John, who came from Hogwarts, had an extra box in his hand and opened it, and the Dementor was pulled into it.

One by one, Azkaban was visibly cleared of dementors.

The magic crystals inlaid on all sides of the box overflowed with light, and cracks appeared on the box.

The last Dementor was loaded in, and John's silver arms turned black, covering the entire box.

"We should be able to hold on until we get back."

Holding the box in his hand, John walked out of Azkaban.

The suffocating pressure made even the experienced Auror hold his breath.

Seeing him coming out, Pierce hurriedly greeted him respectfully.

"Sir Johnny Silverhand."

John nodded slightly and saw that Pierce's eyes were always on his hands. He chuckled and said, "Tell Minister Crouch that I will take the reward."

Pierce was stunned for a moment, thinking of something, and he lowered his head in awe.

"Sir, I'll take you back." Pierce saw John was about to leave and hurried over.

John chuckled and said, "No, I think I can do it faster."

"Faster?" Pierce looked puzzled.

There is an anti-Apparition spell on this island. Is it a portkey?

Under Pierce's puzzled gaze, a huge figure fell from the sky.


After the big cat Zuowu fell, the peony flower's big tail waved to clear the surrounding area.

John jumped lightly and landed on Zou Wu.

Zuowu activated his transmission ability, and with a roar, he disappeared into the space channel.

Tang Mi watched his boss abandon him, and he was speechless and choked in his heart.

Without showing it, he said goodbye to Pierce.

The wizards of Johnny Silverhand's Alchemy House got on the carriage and left Azkaban.

John who left did not return to Hogwarts.

He arrived at the Silver Hand Manor, and the sound of the giant Zuowu's fall attracted the security team.

John sent them away.

Zuowu spotted a cattail in the lavender garden.

The box in his hand was about to shatter, and John walked slowly past the room where the golden cup was kept.

John cut open his palm and poured the blood into the dragon container.

Blood drips into the container and the dragon's eyes turn red.

A door opened, revealing what seemed like substantial darkness inside.

This is a cell specially made for him.

Unbreakable room.

Inlaid with many magic crystals, it forms a magic magnetic field.

The blackness on his hand faded away, and the box containing the dementors quickly collapsed, and countless dementors poured out of it.

The magic magnetic field is activated and the dementors are trapped.

At the same time, the darkness in the room turned into sticky black thread, and a dementor was touched, stripping away the cocoons and decomposing the body.

It soon turned into a mass of soul-like substance, which was dragged into the water-like black thread and sucked away.

The dementors screamed in panic, and John walked out of the room to see the dragon spitting out a soul into a container.

After a while, another soul spit out.

He left a soul-eating curse in the room, which will continue to refine the dementors into souls.

With this room, he can harvest souls without having to do it himself.

After everything was done, he closed the dragon container and left.

Before leaving, he stopped and glanced at the golden cup of Horcrux trapped in the container.

There was contemplation and surprise in his eyes.

Chapter 312 New Prison and Ministry of Magic Advisor

Expelling the dementors, some people were not optimistic about this move.

They were all waiting to see how the Ministry of Magic would fill the vacancy.

People familiar with the situation know what kind of dilemma the Ministry of Magic is currently in.

Dementors have always worked in Azkaban for free. They guard them without payment and at the same time they can scare prisoners.

But once the dementors are gone, it means that such a large Azkaban can only be guarded manually.

It will be a tricky thing for those prisoners to rejuvenate, which means that a lot of manpower will be needed to send them there.

The Ministry of Magic needs to expand its armed forces and money expenditures will also increase.

You know, the last time Old Barty reorganized the Ministry of Magic, there were still some salary arrears.

Although this money was redistributed, it also left the Ministry of Magic in a state of barely balance.

This situation will not improve until next year at the earliest.

We can't leave Azkaban unattended during this period, right?

Sending Aurors there would leave the Ministry empty.

No matter which one it is, it is a very difficult decision for the Ministry of Magic.

The employees of the Ministry of Magic who came to work today were a little distracted.

"Minister Crouch's firing of the dementors is just the first step."

One bespectacled woman worried that this was just the first step in layoffs.

"Your position is more important than mine."

An employee in the logistics department was equally worried. He felt that logistics should be the first to be laid off.

Regarding the large expenditure in Azkaban, they feel that they will eventually resolve the pressure through layoffs.

Safety inspectors rarely give up visiting graves for fear of receiving a layoff notice letter.

A green flame lit up in the fireplace.

Old Batty came out, and almost everyone was working there in their best condition.

"Minister Crouch, Dumbledore is waiting for you in the office." The security inspector reported with a flattering smile.

Old Batty paused and nodded with a straight face.

He met Percy who was doing something in the elevator. Percy hesitated to speak, and finally couldn't help asking: "Minister Crouch, about the new warden of Azkaban."

"That matter has been resolved," Old Barty still attached great importance to Percy and softened his tone and said, "There is also a better solution to the financial expenditure."

Percy looked solemn and nodded to show that he understood.

When the elevator reached its destination, Percy walked out and said respectfully, "I guess I can tell them not to worry so much."

Old Batty nodded to indicate that he could speak out.

After arriving at the minister's office, Barty Sr. saw Dumbledore, who had not been seen for some time.


"Minister Crouch."

The atmosphere when the two met was not so tense.

For Barty Sr., he appreciated Dumbledore's calmness after delegating power.

As long as Dumbledore didn't come over to demand some power back, he was still willing to give respect to the White Devil of the wizarding world.

"About Dementors," Dumbledore brought up the topic after some small talk, "How is Minister Crouch going to deal with it?"

He wanted to remind old Barty not to be careless. After losing his position as the guard of Azkaban, the dementors are still dangerous.

In this regard, Old Batty said: "I believe that Mr. Johnny Silverhand will have a better way to handle it."

"Johnny Silverhand?" Dumbledore was stunned, "What does this have to do with him?"

As soon as he asked his question, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Minister Crouch, the reporters are here."

Dumbledore thought it was just a simple report, but he was wrong.

This is a grand launch.

Two press conferences in one day.

"Minister Crouch, is it too hasty to expel the Dementors? Have you considered the follow-up treatment after the Dementors leave?"

Rita Skeeter, who has a reputation for being sharp in the industry, asked pointedly.

Old Barty changed into a wizard robe for formal occasions and said seriously: "After investigation, there are major violations of Dementors, which have seriously endangered the security of the magical world. In order to ensure the defensive nature of Azkaban and protect the magical world, I That’s why we made this decision.”

"As for the follow-up processing, please trust the Ministry of Magic," Old Barty replied sternly, "Through the unremitting efforts of the Ministry of Magic, this matter has been successfully resolved."

"We re-modified Azkaban. On the basis of the original, we introduced a new device called Magic Loop, which is more effective than Dementors."

"This device can well control prisoners' use of magic, and at the same time can save the Ministry of Magic a lot of money."

"Saving money? Minister Crouch, what specifically?" Rita Skeeter asked.

Old Barty answered methodically: "The Ministry of Magic's Auror and striker equipment requires a large amount of maintenance fees. Magic loop can concentrate the absorbed magic back to replenish the equipment independently, effectively saving money on Auror and striker equipment. maintenance costs.”

After speaking, Old Barty looked at the camera with a smile on his stern face and said: "Here, the Ministry of Magic would like to thank Mr. Johnny Silverhand, the consultant of the Ministry of Magic, for his sponsorship, which has greatly saved the Ministry of Magic funds."

This scene was recorded on camera.

Not only did expelling the Dementors not increase costs, it also greatly reduced funding.

This was a great political achievement, enough to increase the reputation of the minister, Old Batty.

Together with the head of the Auror Office, Pierce also received a strong political career.

Those Ministry of Magic employees who were worried about being fired will be grateful to Piers, and this sponsorship was obtained in the names of Piers and Barty Sr.

By the time the press conference was over, Dumbledore also knew why Old Barty said Johnny Silverhand would take care of the Dementors.

He sold the Dementors to Johnny Silverhand.

This news shocked Dumbledore.

To him, the news wasn't great.

He was vaguely worried about why John wanted to get the dementors.

"John." He said to himself.

Interviews from various newspapers about the Ministry of Magic's remodeling of Azkaban Prison and Minister Crouch's wise actions were quickly transmitted.

At the same time, at the press conference, Barty Sr. represented the Ministry of Magic and revealed Johnny Silverhand's identity as a consultant to the Ministry of Magic for the first time.

No one knows the specific powers of this Ministry of Magic consultant. An insider revealed that Johnny Silverhand once participated in a Wizengamot trial.

Can it be shown from the side that the advisors of the Ministry of Magic have the power to participate in the trial and the legality of joining the Wizengamot?

The major opinions occupy almost an entire page of the Daily Prophet.

In newspapers, the image of old Batty's smile was repeated under the flashlight.

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