Chapter 290 Sybil and Umbridge

The fifth grade has an important task, the O.W.L. exam, which is related to students' graduation.

Therefore, fifth grade is also a time with heavy tasks.

For John, these are not very important.

Even if it wasn't for the reward of the annual mission, he might as well not have come.

The professors also knew this. As the monster who always dominated the rankings, they turned a blind eye to John's paddling behavior in class.

For example, Muggle Studies and Arithmancy were two subjects that John barely attended any classes.

The subject professor had no objection, after all, John's test scores were still first.

Professor Flitwick of Charms would sometimes discuss the application of spells with John, and John benefited a lot from Professor Flitwick.

As the champion of the duel competition, Professor Flitwick adopts an academic fighting style.

He has high attainments in individual combat and creation.

"Mr. Wick, your idea is very good. Flexible application of transformation can indeed occasionally produce unexpected good effects." Professor Flitwick said sharply, "I have seen a wizard win a competition by conjuring a banana peel. Victory, even he didn’t expect that the opponent would step on it when he cast the spell.”

John meets Professor Flitwick during get out of class and talks to him.

The two chatted happily, and Professor Flitwick said: "You want to go to the divination class? Professor Trelawney is the most special among the faculty."

He looked around. John lowered his head when he saw this, and heard Professor Flitwick say carefully: "Actually, none of us thought that Dumbledore would let her join the job. She sometimes, uh, looks like that kind of Muggle The fortune teller here.”

Professor Flitwick said it tactfully, and John chuckled: "Professor Trelawney sometimes does not match her professionalism."

"The Ministry of Magic has sent an investigator to investigate the education situation at Hogwarts," Professor Flitwick said. "Professor Trelawney may be in trouble."

Although she sometimes felt like Trelawney was a liar, Professor Flitwick gave her a friendly reminder.

The person named Umbridge came with bad intentions. She wandered around various schools, holding a pen and writing something there.

Although Professor Flitwick is short, his brain is undoubtedly that of an eagle soaring in the sky.

He keenly sensed the change in the Ministry of Magic's attitude toward Hogwarts. When Old Barty took office, he was destined to carry out policy reforms.

Originally, Old Barty was different from Fudge. During Fudge's career as a minister, he was more focused on maintaining the integrity of the magical world.

Old Batty is ambitious and will make reforms in some areas.

The first area is education.

Dumbledore's role is not as big as before.

John came to the divination classroom, where he saw Trelawney sitting on pins and needles.

Looking to the other side, Umbridge in the pink sweater was busy fiddling with a record book.

She sat to one side and put a lot of pressure on Trelawney.

As the great-great-granddaughter of the prophet Cassandra Trelawney, she has the power of prophecy.

But she is not proficient in this ability, or because of her bloodline, she cannot use it well.

More often than not, she uses a magic stick-like method to make people believe in her predictions.

She knows the skill of prophecy, but she can't use it.

She was very afraid that she would be expelled. She had been at Hogwarts for more than ten years and there was no other place for her to go.

When she learned that she would be investigated, she couldn't help but panic.

Trelawny felt uneasy as her eyes glanced at Umbridge there from time to time.

This situation was relieved until John came over. She came to John with quickened pace and excitement.

"John, kid, thank you, thank you for coming."

She seemed to be greeting a distinguished guest, and her words were a little confused and incoherent.

John said helplessly, "Professor, have you forgotten, I am coming to class."

With John, Trelawney has the confidence.

Although I am not good at it, there is someone here who can really predict.

He sent John to his seat respectfully, as if John was not a student but her life-saving straw.

When Harry came over, he saw Trelawney's stern face. He was surprised to see the woman in pink that he saw at the opening party.

Not long after he sat down, Ron came up.

"Hermione and I have stopped arguing." Ron sat down next to Harry.

"Good," Harry muttered.

"But Hermione said she hoped you wouldn't lose your temper at us." Ron said dully.

Harry argued angrily, "I didn't."

"I'm just passing on a message." Ron also felt that Harry was very irritable during this period, "I think she is right, you shouldn't spread the grievances you suffered from other people on us."

"I never said that." As soon as Harry finished speaking, Trelawney spoke.

"Hello, classmates," Trelawney said in her usual vague, dreamlike voice, "Welcome back to Divination class. Throughout the summer vacation, I have been paying close attention to your destiny. Seeing that you are back at school safe and sound, I am very happy."

Trelawney gradually recovered. Her usual classes were filled with a mysterious atmosphere, and the strong smell of tea made people confused.

Today’s lesson is to study the "Guide to Dream Interpretation". Dreams are the easiest way for wizards to gain access to prophecies.

Because there are often various hints in dreams, learning to interpret dreams is to unravel these hints and obtain a prediction or survey of the future.

Of course, this kind of thing also requires talent.

If Potions class is hard work plus talent, then Divination class is talent plus talent.

Some things are destined from birth, and divination is such a thing.

There, Trelawney talked about dream interpretation, and finally asked the students to try to interpret each other's dreams.

John looked at Neville beside him.

Neville tried to remember the dream he had had, which was...


The high-pitched voice, Trelawney looked over, it was Umbridge.

She held the record book and wrote there, "So, how long have you been at this position?"

Trelawney gave her a dirty look, crossed her arms, and said in a very sulky tone, "Almost sixteen years."

"It's not a short time." Umbridge wrote a few more words in the record book.

"Dumbledore appointed you?"

"That's right."

Umbridge continued, "Are you the great-great-granddaughter of the prophet Cassandra Trelawney?"

Mentioning her bloodline, Trelawney raised her head higher and said, "Yes."

"Are you the first person in your family to have second sight since Cassandra Trelawney?"

The second vision is also called the Wisdom Eye and the Third Eye.

Mentioning this matter, Trelawney felt a little guilty and said, "These things are often inherited across generations, uh, three generations."

She saw Umbridge writing in the record book again, and couldn't help but ask: "What are you writing?"

"About some things about the education level of Hogwarts." Umbridge giggled like a girl, making people have goosebumps all over her body. "I wonder if you can predict something for me?"

She was obviously smiling, but Umbridge gave people an uncomfortable feeling.

Trelawney didn't expect that she would allow herself to make a prophecy. She seemed to be offended, "I don't understand what you mean."

"I hope you can make a prophecy for me. You are the Divination professor, right?" Umbridge said clearly.

Trelawney straightened her body and said angrily, "The Third Eye will not be commanded to see!"

"Got it," Umbridge said, writing quickly in the record book.

Trelawney panicked, "Wait, wait, I, I..."

She saw John from the corner of her eye, as if grasping at straws, "I think having my students come can better reflect my level."

She said quickly, and then cast her expectant eyes on John.

"Wick, kid, show me what you're capable of, darling."

After all, Trelawney was also the teacher who taught John his divination ability. Although it was sometimes unreliable, her skills were still real.

"Haha," a pretentious girlish laugh sounded, and Umbridge looked at the struggling Trelawney with disdain.

To be honest, if John hadn't sent this person in himself, he would have already thought about how to send Umbridge away.

For the first time, he felt that Malfoy's position on the most hated list was seriously threatened.

"I think I can try." John stood up and looked at Umbridge calmly.

Isn't it just a prophecy?

It’s not impossible, John raised his eyebrows, “Do you want to achieve short-term goals, or long-term goals?”

Can you still choose?

Umbridge showed a fake smile, "Then give me a short-term realization."

"All right."

John just looked at Umbridge.

After a while, Umbridge felt like her whole body had been seen through.

Those white eyes made people feel creepy.

"You're going to have a disaster today, when you go down the stairs."

Chapter 291 Hilde and Defense Against the Dark Arts

Umbridge only felt uncomfortable about the prophecy, and then smiled contemptuously.

Seems to be telling Trelawney to get ready to leave Hogwarts.

Harry and Ron also felt that this prophecy was too hasty and completely made up.

But after class, they heard Umbridge's screams.

As everyone looked, one of Umbridge's feet was dragged in by the tricky staircase.

Unfortunately, she was holding something in her hand and the pen almost hit her eye.

After pulling out her leg, she limped to the school hospital.

Sisters Lavender and Pelty looked at John with admiration and asked, "How do you know?"

"Prophecy, and... little tricks." John smiled mysteriously.

Peeves came out of the stairs on one side, as if he wanted to see which unlucky guy had been hit.

He was a little disappointed to see that he was not a student.

There is also a Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the afternoon.

Beautiful teacher, Ozzie Hilde's class.

Not to mention anything else, the boys' enthusiasm has been mobilized.

Just like he did in second grade, Lockhart went to class to motivate the girls.

Defense Against the Dark Arts classes change every year and are arranged according to the professor's preferences.

In this Defense Against the Dark Arts class, there are various props in the classroom.

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