The traveling cloak that could be used as a quilt was placed on the back of the chair. It was obvious that Hagrid had just returned.

He limped to the stove and placed a kettle on the fire.

Harry looked at Hagrid carefully and noticed that there was a very large suit of armor in the room.

"What happened to you, Hagrid?" It looked like it was tailor-made for Hagrid. "What is this?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Hagrid said quickly, but it was hard to be convincing when saying this with such a face.

"This," Hagrid had just returned not long ago. He walked to the armor, got a letter on the table, read it, and said happily: "This is a gift from John."

After speaking, he exclaimed: "It turns out to be fairy craftsmanship."

"Hagrid, have you been attacked?" Ron looked at him in such a miserable state, but Hagrid insisted that he was fine.

Hermione wanted Hagrid to go see Madam Pomfrey, but Hagrid was unwilling to go.

As if he was hiding something, he took out a piece of fire dragon meat and put it on his face.

Dragon meat has analgesic effects, although Hagrid didn't want to say anything.

But Hermione still guessed it, "Did the giant hit you?"

Hagrid's hand loosened and he looked at Hermione in shock, wondering why she knew.

"Who said anything about giants? Who did you talk to? Who told you?" Hagrid said in a panic.

"We guessed," said Hermione.

Harry and Ron also nodded. After all, the only ones who could beat Hagrid were giants.

Harry asked: "Are you looking for the giant? Hagrid."

Soon, Hagrid, who grew up drinking Veritaserum, made it clear what was going to happen.

He did go to find the giant, and also negotiated with the giant.

Dumbledore asked him to win over the giant and brought gifts.

Together with Madame Maxime, he traveled across the mountains and ridges and spent a month finding the giants.

"Why don't you use a portkey?" Ron was confused.

"We need to be careful about being spotted, Ron," Hagrid said. "The Death Eaters are looking for giants, too."

Along the way, neither he nor Madame Maxime used magic.

It was announced that they were going to Beauxbatons.

Then proceed from France to the residence of the giants.

However, after finding it, there were still twists and turns.

Not long after the giant leader they first came into contact with, that leader was killed by another giant. The new leader was very unfriendly after taking over.

Hagrid was still being pinched. If Ms. Maxim hadn't been there, something might have happened.

They later discovered that the giant had come into contact with Death Eaters, causing Hagrid to be forced to hide in a cave for several days.

Hagrid still failed to win over, and finally had to leave there.

The story is very exciting, but the three little ones still have doubts.

Since Hagrid didn't fight the giant, why was it so miserable?

Hagrid repeatedly emphasized that he was not attacked, so how did he get injured?

After the three little ones finished talking, there was a knock on the door outside.

They hurriedly hid and then saw Umbridge.

John saw Umbridge coming out of the hut, and he used the Disillusionment Charm to disappear into the snow.

Tom's eyes widened. After spinning around in circles a few times, it finally dug a hole and buried itself in it.

Umbridge didn't notice as she passed.

John came outside Hagrid's hut and heard Hagrid's careless voice inside.


"Don't be stupid. I won't give you dangerous things. I mean, they can take care of themselves."

"Hagrid, you must pass Umbridge's inspection. It would really be much better if she saw you teach us how to find Ponlock, how to distinguish hedgehogs from thorns, etc.!" It was Hermione's voice. .

"That's not very interesting, Hermione," Hagrid's voice sounded. "The things I prepared are much more magical. I have been raising them for many years. Well, John has also helped me raise a lot during this time."

"I beg you, Hagrid." Hermione was almost desperate.

John listened to everything and understood that Hagrid probably wanted to bring those dangerous magical animals to class again.

After all, Hagrid's aesthetics is different from others.

After thinking for a while, John knocked on the door.

There was silence inside immediately, and Hagrid came to open the door after a while, with a wary look on his face.

Hagrid laughed when he saw John slowly revealing his figure.

"John, I see the gift you gave me."

Hearing that it was John, the three little ones hiding under the invisibility cloak breathed a sigh of relief.

Hermione originally wanted to come out, but Harry held her back and motioned her to be silent.

Hermione glanced at Harry suspiciously, and Harry wanted to see what John and Hagrid were talking about.

It can be regarded as revenge. Last time at the bar, John overheard the D.A. talking.

They saw John's face suddenly fall when he saw Hagrid.

Seems to be angry.

"Were you beaten?" John's voice sounded colder than the wind and snow outside.

Ron shivered, feeling the temperature drop a few degrees.

When Hagrid heard this, he said in a panic: "No, I'm fine."

John walked into the hut without saying a word. When he noticed that the three little ones were not there, he knew it was the invisibility cloak.

Not caring about this, John glanced at the fire dragon meat that Yaya was about to eat secretly, and his face darkened.

Hagrid talked to John about his search for the giant.

In his opinion, since Harry and the others knew, it didn't matter if he told John.

After listening to this, John's expression became even worse.

There was danger in his tone, "You mean, Dumbledore just asked you to find the giant?"

Chapter 308 Gaffe and Weakness

"Yes, I said it." Hagrid was a big-hearted person, and he hadn't noticed the chill in John's tone.

The three little ones felt it.

Ron said in his lowest voice, close to Harry's ear, "Why does he look so angry?"

Harry didn't know either, and John's address to Dumbledore brought it to his attention.

The uneasiness in Hermione's heart was getting bigger and bigger, and she could hear John's dissatisfaction with Dumbledore.

Hagrid invited John to sit down and poured him a cup of tea with boiled hot water.

Under the gaze of the three little ones, the hot tea was steaming in the cup.

As Hagrid pushed it to John, the tea quickly cooled down, and a layer of frost condensed on the surface of the cup.

"Just go through like this?" John's face showed no emotion, "Without any preparation?"

"We brought gifts," Hagrid said.

John interrupted him with a sneer, "Only gifts?"

"Ah?" Hagrid was stunned. Otherwise, what else?

John said in a deep voice: "Where is your safety?"

"What, I'm safe," Hagrid retorted.

John looked at Hagrid and said, "That's a giant, cruel and murderous. Dumbledore didn't even give you any defense?"

"We're fine," Hagrid muttered.

"There are not only giants there," John said coldly, "but also Death Eaters."

Hagrid still said that he was fine.

John got angry, pointed at his face and shouted: "You're hurt, Hagrid."

"Dumbledore asked you to carry out the most dangerous mission, but he never considered your safety!"

A trace of darkness flashed across his eyes, and John said ferociously, "Are all lives not worth mentioning in Dumbledore's eyes?"

"John?" Hagrid said in disbelief, "How could you say that about Dumbledore."

"You're my friend, Hagrid!"

John roared: "I won't let anything happen to my friends like this!"


The cup cracked and the tea inside turned into ice.

There was a black air floating around John's body.

Hagrid was startled and at a loss.

The three little ones' hearts skipped a beat. They had never seen John in this state.

In the past, John had always shown himself to be rational, but he had never been so out of control.

John was irritated by Hagrid's injury.

The fire kept replaying in his mind.

Hagrid's miserable state could beat a half-blood giant into this state.

What a dangerous thing that would be.

And what about Dumbledore?

He just let Hagrid pass.

No help, no equipment, not even protection.


Things in the cabin trembled.

It's like an earthquake.

Hagrid said hastily: "I'm fine, really, John."

He was like a big brown bear holding an embroidery needle, not knowing what to do.

"Yes, Dumbledore, you are still so confused." John said to himself.

Harry heard this and shouted angrily, "Dumbledore is not confused."

He took off his invisibility cloak, revealing the three little ones.

"Not confused?" John said coldly, "He asked Hagrid to find the giant without even a trace of help."

"That's, that's..." Harry wanted to argue but couldn't find the words.

John continued to say coldly: "Those are giants, cruel giants. Why are giants banished? Because of their cruelty, Dumbledore got away with them."

"Hagrid's injury is the best proof. Dumbledore asked him to meet the most brutal giant, bringing only gifts but no weapons."

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