He saw the trust in John in his sister, and also saw the tenderness from the second king.

"Albus, you are wrong, that child, he should have been king."

Aberforth looked at the broken mirror and left a sentence.

When John found Mrs. Wick, she couldn't wait to pull Ariana to try on clothes.

Ariana tried to ask John to save her, but John turned his head silently.

Finally, Mrs. Wick harvested a lot of novel wizard clothes and ended today's trip.

John took them back to Hogwarts and met Slughorn.

"Oh, Mrs. Wick." Slughorn was a little confused as to why he saw Mrs. Wick in school, but he still said enthusiastically, "Would you like to come here for a drink? The food above is not enough. I will come to the kitchen and order some to be cooked. "

The hedonistic Slughorn takes no advantage of his privileges.

Mrs. Wick glanced at her son, and John smiled thoughtfully and said, "Sorry, Professor, my mother has to take her sister home."

"I see," Slughorn said when he saw Ariana, "Then I shouldn't keep my friends waiting too long."

He walked away knowingly.

Mrs. Wick said doubtfully, "I remember your principal was not an old man with a white beard?"

"Oh, he retired as a janitor."

A door appeared on the wall next to John, and he opened it and entered.

Mrs. Wick and Ariana came in, closed the door and disappeared.

Slughorn came out of the kitchen and was about to talk to John about the Bloodborne thesis.

Seeing the empty corridor, he swung the glass and took a sip and said, "I must have drunk too much."

He glanced at the wine glass hesitantly and drank the rest.

Mrs. Wick and Ariana return home.

When they came out of the fireplace, they saw Watson wearing a wizard's robe, lying stretched out on the sofa.

"Where have you been?" Watson said in a bad tone.

Mrs. Wick put down the wizard's robe and asked in the gentlest tone: "Didn't you say not to bring snow to the carpet?"

Watson glanced at the carpet, silently adjusted his posture, and sat on the sofa with his legs together and his back straight.

"I think……"

"I don't want you to feel it, I want to feel it."

Mrs. Wick suddenly appeared and asked Watson to go out and shovel the snow without any excuses.

In the evening, Watson discovered the gift Mrs. Wick had brought for him.

A genuine wizard's robe.

He immediately ran to the room and said shyly: "Honey, you still love me. Needless to say, I understand. It's hard for you to prepare a Christmas gift for me."

Little did they know, it was a special offer where you buy ten and get one free.

Ariana was in the room and took out the emerald green brooch.

She held the brooch and rolled over on the bed with joy.

When the little bear saw this, he imitated her and rolled around on the bed.

When Mrs. Wick arrived, she saw Ariana sleeping on her side, smiled fondly, and covered her with the quilt.

The occasional naughtiness makes people like this child even more.

Under the Wicker Christmas tree.

An unopened gift lay there quietly.

Watson picked it up and looked at the name on it.

"Albus Dumbledore?"

This name made Watson think of something.

He placed the gift in Ariana's room.

The Wicks had never considered asking Ariana to abandon her former family, even though John had said her brother was not a good fit.

"Cherish your family, Ariana."

Watson put down the gift and whispered in Ariana's ear: "I hope you are my daughter, and I hope you can be happy forever."

Push the little bear that is about to fall in.

Watson quietly closed the door and left.

After the room returned to silence, Ariana opened her eyes, looked at the gift next to her, and then closed her eyes again.

He still held the brooch in his hand.

Chapter 606 The holiday is over, social stars

"The Death of Grindelwald"

A large headline dominates the center of the Daily Prophet.

A name appears in the public eye.

"Inge Griffiths?"

John stared at the newspaper. Last time he said that solving Grindelwald would be done once and for all.

I didn't expect that someone would actually do this.

"Grindelwald is dead?" He was full of doubts about this matter.

That person could die so easily?

The once all-powerful Dark Lord of Europe died in a small country at the hands of a Minister of Magic?

John picked up the letter sent by Riddle and looked at the signature on the letter. It was Old Barty's.

Like John, Barty Sr. has doubts about Grindelwald's death.

"Lipi has verified that it is not a compound medicine."

John still trusts Lippi's ability. People who can thrive undercover around the Dark Lord always have some outstanding abilities.

But if it wasn't a compound potion, what could be used to disguise himself as Grindelwald?

John pondered, "Grindelwald will not die so easily. The inside story is suspicious."

He was going to let the Star Disciples investigate.

Turning your attention to the photo, the man in the picture stood at the foot of the stairs, confronting representatives from various countries in a stark difference.

"Inge Griffiths." John read the name, which was a little-known name.

It can even be said that in the entire Polish magical world, if it weren't for Grindelwald's visit, almost no one would pay attention.

"Dumbledore won't believe it either, so what will he do in response?"

John gave the letter to Riddle and asked him to go to Johnny Silverhand's store.

He walked into the Star Club.

Entering the plain, he saw two fighting Celestial Spirit Guards.

Hector and Helmer.

Every time they collide, a gust of wind pressure sweeps through, and a group of protoss cheers for them.

Next to the star spirit is Silver John, who is shining with silvery white light.

John snapped his fingers, and the battle between the two divine guards stopped.

Then he turned back into a star spirit and ran over.

After John's guidance and training, these protoss can finally switch to the guardian state.

Dozens of protoss transformed at the same time, and the suffocating divine guards appeared.

This power will be John's most effective guardian.

"You came."

Silver John spreads out into light and merges into John's body.

"You are more like an army now."

Seeing the divine guards lining up neatly, John smiled slightly.

He selected two of them and went to the French branch and the American branch respectively.

This is considered a security measure.

The chosen divine guard turned back into a star spirit, jumping up and down with great joy.

John said to the other star spirits: "When you grow up, you can go to various places to guard like them."

The Protoss Guardians were very happy, and John gave them the meaning of guardianship when he created them.

So in their opinion, being able to go to other places to protect them is the best thing.

The two Star Spirit Guards were sent to two branches by John.

In the American branch.

Nagini held the little star spirit in her hands and greeted it with a smile.


"Bubbabu." The protoss spoke a language they couldn't understand.

John shrugged, "It says hello."

"Do you understand?"

"Of course," John chuckled, "I created them."

"You're as fascinating as ever," Nagini said.

"Where's Credence?"

"He's outside," Nagini said to John with a happy smile on her face, "I'm grateful."

"We don't need this."

John waved his hand and said with a smile: "Take care of this place for me."

"I will, my king."

John left when he sent the protoss to the French branch.

It's very lively there.

"They celebrated Grindelwald's death," King said. "I heard that Grindelwald destroyed Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, and many family mausoleums were there."

Hearing this, John said calmly: "That's really too much."

As if he wasn't the one who dragged the dome into Père Lachaise Cemetery and exploded.

This holiday was spent quickly in John's training and review.

Students return to school the day before the holiday ends.

As soon as Daphne came back, she went looking for that skunk boy Malfoy.

The protoss she trained are very well-behaved and have learned how to transform into guardians.

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