only one.

A black mass wrapped like a bubble.


John went inside.

Black energy emanated from his eyes, as if he was about to touch Mo Ran.

"A poor Obscurus became the Obscurus after death."

The Obscurus isn't a magical creature, it's more of a force of emotional darkness.

When a little wizard has no control over his own power, he may become an Obscurial after receiving strong stimulation.

Like Ariana.

John is actually an Obscurial, and he is probably the only Obscurial who can control his own power at will.

"Strong power comes with consequences, equal exchange."

Standing in front of Mo Ran, John's eyes flickered and he slowly stretched out his hand.

The power of Obscurus approached John, and before touching it, John retracted his hand.

He turned and left the place.

"I need to make myself a wand first."

Although it is possible to cast spells without a wand, it is still inconvenient without a wand.

He took out a bottle of soul potion from the small bag, and a black book fell out at the same time.

John picked it up and glanced at it, "You've brought trouble to the legacy for thousands of years."

After drinking the soul potion, John's eyes almost recovered.

Chapter 532 Hello, Mr. No-Maj

Newt coming to New York is like Grandma New entering the Grand View Garden, interested in everything.

For example, right now, on the steps of the City Bank, a woman in Puritan clothing is giving an impassioned speech.

Behind her was a man holding a flag emblazoned with the organization's logo.

In the dazzling yellow and red flames, a pair of hands broke the wand.

The silly boy Newt stopped in front of the city bank and listened to the speech that invited everyone to join the "Second Salem".

Second Salem is a fanatical anti-wizard group.

As a wizard, Newt listened with great interest, with clear stupidity in his eyes.

He accidentally bumped into a tall woman.

"terribly sorry."

Newt didn't pay attention, and the tall woman glanced at him and continued eating her hot dog bun.

She drew her attention back to Second Salem's passionate speech when a voice came from behind her.

"Excuse me, beauty, I have to go to the bank to do some business."

The cutely fat man walked past her carrying a box. As he passed Newt, he accidentally tripped over the box Newt placed on the ground.

"I'm so sorry, my suitcase." Newt apologized and pulled him up.

After a bad start, Jacob Kowalski wanted to be angry.

But seeing how kind Newt was, he graciously forgave her.

"It's out of the way."

Jacob picked up the box and hurried up the bank steps.

The woman who gave a passionate speech was attracted by the commotion of the collision between the two. She turned her attention to Newt and asked questions by name.

"Why do you, my friend, come to our gathering today?"

As a social terrorist, he was suddenly called out by social bulls.

Newt didn't dare to look directly into the other person's eyes and stammered: "Uh... I was just... passing by."

But the other party didn't want to let him go, and continued to ask: "Are you a seeker, looking for the truth?"

Newt said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I'm more of a chaser."

The well-dressed man walked out of the bank, glanced at the beggar by the steps, and tossed a coin to the beggar.

The coins reflected in the sunlight and made a crisp sound when they hit the steps.

A pair of small claws stretched out from the narrow gap in Newt's box, struggling to get out.

When Newt found out, Niffler had already run out.

He quickly caught up and walked into the bank.

There, he re-encounters Jacob from before.

Inside the box, John had to sigh again that Newt's box contained all the materials.

It is divided into many areas, and the entrance is in the house in the middle.

Throwing the offending Niffler back, John broke a branch in the tree where the Bowtruckle was perched.

The Bowtruckles were very dissatisfied. They waved their branch-like arms to settle accounts with John.

John glanced over, and these green little guys suddenly shrank.

"Birds and snakes, their eggshells are also a good material. Compared with common silver, these bird eggs are purer and have magical properties."

When we walked to the nest where the bird snakes were raised, there were already several newly born bird snakes inside.

Their silver eggshells were scattered nearby, and John reached for them.

A pair of eyes not far away stared at John, wanting to stop but hesitating.

"Don't worry, I'll just take a little."

Seemingly seeing another guy there, John chuckled and said, "He even raises invisible beasts. He is indeed Hagrid's idol."

Taking out a piece of bird and snake eggshell, John turned and walked towards the small nest woven in the deserted tree.

In the originally empty den, an invisible beast that looked like an ape gradually appeared.

"The material of your hair is pretty good."

John made a familiar comment to the invisible beast. The invisible beast was embarrassed and uneasy. It felt a powerful danger in this person.

The Invisible Beast is an intelligent magical creature with a gentle nature.

After John got addicted to touching the invisible beast, he happened to go to the middle cabin to find some materials.

John, who didn't consider himself an outsider at all, rummaged around Newt's studio.

He found a bottle of oak sap, which is sometimes used by magical creatures as a glue to make nests.

John wasn't surprised at all that Newt would prepare some.

With all the materials available, John simply borrowed Newt's workshop to make the wand.

Sneaky Sniff snuck in.

John, who noticed all this, ignored it and concentrated on cleaning up the birch trees in his hands.

The upper bark needs to be removed, and because it is a branch part, it will be fully tough.

"If you dare to touch my things, I will eat you up."

Glancing at the golden scale exposed by Xiu Xiu near his small handbag, John said in a nonchalant manner: "You are not enough for me to stuff between my teeth."

Xiu Xiu was so frightened that he shrank his little hands, and there were tears in his aggrieved eyes.

Care of Magical Creatures was one of John's elective subjects. He knew about guys like Niffler and was completely indifferent to the little guy.

Xiu Xiu saw that he could not be forgiven for pretending to be pitiful, so he had no choice but to retract his hand unwillingly.

Just as it was about to leave, it felt it.

It's the call of blingbling.

Xiu Xiu climbed up the ladder and pushed a gap in the closed box with his head.

As a Niffler, this is a creature that can fit through extremely small gaps.

Through that gap, it got out.

John was cleaning the birch wood and adding thunderbird feathers into the core.

He didn't pay attention to what Xiu Xiu was doing. Anyway, no matter how crazy a Xiu Xiu was, he couldn't do anything.

"This kind of white birch is often protected by the Bowtruckle, and it is nourished by a lot of magic power."

John moved his fingers and let the oak sap fly over.

Evenly apply the viscous sap on the processed white birch wand. Since it stays with magical creatures all year round, the production time of the birch wood is greatly shortened.

Hang the sap-smeared birch wood in a well-lit place in each area.

"It'll be fine in about a few hours. I didn't expect that there are creatures like lampworms when I come to pick them up."

After hanging it up, John looked up at the 'sun', which was a light bulb with filaments.

"Maybe I can make the same one, but those magical animals need to be tamed before they can be put in."

John thought for a while, this box is really convenient.

Not only can you carry your office with you, you can also build an ecological park.

After the idea occurred, John returned to the place where he had risen.

It was a rocky area created based on the fire dragon's habits.

I guess Newt didn't know much about what kind of dragon John was, so he chose the safest one.

Next to it was a ptarmigan flying around, and it was in about the same place as John.

"Is that poisonous horned beast in heat?"

Sitting cross-legged on the rock, John stared at the poison horned beast in another plain area.

This big guy that looks like a rhinoceros is exuding the emotion of wanting to mate.

In Newt's small house, Sniff, who had sneaked out, was thrown in again.

"One last warning to you little thief, it's not yours, don't hold it with your paws!"

Newt's angry voice came from above, and Sniff dropped like a ball of black fur.

Xiu Xiu stood up and waved his paws very dissatisfiedly, as if to say that he would definitely go out again.

John's health has not recovered because of the shock he suffered.

Just hide behind the rocks, close your eyes and prepare to take a nap.

"You don't have to worry, it's just that you know too much, so please stand still and it will be over soon."

There was a riot at the City Bank, and one of the people involved in the riot, or the initiator, was Newt.

To be precise, it was Newt who was looking for a sniffer.

A Niffler can't do much, but it can rob a bank.

He was comforting Jacob who was involved in it. This World War I expeditionary soldier was also a little confused at the moment.

Who can tell Jacob why he was in the bank vault one second and appeared outside the bank the next.

The police arrived at the scene quickly, but they didn't notice the two people in the alley outside.

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