The elder Batty's name remained intact, meaning the attack was unsuccessful.

John asked calmly: "Does he know who he is?"

"Old Barty doesn't know either." Tang Mi said respectfully: "That person attacked from behind and wanted to control Old Barty with the soul-stealing curse. Old Barty carries an amulet with him to avoid being controlled by the soul-stealing curse."

The Imperius Curse is indeed hard to guard against, but fortunately Old Barty is cautious.

Ever since the house was invaded, Old Barty has been carrying the amulet with him.

He immediately fought back after being attacked. That person was quite strong.

As the former Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Old Barty is not weak.

After a quick confrontation with the enemy, Old Batty successfully repelled the man.

Tang Mi said: "He speculated that it might be a cruel dark wizard. Old Batty offended many people back then, and he didn't know who had this suspicion."

Barty Sr. made too many enemies. He was very popular back then. If it hadn't been for Barty Jr.'s incident, he would have been the Minister of Magic.

On the road to power, both political opponents and dark wizards hated him.

Now that he is trying to become the Minister of Magic again, it is inevitable that some people will be jealous of him and don't want him to succeed.

John nodded and traced Old Barty's name with his finger. His eyes were deep and he said, "Ask a few werewolves from the security team to follow Old Barty. You don't need to follow too closely. Aurors are not vegetarians."

Tang Mi signaled that he understood. John closed the book and asked, "Where is little Barty?"

"He seems to have changed a bit in the secret garden." Tang Mi hesitated for a while and said, "He tried to escape. Do you want to take him back to Silver Hand Manor?"

Due to the Death Eater attack on the manor, Barty Jr. was moved to Knockturn Alley.

But this is not safe. Little Barty is an outstanding wizard in his own right. He may find a way to escape from the garden.

When John heard this, he also knew that this matter needed to be resolved.

He went to the Secret Garden, which was in a doorless house in Knockturn Alley.

John walked toward the wall, walking through it as if he were walking into Platform Nine and Three Quarters.

As soon as you enter, the colorful flowers are very beautiful.

It is more believable to say that it is a garden than a prison.

Little Barty is here, sitting on a bench in a daze.

John's arrival made him raise his eyes, and the hatred in his eyes was mixed with a hint of complexity.

"What are you doing here?" Little Barty snorted coldly, "Did he ask you to come?"

That ‘him’ naturally refers to old Batty.

As a parent, no matter how hard-hearted Old Barty is, he will always leave a touch of tenderness for his son.

While being imprisoned, Barty Sr. often visited Barty Jr.

Every time, the father and son could not talk properly.

Old Barty hated iron, but he was willing to fall into the company of Death Eaters even though he was his son.

Little Barty resented his father's neglect since he was a child, and also resented his father's distrust.

During the more than ten years of being imprisoned, Barty Jr. gradually erased the image of his father and replaced it with the image of Voldemort.

Voldemort, like him, had the same father he didn't want to admit.

After years of loneliness and unconsciousness, little Barty regarded Voldemort as his father.

When John walked in, Barty's first thought was his severed left hand, which was his only connection with Voldemort.

John ignored the hatred in little Barty's eyes. He picked a delicate rose and twirled it between his fingers.

"I just came to see you and confirm something."

Approaching little Barty, John's eyes under the silver mask seemed to be examining something.

When he approached, little Barty immediately pounced on him like a mad dog.

It's a pity to stop in front of John.

The thorny vines wrapped around little Barty's body, the rose thorns scratched the skin, and the blood seeped in and became brighter red.

John looked at the bereaved dog's appearance with great interest. He chuckled and said, "It seems that you know something. You thought well. The person you are loyal to is back."

Little Barty stopped struggling, with surprise and enthusiasm in his eyes.

Like a brainwashed mad believer, he screamed piercingly.

"He's back, he's back!"

The broken voice roared to vent his emotions.

John impatiently stuffed the rose rhizome with spikes directly into his mouth. The spikes scratched his lips, causing his voice to stop abruptly.

"Be quiet." He stretched out a finger and shook it, and John sneered: "Do you think he will come to save you?"

Without waiting for little Barty to answer, John said to himself: "Unfortunately, no, a group of Death Eaters tried to rescue you, but they failed."

Seeing the anger coming out of little Barty, John chuckled and said, "I had a headache how to find him. Maybe you can be a good breakthrough."

Little Barty's throat was cut by a sharp thorn, and he said hoarsely: "Fart, you are no match for adults!"

"Are you sure?" John took some time to straighten the crooked collar of little Barty, who couldn't move. He leaned close to his ear and whispered in a low voice: "Then why are you shaking?"

"Are you afraid that the arrogant Voldemort will be in trouble because of you? Or are you afraid that... he will be defeated?"

As soon as he finished speaking, little Barty ignored his injured throat and shouted: "You absolutely can't!"


John joked: "I've killed him twice."

He saw that little Barty's body was shaking.

John's arrogant, contemptuous, and disdainful attitude towards Voldemort made little Barty feel bad.

Fear fills the entire brain.

Little Barty suddenly had a rebellious idea.

If Voldemort really failed, what would he do?

Was Voldemort, who was invincible in his mind, really killed twice by the person in front of him?

No, impossible, absolutely impossible!

His trembling body lowered his head, and he didn't even notice that the thorns on his body had disappeared.

He held his head and tried to expel the thought, but the more he thought about it, the clearer that possibility appeared in his mind.

This is the effect John wants, he wants to completely destroy Voldemort in Barty's mind.

Only by killing Voldemort in little Barty's heart can little Barty be obedient.

If little Barty escapes, it will deal a blow to his inner image of the incomparably majestic Voldemort, and his suspicion of Voldemort will drive him gradually crazy.

If he didn't escape, he would just wait here to attract more Death Eaters.

This is a conspiracy.

To this end, John quietly used Dreams of the Same Heart to plant a seed in little Barty's consciousness.

When Voldemort fails in front of him, he will completely give up his belief in Voldemort.

John stared at little Barty with his deep eyes, and he turned around and left the secret garden.

Castle corridor.

Heinrich casts an opening spell on the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

When he walked into the office, there was a magic mirror in front of him.

A faint smell of wine enters the tip of the nose with the mellow aroma of grapes.

That's the aroma of top wine.

Heinrich followed the smell and looked for it, and a delicate and beautiful wine bottle appeared in front of him.

There was less than half a bottle of wine left inside.

His eyes fell on the unique Silver Hand Wine Cellar logo number.

His eyes darkened, and he was sure of something.

When he turned around and was about to go out, his steps paused.

His eyes fell on a large box.

He was keenly aware that something was wrong.

He walked over to the box, took out his wand and pointed it at the box.


The multiple locks on the box made a clicking sound.

As the locks opened one by one, to the last one.

Heinrich moved closer to get a closer look.


"Who's there?"

Chapter 240 Counterattack and Public Opinion

The door to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office was pushed open.

Moody walked in on his wooden leg.

At a glance, Heinrich was seen in front of the box. His eyes swept over and found that the lock of the box was unlocked.

Moody's expression changed, and he quickly walked over and grabbed Heinrich's collar, causing him to hit the table, knocking over the things on the table.

"Edgar, you dare to come to my office, what are your intentions!" He yelled, spitting.

Heinrich said calmly: "Sorry, Professor, I came to ask you about Defense Against the Dark Arts homework and came in without permission."

Instead of being embarrassed by being caught, he minimized the problem.

Moody's magic eye swept over the box and then over Heinrich's body.

After confirming that nothing was stolen, he let go.

Heinrich looked sick and adjusted his robe.

Moody said gruffly: "You shouldn't have entered my office without permission. Fifty points will be deducted!"

Heinrich did not leave. He was not a Slytherin student now, so the points could not be deducted from Durmstrang anyway.

Staring at the box behind Moody, he asked, "Professor, what's hidden there?"

His eyes tried to see through the box to see what was inside.

Moody roared: "Another 50 points!"

He was so angry that he completely forgot that Heinrich was not a Hogwarts student.

With this attitude, he obviously didn’t want people to continue asking.

Heinrich looked at Moody quietly and left before he could get angry.

After Heinrich left, Moody hurried over and closed the door and locked it.

After finishing everything, he walked to the box on his wooden legs.

He put his hand on the box and muttered: "He won't find out."

There’s only one last day left until the Easter holidays.

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