many people were still afraid of the mysterious man.

They didn't even dare to mention that name, fearing that Death Eaters would come looking for them just like before.

Pierce's actions earned him a reputation for bravery, and then Peter Pettigrew was questioned.

Peter Pettigrew was reluctant to admit it at first, but the evidence was irrefutable.

Just like Pierce said, if there wasn't a ghost, how could he have turned into a mouse and hid for twelve years.

When the Veritaserum was brought out, Peter Pettigrew trembled and told the truth.

Rufus Scrimgeour was devastated when the Ministry of Magic scandal became public.

Not only because he is the Minister of Magic, but also because he issued a kill order against a hero.

The Daily Prophet's overwhelming propaganda is almost everyone's copy.

In these newspapers, in addition to reports on scandals at the Ministry of Magic, there are also some seemingly minor and ordinary things, such as Lord Johnny Silverhand's overhaul of Knockturn Alley.

It seems subtle, but it is actually exquisite.

Under the backdrop of the scandal at the Ministry of Magic, Knockturn Alley, which was heavily criticized by the interim Minister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour, was another good development.

Some people went to Knockturn Alley and discovered that this was indeed the case.

There are no faceless dark wizards selling love potions to you, and the neat and tidy streets are no less impressive than Diagon Alley.

The gray industry is not disappearing, but hiding.

It is better to block than to open up.

Johnny Silverhand re-made the rules. Unless there is a guide, it is basically impossible for ordinary wizards to see the gray industry.

After John emerged from the principal's office, word of the scandal had spread throughout the school.

"Interim Minister for Magic Rufus Scrimgeour is ashamed of his negligence in investigating the truth and has resigned from his position as interim Minister."

"At the same time, we apologize for the incident of dementors attacking Hogwarts students, and make an order to transfer to the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters."

"Piers Thicknesse will serve as the head of the Auror Office, and Amelia Susan Bones may become the next minister."

"Peter Pettigrew was stripped of all honor and will spend the rest of his life in Azkaban."

The "Daily Prophet" was passed in the hands of every little wizard, and Ron said angrily: "It's a shame I liked Rufus Scrimgeour before."

Hermione congratulated Harry: "Great, Harry, Sirius's grievances have been washed away."

Harry also looked happy. He had once fantasized about living with his godfather. Because of his status as a fugitive, Sirius had no choice but to hide.

It's great now, maybe I don't have to go back to Dursley's place.

He wished he could write and tell Sirius now.

When Ron saw Pierce's name, he leaned closer and whispered: "My father said that Pierce Thicknesse is a smooth philistine. I didn't like him at first."

There are three apparent beneficiaries of this scandal.

The first is Amelia Susan Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, who is considered the most likely candidate to be the next Minister for Magic.

The second one is Barty Crouch. His uprightness contributed to the revelation of the truth. Although there was no job transfer, it made the officials of the Ministry of Magic pay more attention to him.

The third one is Pierce Thicknesse, who became the director of the Auror Office of the real power department. I heard that he brought a defense fund to the Auror Office as soon as he took office.

According to insiders, the funds were provided by Johnny Silverhand Store.

The students talked enthusiastically about how two ministers had stepped down in just one year. No, it should have been the Minister of Magic and the Interim Minister of Magic.

Harry looked at other news in the newspaper and saw Lord Johnny Silverhand cleaning up Knockturn Alley.

He remembered that Hagrid had once mentioned Lord Johnny Silverhand, and he had seen it in the school hospital.

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