Chapter 319 Disappointed Reply and Paper Review

Regardless of what Old Batty confirmed, John received good news.

Basil sent the letter with the Bellby family crest, and almost immediately after, another letter from the Wizengamot came.

"The blood curse thesis passed the preliminary review."

John opened the letter from Damo Alex Belby. The letter was very solemn and had Belby's family crest attached.

Damo Alex rarely does this because he and his brother are not on good terms.

Basically, he rarely uses this family crest.

It will only be used in situations where he thinks it needs to be formal enough.

After opening the letter, John finally understood his intention.

The blood curse passed the preliminary review, and the people in Wizengamot could not find any flaws in the paper.

They had no choice but to look for doubts elsewhere.

However, members of the Wizengamot had doubts about certain aspects of the paper, such as the possibility that a student who was still studying at Hogwarts collaborated with one of today's top potion masters to write this paper.

In their eyes, maybe that student only had a small amount of credit.

And co-signing means that the credit is shared equally.

This problem is very serious, not to mention that there may be behaviors similar to "school clowns".

Also involved is the Order of Merlin awarded by the Wizengamot.

For Damo Alex, who has already received the Order of Merlin First Class, another one is just the icing on the cake.

And for those who haven't gotten John Wick yet, that's a huge honor.

The Order of Merlin needs to be responsible to its owner. They don't want a student who "scrambled" on his thesis to get this honor.

"Is that why we have to prepare for a debate?" John opened another letter from the Wizengamot.

His expression was calm, and the tone of the letter writer was completely different from that of arrogance when facing Johnny Silverhand.

It seems that he has determined that this child is just a liar who wants to get medals.

"Go to the Wizengamot on December 31st for final arguments."

John's name was written on it, but there was no Damo Alex's.

This is a defense against John Wick.

Raising the envelope casually, the flames engulfed the letter.

John was about to continue reading when he saw an owl flying over.

This was a strange owl that dropped a letter and flew away.

John picked up the envelope, glanced at it, and immediately understood whose letter it was.

"He's still so cautious."

Opening the envelope, there was Slughorn's reply.

After half a year, I finally received a reply.

John was fully expecting to get the answer, but after opening it, he knew that he was wrong.

"John, thank you for the mead. I've received many meads over the years and the one you sent me is the best I've ever had. I really should let my friends try it too..."

It was a reply, not a question of replying to John.

John could see that Slughorn was avoiding the question.

It seemed that the mead sent over at Christmas could not give the former Slytherin headmaster the answer.

John set the letter on fire with an expressionless expression.

"It seems I can only find the answer myself." He stood outside the balcony, squinting to catch the falling snowflakes.

The snowflakes did not melt in his palms for a long time, so he returned to the study with the snowflakes in his hands.

There is a gray crystal ball on the table.

He brushed his fingers over the crystal, and three people appeared in the smoky hazy scene inside.

Withdrawing his fingers, the snowflakes were still in his palms, feeling slightly cold.

"There's a lot of snow this year."

It snowed heavily for several days on Christmas Day, and many snowflakes were brought into the garden.

John returned to Hogwarts. During his absence, Hogwarts was extremely quiet.

Since Tom didn't go out with John, he was temporarily taken care of by Malfoy.

This was the first time Malfoy fell asleep while walking the dog, and when John saw him, his head was buried in the snow.

A music box next to it was playing beautiful music, and a dog was sleeping with its legs in the air.

John was silent for a moment. He felt that he really needed to restrict Tom's habit of falling asleep.

Young dogs are in good health, but young dogs may not be.

Turning off the music box, John kicked Malfoy and lifted Tom up.

Malfoy was a little confused, with two frozen snot hanging under his nose.

Tom opened his eyes and saw John. He came to lick it with his tongue happily, but John took it farther.

"John, you're back." Malfoy stood up tremblingly, and John said guiltily, "It's really troublesome for you to walk the dog, Draco."

"Go back and ask Daphne to make you some hot wine."

Malfoy: "If you say this, I won't be cold."

I sincerely help you, but you sincerely want to kill me, right?

He shivered and shook the snow off his body.

"Neville came back early, and Daphne became very irritable after receiving a letter."

Malfoy said with lingering fear. He recalled Daphne's expression of wanting to eat someone yesterday, and for those who didn't know, he thought she had been dumped.

So Malfoy asked with a strange expression: "Did you say something to Daphne?"

"No." John recalled that he did not write to Daphne.

Malfoy was confused. Since it wasn't John, what could make Daphne so angry?

The two people walked back while talking.

Entering the castle, they heard Peeves' voice.

This mischievous guy seems to have a day off all year round, and he also causes mischief during holidays.

Students walked more because of Umbridge.

Almost only the Slytherins were left, leaving Peeves nowhere to vent.

As they passed, Peeves was smashing up a useless classroom.

When John saw him passing by, Peeves immediately put down his chair obediently.

Immediately thinking of something, Peeves rubbed his hands and came over, saying with a flattering face: "Mr. Wick, if you can give me some big turd eggs, I am willing to teach that annoying investigator a lesson for you."

John smiled half-heartedly and said, "I don't think I ever said I hated that guy."

Peeves' face stiffened and he said with a sneer, "Everyone hates that pink toad."

"That's right." John nodded in approval and said, "I am willing to invest for you. Let me think about it, are ten enough?"

"That's enough." Peeves was overjoyed.

John told him to get it from the Weasley twins after the holiday. Peeves took off his hat and bowed to John.

After returning to the Slytherin common room, John saw what Malfoy said was the irritable Daphne.

Her long golden hair was scattered, and Daphne was writing furiously on a piece of paper.

John swore he really just saw it accidentally.

It says, 'Little bitch, you have what it takes, come back when you have the ability', 'Don't think you can hide if you don't reply, I know you are at home,' 'I'm going to stuff socks into your mouth,' 'You sleep best. It's good to keep one eye open' or something like that.

The resentment inside is about to overflow, making people feel on pins and needles.

After Daphne finished writing a letter, she discovered that John was back.

She looked at John and then at the letter.

She screamed, covered her face and ran back to the dormitory.

After a while, the door opened and Daphne quickly ran out, took the letter away and ran back again.

John and Malfoy were silent the whole time.

John asked, "How long has she been like this?"

Malfoy said, "It's been like this since yesterday."

After saying that, the two people fell silent again.

Who would have thought that the eldest lady of the Greengrass family would actually be a Zaun player.

John was silent for a while, and then said seriously: "For your safety, I suggest you forget what happened just now."

"Otherwise, I can't guarantee whether Daphne will physically erase your memory."

Malfoy swallowed hard. He felt that there was a high possibility of his memory being physically erased.

In order to save his life, he kept silent during the last few days of the holiday.

December 31st.

There was one day left until the end of the holiday, and John was leaving for the Wizengamot.

This was not the first time he had come to this place. The last time he came here was because of the Dementor incident.

John was a little uncomfortable with not wearing a mask this time.

Coming from the access passage, he noticed that the appearance of the Ministry of Magic had been greatly improved.

The most obvious one is the one visiting the grave, who can now make a second expression to greet guests.

Damo Alex came over with a cane and got on the elevator at the same time as John.

He was wearing a purple robe today and looked much more solemn. He said seriously: "If you are afraid, I can help you answer the question."

John chuckled: "Wouldn't that follow the wishes of those guys?"

"They are always so self-righteous," Damo Alex also laughed, "They never know the gap between geniuses and mortals."

The elevator arrived and the two people walked out.

This time, unlike last time, he was not in the trial court.

There are not that many Wizengamot members, they are all academic masters.

When they saw John's young face, people who didn't believe it exclaimed and laughed sarcastically.

It seems that he has seen through this child's ridiculous tricks.

Damo Alex stepped aside and winked.

John Wick.

It's time for the wizarding world to know about the shining star you are from Hogwarts.

As they watched, John took a step.

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