His voice became as cold and hoarse as a snake.

"Basilisk, tell me, who is your master?"

John, who has basilisk blood flowing in his body, has no fear of the power of snake eyes.

The basilisk's body paused, and it heard Parseltongue.

It asked uncertainly: "Are you a descendant of your master?"

Apparently, the owner of the Basilisk is also a Parseltongue.

This is a talent that needs to be inherited.

The basilisk didn't think too much and thought that the Parselmouth was a descendant of its owner.

"Great descendant of Herbo, the basilisk bows to you."

As he spoke, the basilisk's big head crawled on the ground.

The big orange eyes were like lanterns, staring straight at John.

Great Herbo?

If John guessed correctly, then Halbo should be the despicable Halbo.

But in the mouth of the basilisk, his despicability became great.

John confirmed his previous guess.

He said: "Tell me, where is Haierbo's most precious treasure?"

John did not deny the basilisk's guess and let it lead the way for him.

The snake stayed in the pyramid until it died and was even Herbo's pet.

If anyone knows more about the pyramids, apart from Herbo himself, the only one is the basilisk.

"Follow the instructions of the great descendants of Herbo." The basilisk had no doubts at all, or in other words, they all had simple minds.

Just like Slytherin's basilisk, even after thousands of years, it only obeys the command of Parseltongue.

You can call it loyalty, or you can call it stupidity.

The basilisk resisted the desire to eat the little guy, turned around and walked behind the human-faced snake.

"Sure enough, those treasures piled up on the cliff like garbage are not treasures."

John is a brave man and follows a basilisk that can swallow him in one bite.

When passing the statue of the snake with a human face, John stopped.

He looked up at the human-faced snake, and seemed to feel that the statue's movements had changed?

"Specialis Revelio"

Using magic to test and point the wand, the human-faced snake did not change at all.

Seeing this, John put away his thoughts and headed in the direction led by the basilisk.

After he passed by, the originally closed eyes of the human-faced snake opened, and a pair of eyes like a living creature stared directly at John's back.

The basilisk came to the bottom of the huge hourglass, and a pit appeared under the hourglass.

The potholes connected to the tunnels were extremely smooth inside, and the basilisk's big head got into them.

John grabbed the basilisk's tail and his body was carried into the pipe by the downward force of the basilisk.

The basilisk swam quickly through the pipe.

This pipeline extends in all directions and actually runs through the entire pyramid.

John felt that this should be Haierbo's defense system, used to facilitate the passage of the basilisk.

What Haierbo wanted was to let the basilisk deal with the intruders through these pipes, but he did not expect John to directly use these pipes to go to Haierbo's lair.

The basilisk wandered away for an unknown amount of time. When they came out of the pipe again, their eyes had changed from the glorious scene of the previous big statue.

The place in front of me is not big, it seems to be a treasure house.

Not much is stored here.

It's not big either. After entering a basilisk, the place is narrow enough for John to pass alone.

Walking into the study, John saw the black leather-wrapped books placed in the most conspicuous position, which contained an evil aura.


John opened it carefully with his wand without touching it.

There are many evil curses created by Herbo recorded on it, and John also saw that terrible curse.

"How to make a Horcrux."

Staring at the method recorded above, John sneered at Haierbo's method of splitting souls, but he had to admire his imagination and wisdom.

"He is unprecedented in the realm of time and soul."

This wizard who was active before 100 AD had extremely high intelligence. He was an all-around enhanced version of Voldemort.

Chapter 527 Hello, Horcrux

John continues to walk in this treasure house.

He had also entered the alchemy room next door, and the smell of mud came from inside.

The crucible contained magic potion from who knows how long ago, clinging to the bottom of the pot like a layer of dirt.

John couldn't tell what kind of potion it was, after all, it had been left there for too long.

There are other materials, but due to time constraints, those materials cannot be stored as long as gold.

When touched, things turn to dust.

"Helbo is conducting experiments here."

John stared at the red table that was stained with blood and could not be removed, on which more than a hundred magical creatures were dissected.

He picked up a tooth and, from the shape of its fang, deduced that it belonged to a vampire.

"He's studying Bloodborne?"

John's eyes narrowed, and he had to admit that Haierbo's research direction was surprisingly similar to his.

However, the reason why the other party did this seemed to be that he wanted to carry out biological transformation through the blood curse.

The two have different purposes.

"A Greek wizard who came to settle in Egypt."

John remained puzzled by Helbo's actions.

Coming out of the alchemy room, John saw the basilisk that was so hungry that it huddled together.

In addition to the black book, the treasure house also contains a golden scale, a key-shaped golden scepter and a mask.

"Golden Mask."

John picked it up. It was something that the Pharaoh of Egypt took with him when he died.

It is inlaid with gems and colored glass, and it is a mask with clear eyebrows and eyes.

It fits the theme of Herbo in the Pyramid.

There are only these four items stored in the treasure house.

John picked them up one by one, and when he got to the black book, he felt a familiar feeling on it.

Turning a page with his wand, John stared at the evil curse recorded inside.

A magical force tempted John to learn the knowledge inside.

It's like a Pandora's box of disaster, with fatal dangers.

"Unfortunately, you don't know that I am the same as you."

John raised the corners of his mouth, stared at the black book and said, "My spiritual attainments are no worse than yours, Haierbo."

He looked up at the basilisk and ordered in Parseltongue: "Get out of this room."

"As you command, great descendant of Herbo."

The basilisk turned and dived into the pipe.

"The soul up there is weaker than Voldemort."

John's palm moved slowly across the top of the black book from a distance.

This is a book with a soul, just like Voldemort's diary.

This is why this book has survived to this day.

That soul fragment preserves the book from corruption.

John waved his wand, "Blasting Curse"

Red light exploded on the black book.

The next second, the black book was unscathed.

John clicked his wand and praised: "You still have such defensive power after thousands of years. You are worthy of being the number one among the top ten dark wizards in the world."

The Black Book is immune to magic damage.

What interested John was not just its Horcrux identity.

More importantly, this book records the wisdom of Haierbo's life.


With a click of the magic wand, the books were quickly wrapped into rice dumplings.

John picked it up and used several isolation magics in succession.

Haierbo's plan is very clever.

You wouldn't be able to get to this room without being a good wizard.

The more outstanding the wizard, the less able he is to abandon the knowledge recorded in the book, and he will be taken out.

"I don't know how many Horcruxes Haierbo made."

Wings grew out of John's back, and with a slight wave, he flew up from the pipe where the basilisk entered.

Traveling through the pipes, John left the treasure house and reappeared under the giant funnel.

The basilisk was so hungry that it had not eaten for countless years.

After John landed, he glanced at the basilisk. This big guy was also loyal. No wonder both the despicable Herbo and Slytherin liked to use the basilisk to guard the door.

The basilisk has a long lifespan and is loyal enough.

"It's time to take the potion."

John took out a bottle of soul potion from the makeshift bag.

He opened the bottle, but this action made another person in the scene discover it.

John was about to drink the soul potion in one gulp, but saw that the curved human-faced snake was not at an appropriate distance from him.

"It...seems closer."

The ‘?’ was somewhat deformed, and the face of the human-faced snake that originally faced the outside had turned to face John.

Putting the soul potion close to his lips, John saw the body of the human-faced snake completely twisted around, staring at John motionlessly.

John drank the soul potion in one gulp as quickly as possible, and the old face of the human-faced snake appeared in front of John.


The white light hit the upper body of the human-faced snake, and the huge human-faced snake's body began to collapse.

The next second, time flowed backwards on the human-faced snake, and its collapsed body returned to its original appearance in a matter of breaths.

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