After graduating, Percy entered the Ministry of Magic and successfully worked under Barty Crouch.

At first, Barty had doubts about this student, but he changed his mind about Percy after he was able to complete the work ahead of schedule every time.

In this Quidditch World Cup, Barty is going to bring Percy to work together.

Percy was very happy about this and told his parents about it.

Molly Weasley was affixing stamps to envelopes one after another, and after hearing this, she affixed a few more.

If there is one person in the Weasley family that Percy is most proud of, it must be Mrs. Weasley.

After hearing that Percy was at work, she worried: "Don't you have time for the World Cup that day?"

Percy said loudly: "Don't worry, Mom, the job Mr. Crouch gave me is very easy, and I can watch the game by the way."

Mr. Weasley also smiled when he heard this, "That's great."

The couple was very happy that Percy could watch the football game together.

The whites of Ron and the twins' eyes almost turned out to the sky. In the eyes of their mother, Percy was the best-behaved child.

Ginny imagined that she and Harry lived in the same house, and her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

While they were talking, Mrs. Weasley put a few more stamps on the envelope.

The envelope was full of stamps and was addressed to the Dursleys.

Mr. Weasley was going to take Harry to the Quidditch World Cup and was going to pick him up, so he sent a letter first.

Originally, Sirius wanted to pick him up, but his face was still swollen, so he had to hand it over to the Weasley family, but he would show up at the World Cup.

But they don’t know that a letter only needs a stamp.

"By the way, Ron, isn't there your classmate John Wick at Harry's place?" Mr. Weasley mentioned John. He had an extra ticket and he didn't want to waste it.

Ron was stunned and said in confusion: "He lives opposite Harry."

"That's great, we can take him to the World Cup with us." Mr. Weasley said excitedly: "He is your good friend, isn't he?"

"But John might not be short of tickets, he is so rich." Ron said subconsciously.

Percy nodded and said, "Ron is right, John has a ticket and he will show up that day."

"That's a shame," said Mr. Weasley regretfully. "I heard he was interested in my car."

When this matter was brought up, Mrs. Weasley's expression suddenly became dangerous.

Mr. Weasley wisely stopped mentioning the car. Instead, he paid attention to Percy and asked curiously: "Percy, are you familiar with John?"

Ron made sense. Percy and John were in too many grades apart. From Percy's tone, it seemed like they knew each other very well.

Ron was aware of this as well, he had no recollection of Percy and John having anything to do with each other.

The twins looked at Percy, not believing it either.

When mentioning this matter, Percy raised his chin and said with his head held high: "He and I are from the same club, he will definitely become a big shot."


Ron had no idea about this, so Percy clicked on the treasured badge and said, "Star Club."

Chapter 183 Overcoming obstacles and booming

Making a magic stone is not a simple matter.

John has been in the alchemy room for two weeks.

The cauldron in front of him burst into light, illuminating the room with lights of green, red, blue and purple.

As the light stopped, a blue stone appeared in the crucible.

"Zheshi, it seems that we still need to strengthen,"

Picking up the stone, the blue philosophy stone flows with light in the hand.

Not the red magic stone, this stone consumes the entire warehouse's materials.

Even so, John's expression remained unchanged, but he was a little disappointed.

Holding the Philosopher's Stone tightly, John could feel his magic power increasing.

This is the third philosophical stone he has made so far, and the first one was made into a wand and given to Nagini.

The second piece he embedded into the Sword of Silverwick.

With the third piece in his hand, John was going to do something else with it.

The silver ring turned into a limited glove, and he set the philosophy stone into the back of the glove.

With just one, the glove emits waves of blue light.

The other five magic crystals connect the magic power to the Philosopher Stone, increasing its power several times.

Just by raising his hand, John reshaped what was in front of him.

A teapot breaks down into its original clay, a chair into its wood.

Taking out the magic wand, with the blessing of magic crystal and philosophical stone, a simple crushing spell can crush things until nothing is left.

"It can increase the power of the spell by nearly one level."

By some estimates, the strength of John's Crushing Curse has increased by about one level.

Spell power amplifier.

The Limited Glove retracted the ring, and he raised his hand to hold it in the air.

The Sword of Silver Wick appeared out of thin air in his hand, and the silver blade had golden lines like broken marks.

"I need to add something."

He glanced at the sword body, which was covered with fire and electric arcs.

He whispered strange syllables in his mouth, "Climbing through thorns and thorns."

The sword body seemed to be covered with an invisible layer of thin glass, and it lightly scratched a piece of gold without leaving any trace.

John raised his eyebrows and reached out to pick up the gold.

One half has been cut open, and the other half has a smooth incision.

This is a powerful cutting spell he created, and the cut area cannot be restored with a repair spell.

"Permanent damage, what is stripped cannot be healed again."

It's better to say it's cutting than peeling it off for a better fit.

With one slash of John's sword, even the magic will be separated.

This is a very destructive magic.

Dispersing the magic, he added magic to the sword of Silver Wyk.

Engraved with new magic, the Sword of Silverwick becomes even more powerful.

After staying in the alchemy room for a while, John walked out and came to the office.

He has a new product in his hand, and he has the exclusive power.

The name is a bit domineering, and its functions are quite explosive in the magical world.

This thing is a one-time use and cannot be repaired later.

Once used, it is irreversible and will form a forbidden force field covering fifty meters.

Anyone in the force field will temporarily lose the ability to fly and apparate, and at the same time suppress the magic effect, whether it is themselves or others.

Of course, everything has exceptions. This necklace relies on magic crystal as a medium, which essentially covers the surrounding area with the magic power of magic crystal.

As long as the magic power can exceed this level, John has calculated that it is probably around level 4 magic power.

In other words, the people this thing can deal with are limited to this range.

Above this level, the authority to dominate will become ineffective.

Not many Stuff Johns were made, very rare.

He only keeps one in his office.

Tang Mi came over and saw something like a scepter, and was a little curious, but he suppressed it well.

"My lord, Mundungus has finished handling the advertising matter."

Mundungus was very active this time, probably because he wanted to gain favor for himself in front of Mr. Johnny Silverhand.

John nodded casually. The Quidditch World Cup was approaching, and Barty Crouch appeared in the newspapers more and more frequently.

It was a good sign that Peter Pettigrew seemed to be forgotten by everyone.

Pierce had searched near Azkaban, and he knew that Peter Pettigrew was an illegal Animagus, so he would catch all the rats.

The one who still remembers Peter Pettigrew, apart from the Ministry of Magic, is probably Sirius Black.

To regain his innocence, Sirius Black went to the Ministry of Magic.

In the past, he had always avoided hiding, but this time he went in openly, which made Sirius Black very uncomfortable.

With his face covered, he strongly requested the Ministry of Magic to let him search Azkaban.

The Ministry of Magic naturally refused this request. No one wanted to listen to other people's instructions.

Sirius was so angry that he wanted to curse, but he didn't know who to curse with his mouth open.

Fudge fell, and Scrimgeour was transferred.

Now there was no one in the Ministry of Magic to scold him, so he had no choice but to go back in frustration.

I heard that I also went to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Magical Injuries several times in the hope that the injuries on my face could be treated.

It's a pity that this is Snape's unique magic.

Only Snape can counter-curse, and he is still the most difficult person to deal with.

Finally, Dumbledore asked for help, and Snape was able to lift the spell.

The price was that Sirius was so humiliated that he was almost autistic.

John had a guess about Peter Pettigrew's escape, which reminded him of the Mark Summoning that Lucius had said before.

Probably going to find Voldemort.

"This life really belongs to Xiaoqiang, even if he doesn't die."

John clicked his tongue twice, and he could only say that the master and servant had strong vitality.

Not to mention Voldemort, I don't know where the Forest John is. He was surviving on Nagini's venom.

Later, Nagini was taken away by John, and Voldemort was unable to leave the cabin alone, but he was still alive to this day.

Peter Pettigrew had been fed so much Veritaserum that he was basically indistinguishable from a fool.

Under such circumstances, it is simply a miracle that Peter Pettigrew was able to escape.

When John lamented that the scourge had lasted for thousands of years, Peter Pettigrew appeared in the remote Albanian forest. He didn't know which unlucky guy he had snatched the wand from, and he was in a daze.

Time passes day by day.

August 22nd.

On this day, Watson had a lot of things going on.

The guy named ‘Investor’ took action against Hua.

It was a group of upper-class people who controlled a lot of resources, and they also controlled the London underground.

Even the influential figure Finn Wallace is just a pawn in their hands.

That's what happened when Finn Wallace's aggressive whitewashing attitude angered investors.

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