He said unhappily: "We are classmates after all, don't you think you would send me to such a dangerous place and I would die?"

"I'm not your classmate," Ludwig said calmly, "I'm two years older than you."

This made Gresham itch with hatred, "Okay, are you afraid that the second king will kill me?"

"You do not deserve."

Ludwig said directly: "In his eyes, you are not even a threat."

Gresham was speechless again. After a long silence, he looked at Ludwig seriously and asked, "Tell me, was my choice the right one?"

Being a supported Minister of Magic is different from his strong personality.

"He never failed," Ludwig said.

Yes, this sentence trumps everything.

"Strength comes first. He will not limit the development of his men. When you are strong enough, you will be his friend."

Ludwig's words made Gresham less unwilling.

He stood up to leave.

After all, he is not John. He can ignore anti-Apparition and has the ability to open the portal at any time.

When he reached the door, he asked on a whim: "Are you a friend or a subordinate?"

In addition to being competitors, the two people were also friends in the past.

He wanted to find balance from Lucivid.

But a smile flashed in Ludwig's eyes and he said, "I am his friend's father, what do you think?"

Gresham took a deep breath. His admiration for the student council president was like feeding the dog.

You son of a bitch!

He walked out of the castle indignantly.

Ludwig stood on the castle overlooking Gresham striding over puddles in the rain.

"Remove the obstacles and Germany will be in control. Where is the limit of your ambition?"

As Heinrich's father, he wanted John to be as ambitious as possible.

The light shining into Edgar became more and more dazzling.

The situation in Germany has changed.

Ludwig dropped out of the race, and the No. 3 contender backed Gresham.

And his choice represents Durmstrang, and the ancient alliance behind it.

As soon as the families who had problems with Gresham wanted to take action, they were warned by the ancient alliance.

Let them dare not take action at all.

Gold was anxious to let the forces behind him take action.

Because of Ludwig's transformation, he was about to fall out of the ranks of competitors in an instant.

"The Ancient Clan has restricted our actions," the head of the German pure-blood family said gloomily. "The Silver Hand Alliance has warned our business. Now it's not you who are in trouble, it's us all!"

This is the horror of the Second Dynasty.

In just a few days, the German pure-blood family was in complete disarray.

They might be able to resist if they unite, but it's simply impossible. They're not that united.

What's more, other families have nothing to do, only they are hit.

No matter how unwilling Gold was, he had no choice.

He was kicked out of the ranks of contenders.

Now only Yalefan and Gresham remain.

Two people, one represents the stubbornness of the old era, and the other represents the enterprising spirit of the new era.

The followers of the first king competed with the men of the second king.

But the power of the First King has always been weak, and they are not united.

The Second Dynasty is unstoppable, and this is the difference between John and Dumbledore.

John stayed at home and smiled as he looked at the newspaper that Basil had brought.

The outcome of the game between the remaining two competitors has been quietly decided.

Ludwig was not Karkaroff, and his reputation had never been lowered during the time he became the principal.

In Fudge's day, Dumbledore only had to say a few nice things about Fudge to get him elected.

Such is the influence of the three largest magic schools in Europe.

John put the newspaper down and reached out to touch Basil carefully.

He released his hand, touched his chin and said thoughtfully, "You seem to have gained weight during this period."

Basil stopped eating dried fish and glanced at Qiqi who was eating cookies.

Qiqi said that he didn't know what was going on, but the other party slapped him twice. Do you know how much psychological damage those two slaps caused to Long?

Being beaten suddenly was something neither the fire dragon nor the owl could accept.

John finally understood that Basil was treating owl beating as an after-dinner exercise.

Riddle stood on the shelf and squinted his eyes, not participating in the fight between the two owls.

The little brown bear crept up the shelf and started to move against the owl's feathers.

John saw Ariana sneaking around at the top of the stairs, quietly cheering up the little bear.

Chapter 651 The terror of the Second Dynasty is a foregone conclusion

Piers walks in the Ministry of Magic.

"Deputy Minister Thicknesse."

"Good morning, Lina."

Pierce stepped into the elevator with a false smile.

He stopped the employee who was about to come up and said with a false apology: "I'm sorry, I have to go to the minister's office, so..."

It was obvious what he meant, and the employee backed away hastily.

However, Pierce still didn't start it. He turned slightly sideways and looked at the female employee who just greeted him.

He winked at the female employee. The female employee realized it later and came out apologetically.

During peak hours, the entire elevator was occupied by him.

Pierce smiled with satisfaction, pressed the button, and the elevator started.

The elevator backed up and then quickly ascended.

Arrive at the floor where the minister's office is located.

Pierce walked inside with brisk and joyful steps.

He was in a good mood, walked to the minister's office and knocked on the door three times.

"Come in."

Old Barty was reading today's morning newspaper. He held the newspaper close to his nose so that he could see it more clearly.

"Pierce." Old Batty put down the newspaper and saw Pierce coming over with the newspaper under his arm.

"Minister Crouch, I was going to send it to you."

Pierce raised the newspaper in his hand and smiled: "The Second Dynasty."

Batty Sr. stretched out his hand and said, "I haven't seen it there yet."

Pierce handed the newspaper over, and Old Barty opened it and looked at it carefully.

This is the reason why Old Batty was happy when he first saw Pierce in the Daily Prophet.

“Yale Fan was undrafted.”

This is the first good news. After all, to put it bluntly, Old Batty is definitely the second king.

Yalefan mentioned Dumbledore more than once at the International Federation of Wizards, for fear that others would not know who his follower was.

If nothing else, Barty Sr. didn't hate Dumbledore, but he definitely didn't like him.

The First King's negotiations with the Ministry of Magic were basically not friendly.

The Ministry of Magic once asked him to come forward to deal with Grindelwald, but in exchange for the other party's refusal, a small gang was formed behind the scenes, allowing Newt Scamander to go to France and almost destroy Paris.

In that matter, the Ministry of Magic put in many people and efforts, and the damage was great.

As a result, Dumbledore lost his good reputation.

You say you want to deal with Grindelwald, will the Ministry of Magic still object?

Do you think the Ministry of Magic will be a liability to deal with it behind the scenes, or do you think the Ministry of Magic is untrustworthy?

Forget it.

During Voldemort's time, the same operation happened again.

At that time, Old Barty even thought that by letting Dumbledore take over the Ministry of Magic, he could temporarily put aside his thoughts about the position of Minister.

The results of it?

The same operation, but you don't work with the Ministry of Magic, you start working in a small team again, and you still stay in school and don't come out.

Is it really the Ministry of Magic that influences your performance?

Or are you saying that Hogwarts is just that powerful, and fresh graduates are more useful than the Ministry of Magic, right?

Everyone knows what happened next.

The Ministry of Magic is cracking down on Death Eaters in various ways, and at the same time, it is also worried about what Dumbledore is going to do.

It was never the Ministry of Magic's refusal to cooperate, but Dumbledore's confusion.

So Old Barty never had any intention of becoming friends with Dumbledore.

This person has great power, but always likes to build a small team by himself.

He doesn't even bother to give you an explanation.

John was right, it was a God, not a man.

As long as he stayed on the altar, Old Batty never cared whether the person was alive or dead.

It does not affect the Ministry of Magic's decision and does not create a small team behind the scenes. Old Barty is happy whether he prefers to watch the door or the toilet.

He may be the number one in people's hearts, but he can never replace the second king.

Old Barty continued to read.

This second article, like the first, is related to the Second Dynasty.

To be precise, the first one is influenced by the second one.

The Silver Hand Alliance imposed sanctions on some businesses, and the Ancient Alliance issued some warnings to the German families.

This incident directly caused social and economic turmoil in German magic.

Yalefan was also affected and was forced to withdraw from the track of Minister of Magic.

Gresham was confirmed as Germany's Minister of Magic. Once in office, he resolved the economic turmoil caused by the Second Dynasty.

And taking advantage of this turmoil, he declared war on the Saints.

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