John waved his wand, Credence cried out in pain, and a blood streak appeared on the back of his hand.

The blood flew towards John, gradually changing under the pull of the wand.

John cut his palm and merged it with the blood.

The golden blood wrapped around it and finally turned into a pendant.

In the center of the '8' Ouroboros pendant, red blood and colorless potion swirled around each other, but no one touched the other.

John throws it to Credence.

"Even if you die, you will wear it in your grave."

Glancing at Credence who was at a loss to catch the pendant, John said calmly: "Our deal is concluded."

"You want to leave?" Credence asked anxiously.


Credence was about to smile when John said calmly: "There is no rush for this day."

He still had to leave.

Credence was so disappointed that he asked with luck, "Can we still meet?"

"As I said, Credence," John tapped his wand on the table, and the things on it were quickly cleared away, "the choice is yours."

"I'm not strong enough." Credence understood what John said.

His mood at the moment was even more uncomfortable than yesterday.

When he looked up again, John was gone.

According to outside rumors, Credence is the last bloodline of that ancient French pure-blood family.

Not only did they think so, even Dumbledore also believed it.

Travers, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, led the Aurors to find Dumbledore.

Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Dumbledore is teaching.

There is an open space in the middle of the classroom, surrounded by students.

They were enjoying the scene in front of them with great interest.

A big boy wearing Gryffindor robes was preparing to fight. His appearance and body shape were similar to Cormac McLaggen of Gryffindor, and he was probably a relative of McLaggen.

The person who circled with him was their teacher, Dumbledore.

Although the boy is full of confidence, the wizard he faces is the only existence in the world that can compete with Grindelwald.

Almost as soon as they met, the boy was knocked away and landed on the soft sofa conjured by Dumbledore.

The boy's confused expression was full of comedy, making the whole class burst into laughter.

Suddenly, the door was opened.

Travers entered the classroom with Theseus, Leta and several other Aurors.

A female professor scolded him for his intrusion behind him. Travers, who was already unhappy with the school's autonomous behavior despite receiving funds from the Ministry of Magic, said: "I am the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and I have the right to go anywhere I want." Place you want to go."

He glanced at the students in the classroom and ordered: "Everyone get out."

If it were somewhere else, it might work.

But this is school, Dumbledore's territory.

The students didn't move until Dumbledore said, "Everyone, please follow the professor out."

Only one man remained, McLaggen, who said to Travers: "He is our best teacher."

Dumbledore said: "Thank you, McLaggen."

"Get out!" Whatever McLaggen meant, it greatly annoyed Travers.

McLagan was out.

Travers looked at Dumbledore with fear in his eyes.

A teacher allowed these students to defend themselves and disobey the Ministry of Magic's orders.

Thinking of his purpose today, Travers suppressed his dissatisfaction.

He gets right to the point: "Newt Scamander in Paris."

Dumbledore pretended to be confused and said, "Really?"

"Stop pretending," Travers snorted, "I know clearly that you asked him to go."

"If you had the pleasure of teaching him," Dumbledore shrugged, "you would know that Newt is not very good at following orders."

This attitude made Travers extremely unhappy. He hated such people who pretended to be confused.

Throwing a small book to Dumbledore, Travers motioned for him to open it and said, "Have you read "The Prediction of Tyco Dodonas"?"

"Many years ago."

"The man is cruelly exiled, the daughter is in deep despair." Travers read out the contents.

"Yes, I know." Dumbledore turned the pages casually.

"It is rumored that this prophecy refers to the Obscurus. They say that Grindelwald wants to..."

"I want a follower and he comes from a famous family. I've heard this rumor." Dumbledore's eyes were deep.

He seemed ready to continue his pretense to the end.

Travers said dissatisfied: "Wherever the Obscurial has been, Scamander will always appear to protect her."

"And you've built a very small international network of contacts."

He tore apart almost all of Dumbledore's operations, and now Dumbledore finally stopped pretending to be confused.

"No matter how long you keep an eye on me and my friends, you will never discover the slightest hint of a conspiracy to rebel, Travers."

Dumbledore said calmly and firmly: "Because we have the same goal, to defeat Grindelwald."

"But I warn you, such political suppression and force sanctions will only push his supporters into his arms."

Travers said angrily; "I'm not interested in your warning!"

Do you think I have to pester you?

Who says he doesn’t want power, yet builds an international network of contacts?

Who said he didn't know, but let Newt Scamander turn New York upside down?

Who pretends to be confused while pretending to understand, and does things that affect them and pretends that nothing happened!

Travers said bluntly: "Listen, I didn't even want to mention it because I don't like you."

Chapter 553 Hello, Messenger

"But you are the only wizard who can rival him, and I want you to fight him."

Didn’t you say that the goals are the same?


You go deal with Grindelwald and let me see if you are who you say you are!

Travers stared at Dumbledore, and the Aurors stared at him.

Under the gaze of many people, Dumbledore slowly shook his head, "I can't."

Travers almost laughed.

You said that everything you did was to deal with Grindelwald, but you were asked to deal with him, and you refused?

Then tell me, these powers are not used for rebellion?

You are so arrogant that you are not even willing to prove yourself, and you want me to humble myself and believe you?

Travers waved his wand expressionlessly.

Dynamic photos of young Dumbledore and young Grindelwald appear.

The Aurors, including Theseus, were shocked.

The two men stare at each other in the photo, and Travers says: "You and Grindelwald were as close as brothers."

Dumbledore looked at the image and said in a voice that was filled with regret and memory: "We are closer than brothers."

It was a painful memory, like honey, with a bitter sweetness.

When he saw the photo, he thought of his sister, and he was filled with regret.

But what's worse is that he misses the feeling of being completely understood for the only time in his life.

Travers gritted his teeth and said, "Are you willing to fight him?"

This is an ultimatum.

Pain flashed in Dumbledore's eyes and he said his answer, "I can't do it."

Travers was completely disappointed with this wizard, "So, you have chosen your side."

The wand waved, and a metal bracelet appeared on Dumbledore's wrist.

This is a warning ring. From now on, every spell Dumbledore casts will be known to the Ministry of Magic.

There will be twice as many people watching him at the same time.

He left angrily.

Theseus was still thinking that his former teacher and Grindelwald were closer than brothers.

He was called, it was Dumbledore.

"If Grindelwald calls a meeting, don't stop it." Dumbledore said sincerely, "Don't let Travers send you, if you still trust me."

Travers: "Theseus!" Do you think others are fools if they don't speak?

Isn't it too bullying for you to win over my subordinates as soon as I leave the house?

Theseus looked complicated. Can you tell me what relationship is closer than brothers?

As a brother-in-law and a hugger, Theseus said he didn't understand that there was anything better than brothers in the world.

Leta also came to Hogwarts, but not with the others.

Instead, I came alone to the corridor filled with memories of my student days.

Stopping in front of the door of the auditorium, she looked up at the suspended candles.

No matter how much time passes, this place will never change.

Continuing walking, she came to the former classroom.

She used to be ostracized in this school, the girls said bad things about her, and the teachers were distrustful of her.

Something about Lestrange became the basis for her being attacked.

Only Newt gave her some good memories in this school.

Slytherin's little snake meets a loving badger.

Sitting at the old desk, her thoughts were drawn back.

"Hello, Leta." Dumbledore appeared at some point, "What a surprise."

Rita was very indifferent to his arrival and said: "Because you saw me in the classroom? I am such a bad student?"

Dumbledore smiled and said, "On the contrary, you are my smartest student."

"I mean bad, not stupid." Rita stood up and laughed at herself, "Don't bother thinking about the answer. You never liked me."

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