Chapter 247 Resurrection and Horse

As Harry watched, Cedric, who was supposed to be dead, was miraculously okay.

The pierced figure gradually turned into mist and dispersed.


The magic created to deal with the first item saved Cedric's life.

"Harry, be careful."

Cedric looked at the man who easily deflected two spells with a solemn expression.

"Fun little magic."

With a chuckle, the man looked in the other direction and said, "But I didn't expect you to chase me. You shouldn't be so irrational."

Heinrich stepped out of the shadows, clenched the wand in his hand, and said in a cold voice: "You are responsible for all this."

"Aldolf Edgar."

He stared at the man with his eyes fixed on him, and the man smiled slightly.

Neatly styled black hair, handsome features.

He looked like an aristocratic man who would sit in a wine cellar with his legs crossed and sip fine wine. Time had not left much mark on this man's face.

But the hideous burns at the corners of his eyebrows ruined his perfection.

"My dear little Edgar, don't you even want to call me uncle? It seems that you took away the gift I left for the lucky guy."

"You should be dead. Many Death Eaters were killed in that fire." Heinrich asked.

Altulf Edgar shrugged and said: "Your father is much smarter than you. He never believed that I would die so generously."

Mentioning his brother, a soft light flashed in Aldolf's eyes and he chuckled: "He still keeps my wine cellar and my favorite bottles of wine. He hasn't touched them at all."

"As for the fire you said is true, the dead Death Eaters are also real Death Eaters."

Not caring that he was still holding the Death Eater's master, Altdorf smiled solemnly, "I told those weaklings that occupying this place would be a condition of negotiation with the Ministry of Magic, and they really believed it."

"That day the Ministry of Magic invaded Rogge Village. They wanted to ask for mercy. I used a big fire to pull everyone into the abyss."

His voice was like sharp ice hanging from the eaves, waiting to pierce the head of a passer-by.

"Those idiots are worthless, but they can get me out of here pretty well."

He smiled.

Altolf Edgar inherited all of Edgar's paranoia and madness. He was a madman.

An elegant painter depicts the stormy hell scene with his brush.

When Harry heard all this, he thought this man looked like a madman.

"How did you tamper with the maze?" Harry wondered why something went wrong after the professors checked it.

Altdorf looked at Harry with interest and said, "It's very simple, it only requires a little magic."

As he spoke, the features on his face squirmed.

The originally handsome face turned into Moody's face, and then squirmed again, turning into the same face as Harry's.

Harry was stunned, and immediately figured out what was going on, and loudly said, "You were the one who threw my name into the Goblet of Fire."

"This ability is very interesting, isn't it?" Altdorf said, raising an eyebrow in Harry's face.

A voice came from his arms, and Voldemort said impatiently: "Aldolf, hurry up and complete the task."

"Of course, my master." Altdorf curled his lips and lowered his wand casually.

Only then did others notice what Altdorf was holding.

That voice made Harry think of something bad.

Heinrich said coldly: "It's useless. I have contacted others and the Ministry of Magic will be here soon."

"But it's not that fast, is it?" Altdorf said lazily: "There's enough time."

Dark golden eyes swept over the three of them.

Harry felt like he was being targeted by a vicious beast.

The next second, Altdorf moved.

Even with Voldemort in his arms, he was still so powerful.

Harry saw the man turn into a ball of black smoke and move forward. Before he could react, he was hit by a banishing spell and flew backwards.

Cedric was startled, but fortunately he and John had also fought before, so he reacted quickly and used the disarming spell.

Altdorf launched an attack and was about to attack again when a magic spell shot from behind him. He raised his eyebrows and moved twenty feet away with a bang, waving his wand.

Heinrich's feet were in the air, and his body floated. It was a floating spell.

The moment his body floated into the air, he immediately counterattacked, using the Iron Armor Curse to defend against the Disarming Curse.

Cedric used the Transfiguration Spell to create a stumbling block, which Altdorf easily jumped over and waved his wand.

The statue on the tombstone swung a scythe and nearly cut off Cedric's head.

He and Heinrich looked at each other, and the two of them attacked in tacit agreement.



Heinrich waved his wand, and the flames ignited and turned into a wall of fire.

Cedric turns stones into bullets.

Altdorf drew a circle with his wrist, and a tombstone flew in front of him to block the stones.

Then he cast an extinguishing curse on the wall of fire, and the flames disappeared instantly. Altdorf's Cruciatus Curse hit Cedric and made him fall to the ground, and he used the Sleeping Curse to knock out Heinrich.

Total defeat.

Facing the former deputy of the Dark Lord, the gap between the two students was too great.

Feeling of powerlessness.

Raising his wand, Harry, who had struggled to get up, was tied up by ropes and unable to move.

Cedric was in agony. Blood vessels are clearly visible on the face.

"Hurry up." There was urgency in Voldemort's voice.

A stone cauldron flew over.

The wound on Harry's forehead hurt like never before.

Altdorf pointed below the crucible, the fire burned, and the liquid inside the crucible bubbled.

Opening the bundle he was holding, Harry finally saw clearly what it was.

A complete freak.

His wound hurt even more when the thing appeared.

Altdorf didn't look at Harry for long before he threw it into the pot, as if he were throwing a dead chicken into the stew pot.

He seemed to be performing some kind of ceremony, muttering something in his mouth, "I have no intention of donating my father's bones so that your son can be reborn."

The tomb opened beneath Harry's feet, and a small cloud of dust flew up gently and fell into the cauldron.

Red sparks flew from the crucible.

“The flesh of your servant, a voluntary donation, may restore the life of your master.”

As if he didn't care, Altdorf cut off his left ring finger and dropped it into the crucible.

The potion in the cauldron turned red, and bright light pierced Harry's eyes.

The blood stopped instantly, and Altdorf's expression did not even change during the whole process.


Harry struggled wildly. He didn't know what to do, but his intuition told him that he had to stop it.

“The blood of your enemies, forced to give, will revive your enemies.”

His sleeve was torn, followed by a bleeding gash on his arm.

Blood flowed out from inside and finally flew into Altdorf's hands.

Altdorf poured the blood into the crucible, and the liquid inside immediately turned a blinding white.

After doing all this, Altdorf easily pulled up his left sleeve.

On his arm, there was a logo that Harry had seen at the World Cup.

The mark began to turn black, and then the movement in the crucible ended.

A vast expanse of white vapor blurred the vision, revealing the black figure of a man, tall and thin, like a skeleton.

After he appeared, Altdorf picked up the robe that had been prepared and put it on the man.

After taking a few steps back, Altdorf knelt down on one knee, looked up at the man, and said with enthusiasm: "My master, you are finally back."

Harry saw the man's face clearly, it was the man he had been dreaming about for three years.

Paler than a skull, his eyes were red, his nose was as flat as a snake's, and his nostrils were two thin slits.

Oh, he has no nose!

That identity is about to come out.


Looking at Altdorf, Voldemort had a rare smile on his face and said: "Aldolph, my most loyal follower, I once thought you would abandon me."

Altdorf chuckled and said: "Of course not. If my nephew hadn't gone to Hogwarts, maybe we would have missed it."

This made Voldemort very satisfied and said in a solemn tone, "Let me see who else is loyal to me."

Altdorf shrugged. He had called.

The waiting period made Voldemort very dissatisfied.

Those people came too slowly.

So he resorted to traditional villain skills.

Mouth escape.

"Harry Potter, you are standing over my father's bones."

Voldemort hissed softly: "He is a Muggle and an idiot, just like your mother..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a movement.


Something broke.

Voldemort looked for the sound and saw a shaky figure standing up.

He looked over with interest and said to Altdorf: "Another Edgar, he is just like you."

Heinrich stood up, his brain a little dazed.

Holding a blue gemstone in his left hand, he held the necklace with his right hand and pulled hard.

Heinrich looked at Cedric who was gradually recovering and shouted: "Cedric!"

Cedric looked hard and saw him pulling off the necklace.

"Sole power!"

A powerful magic enveloped the entire cemetery.

The next second.

Heinrich covered his arm with a silver ring on his right hand and waved his wand.

The magic power of five magic crystals is crazily injected into the wand.

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