Was he ready to give up on Malfoy?

Is he going to kill me?

All kinds of random thoughts buzzed around Narcissa like harassing flies.

John snapped his fingers, and Narcissa's chaotic thoughts were calmed.

She stared at John and asked: "Qiang, why do you want to contact Draco? Lucius has already done something for you."

"Contact Draco?" John laughed, "You should understand the cause and effect."

"It's not because Draco is Lucius's son that I get in touch with him, but because Lucius is Draco's father, I will give him a chance."

Rubbing the ring, John looked indifferent.

Narcissa took a deep breath and asked seriously: "I have only one question, what is Draco to you?"

She was very scared. Could it be that the other party wanted to use his son to threaten the Malfoy family.

"Friends." John knew what she was thinking and said seriously, "He and I are friends, the kind of friendship that costs everything."

Narcissa breathed a sigh of relief. Although she didn't have Legilimency, she could tell that John meant what he said.

Thinking of her son's changes over the years, Narcissa sincerely thanked her: "Thank you, Draco can have a friend like you."

"No thanks, friends are friends." John shook his head and said, "I came to you this time because I have something to ask."

"Can I ask a question first?" Narcissa didn't dare to ask as much as she did just now. She asked with some caution: "Why are you being honest with me?"

John said: "Because I think you need a sense of security right now."

"A sense of security?" Narcissa asked.

John looked at her and said: "The Malfoy family is on the verge of danger. This is how I express my trust in the Malfoy family."

Narcissa's expression was moved and she said solemnly: "Thank you again."

"Back to the topic," John tapped his fingers on the table, and the spilled coffee disappeared, and he said, "About your family, Black."

"Black?" Narcissa was stunned, "I have been away from that place for many years."

"I want to know information about the Black family's heirs, your brothers and sisters."

“That’s important to me,” John said.

He wanted to know who brought the Horcrux into Black's old house.

"Well, I don't know where to start," Narcissa recalled briefly, "Black's generation has two sons and three daughters."

"The eldest daughter, Bellatrix Black, she married Rodolphus Lestrange and became a Death Eater."

"The second daughter, Andromeda Black, married a Muggle wizard and was removed from the family tree."

"The third daughter, who is me, Narcissa Black, marries Lucius."

"Black was a pure-blood, which offended my cousin, Sirius Black, who ran away from home and was eventually removed from the family tree by his mother."

"The Black family are basically all Slytherins, only Sirius Black is a Gryffindor, which is even more annoying."

Speaking of this matter, Narcissa made no secret of her disgust.

John shrugged. This was equivalent to Weasley becoming a Slytherin. The two families were really at odds with each other.

Mentioning the last person, Narcissa's eyes showed sadness, which was completely different from when she mentioned Sirius just now.

"Regulus Black, the most favored child among the Blacks, has always been our pride. Every choice he makes is liked by everyone. He is a Slytherin and joined the Death Eaters at the age of 16. , following the glory of the Dark Lord, his parents are proud of him."

"He is different from us, I know." Narcissa's eyes were red, she really liked this cousin.

"He is very good to Kreacher and has a strong sense of family responsibility. That's why he joined the Death Eaters."

"Until one day, he died. No one knew how he died. His mother became crazy because of this."

Narcissa choked up a little when talking about this incident, "He is such a good child. I am very scared. I am afraid that Draco will die in an unknown way like him."

She revealed what had always been a knot in her heart: her once favorite brother died inexplicably at the hands of the Dark Lord.

They couldn't even see Regulus Black's body, so they knew nothing.

"From that day on, everything changed." Narcissa stared blankly at the black hair of the boy in front of her, as if she saw her younger brother. "Two years later, Voldemort fell."

John was silent about death.

"Is it possible that Regulus brought something back, or Bellatrix?" John wanted to know what the Horcrux was.

Narcissa shook her head and said, "I don't know. Bellatrix was imprisoned in Azkaban. She followed the Dark Lord before and basically never went back. During that time, only Regulus was there."

"About Regulus, I think you need to ask Kreacher. He knows better than me."

"Kreacher is the Black house elf."

"Thank you for your help." John stood up.

Narcissa stood up and shook hands with her.

After saying goodbye to Narcissa, John felt that he could basically lock in two people.

Chapter 283 Prefect and Friends

After sitting there thinking for a while, John stood up and picked up "The Tales of Beedle the Bard".

"Maybe I can try another way..." he murmured to himself.

His eyes fell on the gardener planting flowers by the garden. John walked over and said, "Very beautiful flowers."

"No matter how beautiful the flowers are, they are just covering up the rotting corpse in the soil." The gardener said lifelessly.

"Bright flowers bloom on the rotten and smelly soil," John chuckled. "Perhaps this is the meaning of sacrifice."

The gardener paused his hand, remained silent for a while and said, "Maybe that's right."

"Do you mind if I take one?" John asked.

The gardener said nothing. John walked over in the garden and broke off a rose.

Nodding slightly to the gardener, John left along the path.

The gardener standing there was holding a shovel in one hand and his empty sleeve in the other hand. He raised his head to reveal his pale face.

Barty Crouch Jr.

When John returned home, he saw that the number of people outside his home had changed from dozens to three people now.

One of them was the tall man whom I had met last time.

When they saw John coming back, they said respectfully, "Master."

Walking into the home, the couple was discussing whether to buy a new house.

"You lived well, why did you leave?"

John looked confused, and Watson rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

Mrs. Wick said: "There's no place to put the wizard's chess piece you sent."

It turned out to be this reason.

John looked at his father, and he knew it was his father's idea without even thinking.

Hua Sheng said confidently: "Why don't you buy it and not use it? It will cost a lot of money!"

"I don't think it's going to be more expensive than a house where you can store a wizard's chess set."

He glanced at his father with disdain. In fact, John had no requirements for where to live.

What's more important is that John has cast a lot of magic in this house. If he changes the house, it will need to be rearranged, which is very troublesome.

In front of his father, John shrunk the golden wizard chess pieces that were the same size as everyone else.

The old man screamed miserably, holding on to the king and refusing to let go.

The golden king also hugged Watson.

In Wizard's Chess, the king is most special because he takes the shape of Watson and can move around the chessboard.

"Honey, look at him quickly." Watson complained to Mrs. Wick.

Mrs. Wick felt a little in the way, and then she could see the golden Mrs. Wick walking down.

The golden king, who had refused to let go just now, immediately let go and was taken away by the golden queen.

Watson was isolated and helpless, and said without tears, "At least leave one for me."

The chess pieces were shrunk one by one and put into the chess box. John thought for a while, took out the golden king and silver king separately and threw them to the ground.

After the two kings, one gold and one silver, landed, they turned into adults and stood at the door.

Watson finally felt better and ran over to look at his handsome face.

The remaining chess pieces were put away by Watson as if they were treasures. Judging from his posture, it seemed that he wanted to throw the chess pieces down to see if they would grow bigger.

But it wasn't long before Mrs. Wick took it away.

Back in the attic, John sees Basil flying in.

As a messenger, Basil has been lacking in training recently.

Tom chased his tail, and when he saw Basil, he ran to chase after Basil, but was stunned by Basil's wing.

Opening the letter that Basil brought back, John scanned it. It was the school start notice and book list.

"Looks like Ozzie Heard has passed."

He glanced at the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook "Dark Arts, Defense, Guide", which is a textbook for Auror training.

Putting the letter down, John's badge vibrated slightly.

I tapped the badge to see if someone was sending a message or in a group chat.

Draco Malfoy: "I'm a Prefect!"

Daphne Greengrass: "How could it be you!"

Draco Malfoy: "?"

Daphne Greengrass: "Where's John? Why not John?"

Draco Malfoy: "You too?"

Daphne Greengrass: "Shut up!"

Cedric Diggory: "Is Draco the prefect in Slytherin? I thought it was definitely John. After all, Draco's popularity is not very suitable."

Draco Malfoy: "Hey, Cedric, have some respect for your prefects."

Cedric Diggory: "Sorry, I'm the president."

Draco Malfoy: "?"

Percy Weasley: "I really miss it, I used to be the guild president."

Draco Malfoy: "..."

Fleur Delacour: "Come on, I'm just a prefect, and I'm still a Beauxbatons warrior."

Neville Longbottom: "I wonder who the prefect is in Gryffindor."

Draco Malfoy: "Tch, it's not you anyway."

The group chat atmosphere became lively, and everyone was busier during the holidays.

John smiled, it seemed that Malfoy was not affected by Voldemort.

Fleur Delacour: "I got a job at Silver Hand Angel Investment, where there was a drawer of letters every day. It gave me a headache."

Percy Weasley: "There's always some little problem coming in from the office that makes me have to run around."

Neville Longbottom: "Many relatives came to my house. They were all celebrating Mom and Dad's awakening. Grandma was very happy."

Daphne Greengrass: "Astoria seems to be in love with someone recently, and an owl keeps flying into her room."

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