In addition, some of the letters that Basil brought back were from Tang Mi.

Basil must have seen it and brought it over.

It was written above that the investigation of Riddle's ancestral home and orphanage had begun.

John had warned that as long as he discovered it, he would be notified, and there was no need to investigate.

There is only one surname, and with Johnny Silver's current scale of power, it is only a matter of time before he can find out.

At the same time, there was another incident. Barty Crouch had not been back for a while due to official duties. When he returned this time, he found that his home had been invaded.

"Something happened to old Batty's family?"

John frowned. Old Batty was busy with official duties during this period, and his son was not at home, so he basically didn't go back.

And he fired the house elf, ruling out the possibility of the house elf returning.

Are you taking action against old Batty, or do you have other plans?

Chapter 199 Magic Level 5 and Fire Level 5

Harry had been communicating a lot recently, talking to Sirius.

Before school started, he developed pain in his wound and saw something in his dream.

He told Sirius about the pain in his scar, and Sirius was worried about him.

Originally, he wanted to tell Sirius about what happened in the dream, but then he remembered Malfoy's words.

"Potter, you should be confronting me, not your new nanny."

He hated Malfoy, but his words made Harry a little shaken.

He had indeed troubled too many people, and Hermione wanted to persuade him to tell Dumbledore.

Harry felt that he should not trouble Dumbledore too much.

In the end, he just told Sirius that he was just doing it because of psychological effects, which made Sirius dubious.

Hermione pulled Harry to work for the House Elf Rights Promotion Association. As long as two Sickles were needed, one could join, and at the same time, the money could be used for publicity.

It's a pity that even though it is so cheap, no one joins.

There are still a large number of people who think the three of them are crazy, and the most arrogant one is Malfoy.

He often laughed at Harry for holding the money jar like a beggar.

This made Harry feel very embarrassed.

After saying this, Malfoy would lean over, laugh while staring at the badge with SPEW written on it, and show off the exquisite and beautiful stars badge mockingly.

On the badge, the stars will also change.

Ron said angrily: "If you can let a guy like Malfoy in, the Star Club must not be that good."

Professor McGonagall gave them so much homework that they were almost buried in it.

Whenever they complain, Professor McGonagall will always look like this is for your own good.

Because they will take the O.W.L exam next school year.

This exam is very important.

Today is Defense Against the Dark Arts class. In fact, the last class was very interesting.

Especially for boys of this age, it is a very cool thing to see the three unforgivable curses.

In addition to being seen in class, I'm afraid it can only be seen in the dark wizard and Azkaban.

But surprisingly, Professor Moody announced that he would recite the Imperius Curse to each of his classmates in turn to demonstrate the power of the spell and see if they could resist its effects.

Using the Unforgivable Curse on the students, even the first class was not as crazy as this class.

Hermione thought this was going too far and questioned it.

"Dumbledore wants to let you feel it," Moody turned his magic eye and stared at Hermione and said, "If you are willing to learn in a more cruel way, wait for someone to recite this spell to you and completely control you. In the palm of your hand.”

"That's good, I agree, you can go."

Hermione blushed and lowered her head. In fact, she didn't want to miss this class.

After all, this is a practice for the Imperius Curse, and other classes don't have this.

John was a little confused, Dumbledore would agree?

Moody moved the tables to both sides and looked around, as if choosing who would be the best.

"Wick, you have been under this spell, you should understand it."

He looked at John as if he wanted John to come first.

Malfoy looked angry and wanted to rush up and question Moody loudly. This was naked revenge!

John looked calm and stood up indifferently and walked to Moody.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Moody's eyes were full of research.

Pointing the wand at John's chest, he said: "Imperio"

Being soul-snatched is a wonderful feeling, and John experienced this feeling in the first grade.

After reciting the spell, Moody had a hint of amusement in his eyes and controlled John to dance ballet.

When this thought came out, John looked at him calmly, as if looking at a fool.

"I think I've passed." With a calm expression, John was not controlled at all.

This shocked Moody, what a powerful personality this was.

"If this is just the class, I think I can go and do other things first."

Glancing at Moody lightly, John clearly saw the amusement in the other person's eyes, and without any expression, he walked out of the classroom in front of everyone's shocked and admired eyes.

John had not had a good impression of Moody since the beginning of school.

Originally, I had some respect for a legendary Auror.

It's a pity that his indiscriminate way of standing up for Harry ruined his goodwill.

Moody's face twitched and he watched John leave the classroom.

Malfoy was relieved to see this.

Moody sullenly called the other students over to take turns using the Imperius Curse.

At first, some students thought they could be like John, but after being cursed, some sang, some danced, and some thought they were squirrels.

It was Malfoy's turn, and he was full of contempt for those students.

It’s so shameful that you don’t even have this bit of self-control!

"I'm a horse bug."

Malfoy squatted there, his shoulders shaking, as if he was dancing.

Don't tell me, it's kind of pretty.

Horseworms are dancing bugs that are so flighty that they can't help but stop and chirp even when hunted.

So when some wizards curse people, they will say "horse chakra" meaningfully.


Harry couldn't help but shudder when his name was called and he saw Malfoy dancing there.

It's not that John left the classroom without problems, on the contrary, there were big things.

He's going to upgrade.

It's less than ten o'clock. Instead of messing around in the classroom, it's better to upgrade first.

After leaving the house, he headed straight to the Room of Requirement.

After starting the exercise, as he sat down on the last sit-up, the sound of escalation came to his ears.

[Ding, the magic power has been upgraded successfully, the current magic power is level 5]

Without stopping, John finished the other exercises.

When it was all done, he wiped away his sweat.

Looking at his own panel, he saw that upgrading to level 5 magic required 10,000 experience points, which made him feel dizzy.

"How long will it take to get through this just by practicing?" He looked distressed.

Although there is no hope of becoming invincible immediately, at least you have to be able to protect yourself in front of Voldemort.

He estimated that only at level 6 could he be confident of confronting Voldemort head-on.

Now the outcome was only 30-70. It took him three minutes to figure it out.

At least he has to be a real man for at least three minutes.

"I hope Voldemort won't be resurrected so soon." John sighed.

The magic level upgrade was slow, so John had to rely on his own skills.

There are two random points left, so you need to be careful with your point skills.

"Is there any kind of equal skill that can kill all living beings with one strike?"

Staring at the list of spells, John searched.

"Hey, Li Huo has been upgraded?"

Seeing that Li Huo's current level has reached level 5.

He was stunned. The magic spell that was used the least was definitely Li Huo.

The other magic spells are okay, Li Huo is so powerful that it will cause death or injury after it appears, and it is difficult to control.

Unexpectedly, as the magic power increased, Li Huo also increased.

"If we use severe fire, can all living beings be considered equal?"

Thinking of the power of the fierce fire, it can even burn down the Room of Requirement.

This is a summoned flame, and the user's control of it does not affect its power.

Touching his chin, John suddenly felt that there was a way.

Just by releasing the fierce fire, he has confirmed his identity as a dark wizard.

There will be a lot of trouble later.

Others, such as the crushing curse, although powerful, are still troublesome to make all living beings equal.

Avada Kedavra looks good, but it's still not good enough to deal with Voldemort.

"Transformation can focus on upgrading."

After watching it for a while, John closed the panel.

Now that his magic power has been upgraded, the power of his spells has also been greatly enhanced.

He experimentally used Li Huo. Compared with the time in the second grade, this time it was obviously easier to control.

"Is it because of elemental magic?"

Turning off the Lihuo, John felt that the magic power was quickly consumed.

When I walked out of the Requirement Room, it happened to be the end of get out of class.

Heading to lunch, John heard Malfoy's jumping curses.

Malfoy considered himself a horse bug and performed a dance in class.

He broke free from behind, but he still couldn't help but suspect that Moody did it on purpose.

Daphne also looked disgusted when the Imperius Curse was used, and she actually dressed up as a bunny in public.

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