At the top of the mountain, there is a cave where the Dragon Field is located.

As soon as he entered, John felt a lightness in his body.

The pressure belonging to the Dragon Land suddenly disappeared. In his eyes, there were many silver threads floating in the Dragon Field.

These threads all floated from one direction, it was a round stone.

The round stone seemed to have been placed for thousands of years, almost blending into the stone platform.

The surface of the boulder is smooth and rounded, as if it has been carefully polished.

But this is impossible.

John narrowed his eyes, the dragon shouldn't be able to do this.

They are good at destruction, and a town can be destroyed in less than half a day.

But asking them to polish a stone without any holes is tantamount to asking a giant monster to take the college entrance examination.

"Are these souls?"

He stared at the silver threads, which were formed from soul fragments.

The Spear of Thunder Implementation sent the dragon here and was ready to leave.

John was dumbfounded and asked hurriedly: "How do I get a name?"

He came with a mission, but he passed the test and still didn't get his name.

Thunder Spear seemed to think for a while and said seriously: "This requires your own efforts."


No matter how good-tempered I am, I can't help but scold the dragon. I have worked so hard to fight my way out, but you come here and let me work hard on my own?

Dumbledore is not as playful as you.

John took a deep breath to calm down.

He walked into the dragon farm. There was a lot of space inside. Even though John was now 55 feet tall, he could come in and out freely.

"It should be some kind of magic, similar to the Traceless Stretching Spell."

The well-informed John guessed that magic had been used here. He was surprised. The fire dragon could also use magic other than fire breathing?

He moved forward carefully, the silver thread fluttering in front of his eyes, and John reached out to touch it.

At this moment, his body was pulled away by a force.

This feeling was too familiar to him, it was exactly the same as when he met Nagini.

Under the pull of power, his transformation was lifted.

The body came to a new space, a place of desolation and silence.

Looking around, there was darkness.

John looked down and saw his hands that had transformed into humans, and a drop of cold sweat fell on his forehead. This was the first time that he had been deformed by an external force.

He saw a hill in the distance and took out his wand and waved it.

"Super fluorescent flash! (lumosMaxima)"

The ball of light flew into the sky and burst into light like a small sun.

Only then did he see that those were hills.

It was a dragon, and the bones and dragon corpses all over the place came into view.

"Things don't seem that simple."

He saw the corpses of those dragons. They were lifeless, and some of them were old and had turned into white bones.

Holding the wand tightly, John walked forward.

There was flat ground under his feet, and there were steps ahead.

The place he was on was a small mountain-shaped platform. After walking down, the size of the dragon corpses became more intuitive.

The smallest one was 50 feet tall, and he even saw a fire dragon whose bones alone were 100 feet tall.

This is a size that has never been seen in the magic world, and can even refresh the magic world's fire dragon record.

Where the dragon corpses were piled up, a road was separated in the middle, seemingly intentionally to allow latecomers to advance along the road.

Every step John took, he could see some dragons bearing marks of ancient magic.

These already show the years of sedimentation of the corpse.

Go all the way to a mountain.

John's steps paused, his expression solemn as never before.

"That's not a mountain." When he said this, he felt a dull pain in his back molars.

That mountain is a dragon.

A huge dragon as big as a mountain.

The most important thing is that the dragon moved.

The stones on the ground beat wildly, and John steadied himself.

A pair of huge eyes came into view.

Old and turbid, these are a pair of eyes without any sparkle.

"You're here." The silver dragon looked dazed for a while, and its voice made the stones on the ground beat again.

It was an old male voice, which made John wonder how long this dragon had lived.

"1007." As if he knew what John was thinking, the silver dragon said, "I have been waiting for your arrival."

"You know me?"

John was surprised. This old dragon seemed to have some kind of magic that could understand people's hearts.

"My name is Heimdall, the gatekeeper dragon, the observer of the future, the sage of the Dragon Land."

Different from the gentle flapping of ordinary dragon wings, John suddenly had sand and rocks flying in front of him.

John did not take action because he saw that Heimdall had no intention of attacking.

When Heimdall flew up, John discovered that there was no road behind it, but an abyss-like cliff.

"That is the final resting place of Gu Long."

Heimdall said: "The ancient dragon came to this place and died here."

"After the ancient dragon dies, a dragon king will be born among the giant dragons every one hundred years."

"It's been a thousand years now."

"Once a person with the same origin as you came to the Breathless Valley. He taught me how to prophesy. From those prophecies, I saw your arrival."

After Heimdall fell, the dust and moss on his body disappeared.

It looked up at the road it came from, "Buried here are the beings who once had the hope of becoming kings."

"These dragons may be powerful or smart, but without exception they are all killed by the stronger ones."

John hesitated and said, "What do you want me to do for you?"

He knew that Heimdall was not telling him this for no reason.

As for the king in Heimdall's words, John didn't think about himself at all.

After all, no matter how much he looks like a dragon, strictly speaking, he is still a human being.

So subconsciously, John felt that Heimdall wanted to accomplish something for him.

Just like the wizard Heimdall met once, presumably some kind of deal was reached between the two.

At the same time, he was curious about what kind of self he saw in Heimdall's prophecy.

Lowering his head, Heimdall's breath blew on John's face.

"I hope you pass this final test."

John didn't understand Heimdall's words. The final test?

Where are the tests?


John's eyes fell on the bottomless cliff, and he smiled mischievously: "The test you call is that you want me to jump off, right?"

He said half-jokingly, and Heimdall's head nodded.

John's heart sank and he was silent for a moment.

"Have you been down there?" John asked Heimdall.

Heimdall shook his head slightly and said sadly: "The dragon I valued most once entered it and never came out again."

"No one knows what's in there."

I don’t know if you still want me to go down?

John's eyebrows knitted together, and he actually laughed angrily.

You really treat others as fools, don't you? It's not like I have to help.

He took two steps back and prepared to leave directly.


[Ding, trigger the challenge mission, enter the cliff, get any point +2, blessing: unknown]

Two unknowns in one journey.

System, if you want to do this, it will make it very difficult for me.

John sighed, the system seemed excessive.

Chapter 234 Time Lock Pin and Rainbow Bridge

The reward is there, so John will naturally go for it.

He stood on the cliff and stared down. There seemed to be a flash of silver in the black.

"Soul fragment?"

He squinted his eyes to see more clearly.

Confirming that he saw it correctly, John had wings growing from his back.

Heimdall stayed there quietly while John jumped off the cliff.

There was a rush of wind in my ears, and my body dropped rapidly.

"How deep is this place?"

He felt that he had descended higher than the Land of Dragons.

The soul fragment was shaking and flying like an elf.

John followed the debris all the way to the bottom.

At this depth, John looked up and could not see the top.

"This way."

A man's voice sounded, and the soul fragments shook.

"Huh? And self-awareness?"

John's eyes were deep, and he suppressed the urge to use the Soul-Eating Curse to take away the soul, and he stepped forward.

The ground seemed to be made of a crystal-like material. He walked on it and felt a cold feeling coming from below.

It was like stepping on a frozen iron plate, and a biting chill penetrated the soles of the feet.

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