Just when Mundungus was about to die, the hand finally let go.

Mundungus breathed the air greedily as if he had been granted amnesty.

"You've been fired, Mundungus."

The cold voice was like a death sentence.

Mundungus was stunned. He crawled to John's feet and cried loudly: "Sir, I didn't do anything. Why should I do this?"

"Didn't do it?" There was a sneer from under the mask, and then a report hit Mundungus' face.

When Mundungus saw the name 'Pudgy Surf Training' on it, he knew he was screwed.

He even forgot to cry, and he couldn't even speak if he wanted to.

He looked as funny as a clown.

John stared at him and said: "Spit out everything that belongs to Johnny Silverhand, and everything will be confiscated from you."

With one word, John brought Mundungus back to his former self.

No matter how much Mundungus cried, it was of no avail.

John wouldn't keep a nail around.

Mundungus was dragged away like a heir, and the overalls belonging to Johnny Silverhand were taken off.

Throw it naked into the street.

Tang Mi said coldly: "You'd better get the funds back quickly."


Mundungus shuddered, wondering where he had the funds.

He spent all that money.

Used to buy the Flying Magic Carpet, because Jin said that they were going to import some goods for sale.

But after buying it, he discovered that traveling on these flying magic carpets was prohibited.

This conspicuous form of transportation is now not allowed in this country.

Those magic carpets couldn't be sold at all, and they were almost moldy in your hands.

This also means that Mundungus can only pay out of his own pocket, but if he had money, he would not use fake projects to defraud banks of angel investment money.

"It's all over."

Mundungus wanted to escape, but he remembered the terrifying power of Johnny Silverhand. If he dared to escape, he would die on the roadside within three days.

He couldn't think of any solution at all. Could it be that he could only wait for death?

Despair spread throughout his body, and everything about him was in vain today.

He regretted extremely why he was greedy for a moment.

Old Barty's election was approaching, and John held an application form for werewolf community councilor in his hand.

There is a werewolf community under his jurisdiction. After spending money during this period, that place not only opened a kindergarten class, but also provided positions for werewolves.

A werewolf massage parlor run by a werewolf is very popular.

After the birth of Wolfsbane Potion, the problem of werewolf discrimination was alleviated.

But it cannot completely eliminate discrimination, which John does not want to do.

Even in Muggle society, there is discrimination between skin colors that is difficult to eradicate.

What he wants is to use the power of this community to increase votes for Old Batty.

The first step is to let the werewolf gain this power.

The best way is to let the werewolves elect a councilor.

This councilor is responsible for the werewolves, similar to the werewolf leader.

This force is not small, on the contrary, it has unlimited potential.

As for the issue of werewolf discrimination, many in the Ministry of Magic advocate the elimination of discrimination.

Werewolves are different from house elves. House elves are born this way and become house elves after being baptized by war.

Most werewolves are forced to become werewolves, especially those within the werewolf community. Although the culprit has been sent to Azkaban, many young werewolves are victims.

As long as they can maintain human thinking, many people are willing to fight for a place for the poor werewolf.

John heads to a werewolf community, his first time there in person.

In the past, subordinates were held responsible.

It's said to be a community, but it's actually more like a community like Hogsmeade.

As soon as Old Jack heard that Johnny Silverhand was coming in person, he was extremely excited.

Several little boys who were adopted by him came over.

They were all victims of werewolf bites and were instilled with some thoughts of hating wizards. Fortunately, Old Jack adopted them and corrected them in time.

In their view, Johnny Silverhand is like a savior who saved their lives and fed them.

"Sir Johnny Silverhand." Old Jack saluted respectfully.

He was older than when we first met.

He opened the werewolf massage parlor to help werewolves who had no jobs.

His magic is not powerful, but it is very powerful.

The werewolves also consider him their leader.

"Old Jack, your place is getting very lively."

John smiled and took the people up. He looked around. Old Jack was managing well.

This also reassured John to give him the application form.

Looking at the application form, Old Jack was shocked.

"S-Sir, is this true?" Old Jack couldn't believe his eyes.

A werewolf who has been discriminated against can one day become a member of the Ministry of Magic?

John chuckled and said: "It depends on you. The Ministry of Magic will come in to review it after a while. I hope you can show your best attitude."

In fact, there is no need to be too enthusiastic. As long as the people at the Ministry of Magic know that the werewolves have curbed their aggression, everything will be easy.

But Old Jack was still grateful, and John went back after experiencing a werewolf massage.

After he returned, Old Jack was still immersed in excitement.

But after a while, someone came to the door.

As soon as Old Jack saw this man, his old face suddenly fell.

"What are you doing here?" Old Jack said coldly.

The person who came here was a little more haggard than when he was Johnny Silverhand, and he was not wearing that suit, but an ordinary one.

Lupine looked at the alert old Jack, smiled bitterly and said, "I want to talk to you."

"What are you talking about? You ungrateful guy, Mr. Johnny Silverhand worked for you, how did you repay him!" Old Jack puffed his beard and glared, extremely angry.

Werewolves are proud to be able to work in Johnny Silverhand's store. Lupine quits Johnny Silverhand's store, which makes Old Jack very angry.

Lupine was instructed by Dumbledore to recruit werewolves from the werewolf community.

Dumbledore knew that once Voldemort returned, werewolves would also be among Voldemort's targets.

Just like giants, werewolves are also a powerful fighting force.

But Dumbledore underestimated one thing.

The werewolves are different now. With the help of Johnny Silverhand's funds, the werewolves are no longer what they used to be.

What's more, now Old Jack has also received an application form from the Ministry of Magic. This is a good opportunity to change the status of werewolves, and he will not let it go.

Lupine still wanted to persuade, but Old Jack was already scolding.

"Seven, Ais, see you off!"

After being scolded by Old Jack, Lupine had to be sent out by two young werewolves, a boy and a girl.

Old Jack adopted a total of six werewolf children.

They are Chudai, Jack, Sophie, Seven, Aisi and Tyro.

Chudai is the oldest, and he also became a werewolf after receiving magic education, and founded a kindergarten education in the werewolf community.

Zoffie trained with a werewolf security guard at Johnny Silverhand's store and aspired to become the security captain.

Jack was the first to enroll at Hogwarts.

Old Jack's six children are known as the Six Werewolf Brothers.

Chapter 264 The Savior and the Savior in the Clouds

Lupine's attitude towards Old Jack was very helpless. As a werewolf, he used to be friends with Old Jack.

In the most difficult time, it was old Jack who gave him a place to live and clothes.

He was full of gratitude to old Jack. This old man was not a victim of Fenrir Greyback. He would choose to stay in the werewolf community in order to help the young werewolves.

The werewolf community has changed for the better now, and is no longer full of hatred for wizards as it used to be.

That's why Lupine wants to protect this place even more. Once Voldemort comes here, I'm afraid the werewolves will be harmed again.

More and more werewolves are gathering in the werewolf community, and this force cannot be ignored.

Johnny Silverhand is full of mystery. No one knows whether he will be as ambitious as Voldemort.

As the second king, it is difficult not to be feared.

The day after being kicked out, Lupine returned to the werewolf community again.

The Order of the Phoenix has sent him news that this is his last chance.

After today, he would go to pick up Harry with the others.

The Dementor attack made the Order of the Phoenix even more vigilant. As the savior who defeated Voldemort, Harry's safety was paramount.

This was Lupine's promise to Dumbledore, and as a Marauder, to James and Lily.

Both he and Sirius were determined to die for Harry at any time.

After supervising Tyro's homework, Old Jack heard a knock on the door.

The smiling face suddenly disappeared.

Just as he was about to curse, Lupine said with great sincerity: "Old Jack, can you give me a few minutes? After this time, I will never bother you again."

After swallowing the words that came to his lips, Old Jack looked at Tyro's sleepy little head inside, then walked out and closed the door.

Old Jack said warily: "Tell me, what are your plans?"

"Old Jack, I want to know why you resisted." Lupine said bitterly, "I said, the mysterious man is back, and Dumbledore can guarantee your safety."

"Dumbledore," said Old Jack impatiently, "he won't let my children get a fair shake."

"But Johnny Silverhand is a dangerous man. You should know that he is a dark wizard. He has killed many people."

"Shut up!" Old Jack was extremely angry, but in order to make Lupine give up, he decided to let Lupine watch something.

So he walked forward.

Lupine looked stunned, and Old Jack raised his chin, signaling for him to follow.

Walking in the werewolf community, two people appeared one behind the other.

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