"In your academy, John Wick appears!"

John's voice echoed in the secret room.

That is the heroic step into the magical world.

That is the pride of the second king.

That's Slytherin's ambition!

Until finally, the voice calmed down.

With relief on John's face, he was ready to leave.

Emerging from the statue, John followed the dark passage.


John's footsteps paused and he took a deep breath.

There was a rumbling sound, and he had a look of helplessness on his face.

"I overlooked a big point."

Turning around slowly, John looked behind him.

The statue that entered earlier had its mouth opening and closing.

John said: "I didn't look carefully at this secret room."

Statue of Salazar Slytherin.

Yes, how could a great wizard who explored magic take an ordinary path?

Slytherin is not gone.


He's always there.

That statue is where his consciousness resides.

Gryffindor's great wooden sword, Ravenclaw's painting, Hufflepuff's cookbook.

Each of them has a place where consciousness resides.

Salazar Slytherin let his consciousness fall on this statue.

At this time, the statue's mouth opened and closed and said: "I have been watching you."

"Okay," John shrugged and said, "Great Salazar Slytherin, you can't just come out because of my words, can you?"

If so, you are too petty.

John groaned secretly.

Salazar Slytherin said solemnly: "I watched you grow up, and you look a lot like me."

"The same pursuit of magic, the same dedication to family and friends."

"I witnessed you studying in ignorance, and saw how you encountered difficulties and found solutions."

"See how you create magic and touch the taboo."

"You have studied magic countless times and put down another secret room in the secret room."

"I've always watched you and you're the most different person I've ever met."

Salazar Slytherin said: "The four founders of us put our own thoughts on the Sorting Hat, so it is the most impartial and the one who best understands our thoughts."

"You're looking for an answer, an answer about you."

John nodded and said, "Yes, I want to know."

Many people have said that answer.

The statue of Salazar Slytherin said: "You are the best Slytherin, you are right, and I feel your ambition."

"You will not be proud of Slytherin, but Slytherin will be proud of you."

When he said this, John felt Slytherin's awkwardness.

After all, he is a very proud person. It must be very difficult for such a person to say this.

Salazar Slytherin took a deep breath and said seriously: "John Wick, you are Slytherin."

This is the answer.

John smiled.

Many people have said it before, but when this question came out of Slytherin's mouth, it was more like an endorsement.

Recognize his talent, recognize his ambition, recognize his pride.

"I would like to ask, you haven't come out all these years, are you worrying about my origin?" John stared at Salazar Slytherin with great suspicion.

I have come down eighty times if not a hundred times. Other founders come out once, but you never come out once?

"Ahem," Salazar Slytherin was a little embarrassed, "I'm just observing whether you are qualified to meet me."

John had reason to suspect that he was tsundere.

He wanted to admit that he was the heir, but he was embarrassed to admit that a Muggle-born was legitimate.

After all, Slytherin left immediately after a quarrel with Gryffindor.

They are friends, and there is no reason to treat each other as life-or-death enemies.

Salazar Slytherin built the Chamber of Secrets more like he was out of anger.

But no matter what, John smiled and bowed gracefully.

"Great Slytherin, I accept your approval."

"Wait here until the name of John Wick reaches your ears again."

John looked up, his eyes filled with all-consuming ambition.

Even the old tsundere must admit that Salazar Slytherin is his perfect heir.

The huge statue lowered its head slightly and said with approval: "I will be proud of you, King of Slytherin."

John left, taking Slytherin's acknowledgment with him.

He will step into the magical world and become the king outside this ivory tower.

Chapter 639 Thoughts of staying in school, leaving school


The kitchen was buzzing with activity.

Hufflepuff walked out of the kitchen door. The greedy little badger had already swallowed his saliva at the various potato recipes.

Two of the biggest benefits of being a Hufflepuff are that they are the first to know what to eat and they are also the ones who can have late night snacks.

This made them unwilling to trade with Gryffindor Tower.

A greedy student secretly took one and put it in his pocket.

They walked down the corridor to the Great Hall, where the students of Hogwarts gathered.

Students from various houses talked about their vacation arrangements without any worries, and seventh-grade students discussed where they would go in the future.

There are also people who are reluctant to say goodbye.

There are also people who seek death and are doing crazy temptations.

After Malfoy was hoisted up again, John couldn't help but shake his head.

"Draco, you need to calm down."

This temper is not good for entering a magical society.

But Malfoy, who had cast the Golden Bell and landed on it, said arrogantly: "Restrain? It's only right to tell them not to mess with me without their eyes!"

Just kidding, the eldest son of the Malfoy family, the first ancient clan in the ancient alliance.

In a place like Hogwarts where there are still rules, you need to be more restrained. But outside of society, wouldn't you just bully others?

When John thought about it, it seemed that Malfoy was right.

It doesn't matter if the status gap is not reflected in school. In society, it is really about status and status.

Rarely, John agreed with Malfoy.

Slughorn tapped his glass.

He stood up and announced to all the students: "Eat!"

He likes this kind of simple and direct speech more and more.

It was John's last meal at Hogwarts. He cut into a roast chicken and sliced ​​off the meat.

The table knife can be played with in his hands, flying up and down flexibly on his fingertips without even leaving a mark on the bones.

This set of actions stunned Malfoy.

"Why are you, a wizard, so handy with these things?" Malfoy didn't understand.

But the two big men shuddered. Once, John nailed the little wizard's hand to the table with a fork.

Eating the chicken slowly, John glanced at the decorative colors of the auditorium.

Silver and green, just like the day he stepped into school.

He defended the glory of Slytherin for seven years, and this glory was engraved with John Wick's name.

This meal was not eaten quickly, and the seventh grade students seemed to be reminiscing about their experiences over the years.

Maybe they weren't the best group of people, but what they experienced was definitely the most thrilling seven years in the history of Hogwarts.

Malfoy is going to the Quidditch Pro Tournament.

Neville is heading to the Albanian forest.

Daphne is ready to take over the family business.

Each partner has his or her own belonging.

They talked, laughed, and thought about the future without restraint.

After entering society, you may not be able to do what you want, or you may be suppressed.

These seven years were the motivation for them to sleep in countless dark nights and wake up the next morning.

The meal ends before half past eight.

It was like their seven years had finally come to an end.

John held the half-drinked ice lemon juice in his hand and looked up at the staff table.

Snape looked at him across the table.

John raised his glass silently, and Snape also raised his glass.

What John once longed for is now gone.

What he once longed for was now in the past.

The toast between the two seemed to be a return to the few friendships they had shared over the past seven years.

Snape was not a good headmaster, at least for John, he was not a good leader.

He should have been ambitious, bound to Hogwarts by love.

He is not a good teacher either. His teaching skills can only be verified by geniuses.

But sometimes he would help John speak.

When doubt arose, he would Slytherin out.

"He is suitable for experimenting alone, not for being imprisoned in an ivory tower."

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