Mycroft stared at that place with a gloomy expression.

There was no one standing before Watson.

One after another, the charred corpses maintained the same movements as when they were alive.

He stared blankly at the sword in his hand.

The burning golden fire dragon flew around, turning into three eight-foot-large dragons flying around.

"Is this John's power?"

Watson was shocked when he faced the power of magic intuitively for the first time.

He immediately thought of his wife and ran through the ruins to find Mrs. Wick.

Mrs. Wick stared at Watson suspiciously, making him smile awkwardly.

If the flames hadn't changed their ways, Mrs. Wick would have reason to suspect that her unreliable husband wanted to take the opportunity to change his son's mother.

"Honey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."



The couple looked at each other affectionately.

The adventure that stimulates the body and mind sublimates the relationship between the two.

Watson approached slowly, and Mrs. Wick gently closed her eyes.

Just when the two were about to have a passionate kiss in the fire, two furry heads, one black and one white, stared at them.


Uncomfortable being stared at by two owls, Watson pretended to be calm.

Mrs. Wick also blushed at her girlish behavior just now.

The two separated quickly, and Mrs. Wick covered her rosy cheeks and said, "What to do with the fire?"

good question.

The fire brigade outside asked the same question.

Golden flames burned along this ancient building and continued to spread.

The fire brigade used high-pressure water cannons, but found that it had no effect.

This fire cannot be extinguished at all.

Watson was unsure: "Since it was caused by John's sword, it can be solved, right?"

He tried wielding the Sword of Silverwick and commanded, "Reclaim this fire."

The three fire dragons behind him roared when they heard the words, spread their wings and flew. Wherever they passed, the eternal fire was sucked back into the body by the fire dragons.

The thick smoke also disappeared.

When the three fire dragons flew back, their bodies had grown from eight feet to ten feet.

"What's John's next step?" Mrs. Wick asked after getting up.

"By the way, son." Watson was stunned for a while, and quickly recalled what happened next.

"We're going to his house in the wizarding world."

Watson looked at the two owls and asked quickly: "Do you know how to get there?"

Riddle nodded, spread his wings and flew up.

Watson pulled Mrs. Wick and hurried after her.

Bypassing the charred Nigerian gang, they rushed down the White Tower.

There were already crowds of people outside.

Armed forces, police, firefighters, bomb disposal experts...

Watson was a little confused when he ran out.


Mycroft stared at Watson with anger.


Unlike Mycroft, Watson's eyes were full of surprise.

He noticed that his car was emitting black smoke and was being extinguished by firefighters, and immediately brought Mrs. Wick to Mycroft.

"You don't have anything to explain?"

"Give me the car keys. I need them urgently."

Both men spoke at the same time.

Mycroft was stunned. What do you mean? Not only did you blow up the ancient buildings of the British Empire, but you still dare to ask me for my car keys?

Don’t think that just by setting up a Continental Hotel, you can do whatever you want!

Mycroft said to the driver next to him with a dark face: "Give him the car keys."

He stared into Watson's eyes and said, "You'd better give me an explanation before a quarter past four in the afternoon."

"I will."

Watson took the car keys and hurriedly got into the car. He sat in the passenger seat very consciously.

Watching the black SUV drift and drive away from two police cars, Mycroft couldn't help but hold his forehead.

"This is a mess."

If Watson hadn't presided over something that was good for the entire country, he would definitely have him wanted.


Mycroft covered his nose with a handkerchief and stepped into St. John's Chapel, the most serious place.

He looked at the charred corpse and murmured to himself: "How on earth did you do it, Watson."

An MI6 officer accidentally touched a body and the whole body shattered into pieces.

"High temperatures as low as 1,000 degrees Celsius have ever erupted here."

The man with a touching hairline analyzed it. Mycroft shook his head. He stared at the corpse in the same posture as before death and said: "Only at temperatures above 5000 degrees Celsius can they be completely carbonized from the outside to the inside in an instant."

"A high temperature of 5,000 degrees Celsius erupted in an instant. What on earth did you do here, Watson?" Mycroft murmured to himself.

Could it be that the underground president detonated a small nuclear bomb here?

If that were the case, this place would have been razed to the ground as well.

Staring at the corpses, Mycroft ordered to the MI6 people: "Seal this place and change the Watson Wake file."

"Suspected of possessing weapons of mass destruction, listed at the highest level."

This time everyone in MI6 was busy.

The last time I was so busy, it was during the bloody underground London exchange of cards.

A financial manager who was regarded as a think tank by Finn Wallace brought about earth-shaking changes to the entire underground kingdom after the funeral.

"Watson Wick, how much else do you hide from me?"

Mycroft's mind was spinning.

It is suspected that she has connections with the Bear Country, and may be the wife of the daughter of a large family.

A school-going son who cannot be found even in MI6.

Seemingly ordinary, the husband is known as the underground president. He has the power to annihilate the underground kingdom and is connected to the King of War.

What kind of family is this?

The black SUV followed Riddell's guidance and came all the way to the suburbs of London.

Basil flew out of the car, as if a curtain had been lifted, and a magnificent manor gradually emerged wherever it passed.

"If I had known it, I wouldn't have tried harder."

Watson felt his heart twitching and worked hard to save the little money. As a result, his son was sitting in a mansion, like a manor.

"I felt like I was entering Downton Abbey."

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Watson tried hard to maintain the image of his father.

Your father still lives in a community, but you live in a manor.

Along the way, security guards appeared in the manor staring at the car of unknown origin.

There are some wizards who don't know the car, but they know the black owl.

Arriving all the way inside the manor, Riddle and Basil flew towards the house.

Watson and Mrs. Wick also got out of the car and followed.

Pushing open the door, they saw their son's friend.

"Mr. Wick, Madam," Percy showed up here, abandoning his work at the Ministry of Magic.

As a rising star in the Ministry of Magic, this was the first time he left without caring about anything in front of everyone.

"This time, it's our turn to help John." Percy said.

After Malfoy ended his trip to Germany with his parents, he said carelessly: "We can't always let our king take risks."

Heinrich pulled out his wand, and Jin smiled slightly before pulling out his wand as well.

Daphne took a step forward, greeted Mr. and Mrs. Wick, and said seriously with strength, "Please trust us, uncle and aunt."

My sister Astoria was a little weird after hearing this. Percy called him Mr. Wick and you called him uncle.

Could it be that my sister has finally come to her senses?

Shaking her head, Astoria patted her face. She had to be very energetic and couldn't make any mistakes.

Malfoy noticed Astoria's movements and silently gave a thumbs up: "My Atto is indeed the cutest!"

Fleur secretly despised Malfoy. Does this guy think others can't see his little thoughts?

He immediately pulled Astoria and asked her to stand behind him.

Malfoy: Hey!

Mrs. Wick was moved by the sincerity and moved to tears.

Before the teardrop fell to the ground, a suction force pulled it towards the center.

Watson felt his pocket feel warm, took it out and saw that it was the card.

The blood flowing out is absorbed.

At the same time, Watson walked to the middle with his sword and thrust it hard.

Fleur also took out the card and watched it fly to the center.

The two cards overlapped and disappeared, and the Ouroboros inside let go of its tail and swam out, turning into an '8' entangled with the gem on the hilt of Silver Wake's Sword and biting its tail.

Everyone in the Star Club raised their wands in tacit agreement.

The bright magic beams shot at the Silver Wake Sword at the same time.

The huge gathering of magic power is touched by the time anchor point through the blessing of the magic stone.

A golden light hole instantly exploded.

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