Among this group of people, there are two outliers.


Old Gore, who not only lost weight but gained a lot of weight in prison, greeted the employees.

His eyes fell on Theodore, and he said with a look of surprise: "Theodore? I am your Uncle Gower."

"Uncle Gower?" Theodore was stunned.

Connect the fat man in front of you with the big and silly person from before.

His eyes fell on the other party's prison. Although the difference didn't seem big, if you look closely, you could see that the other party's food was not very good.

There are also entertainment facilities such as Gobstone chess board and magic chess board.

"Are you coming to see your father?" Old Gore rubbed his belly and said with a smile, "You have to persuade him, he is still dreaming about the Voldemort era."

"Okay, Old Gore," Norman shook his head helplessly, "You will be going out soon, so you'd better lose weight first."

Old Gower was a little dissatisfied and said: "Have you seen Crabbe? He is the fattest one."

Norman was speechless, what's the comparison?

To be honest, he was also a little envious of these two tough guys.

If others live in Azkaban, they will be skinned even if they don't die.

But luckily for them, not only did they not lose weight, they also gained weight.

What was originally a life sentence became two years.

The two fools understood their fate, so they decisively turned their backs on Voldemort.

They did not waste the opportunity that their elders and younger siblings had fought for. Two years were about to pass, but nothing happened at all.

At first the Death Eaters would yell when they were caught, but they just went back to their own homes.

As time goes by, my heart naturally becomes lighter and my body becomes fatter.

Those who come in with them will either be imprisoned until death or die directly. They will be out in two years, not to mention how happy they are.

Theodore's heart sank when he saw this. If he had directly looked for John, he might not have been able to get out forever.

After bidding farewell to Old Gore, they continued deeper.

Azkaban is divided into upper nine floors and lower nine floors.

The further down you go, the more serious the crime, and the worse the environment.

A biting chill spread from the lowest level, and Theodore exhaled a white breath.

He saw his father, old Nott, standing like a living mummy.

His hair was disheveled and he was mumbling to himself.

"I'll wait for you outside."

Norman saw the shock in Theodore's eyes and turned around to go out.

He wasn't afraid that Theodore would suddenly rob the prison or something, there wasn't even a window in this place.

All the light comes from that kerosene lamp.

This was brought in by Norman.

On weekdays, there is not even a trace of light here, and the silence of death and painful moans torture the prisoners here all the time.

Those fears are infinitely amplified in the dark, and they will basically go crazy.


Theodore approaches old Nott.

But when Old Nott saw the light in his hand, he huddled in the corner as if he was afraid of being burned by the flames.

"The master will lead pure blood to rule this world, and we will kill all Muggles." Old Nott yelled crazily, "The Dark Lord will come back, and everyone will die!"


He was gibbering and laughing wildly.

Theodore looked at his father and said to himself: "You are thinking about him even when you are crazy. You are not thinking about your children at all."

"Child? That's right, kid!" Old Nott seemed to have just seen who it was, and climbed out from the corner on hands and knees.

Holding the fence with his skull-like palms, he stared at Theodore and said: "My son, you need to find the master. He is immortal and he will definitely come back!"

"When the time comes, we will rule the world and everyone will be our slaves!"

Theodore looked at him quietly and said: "Voldemort is dead."

"No!" Old Nott hissed ferociously, "You are lying to me!"

"He is the most powerful wizard, he can do anything!"

Old Nott banged his head on the fence that could not be untied, roaring like a wild beast: "He will come back, and then all the disloyal people will die!"

"I'm here to tell you," Theodore took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and opened them again. The last thoughts of family love were gone. "My king, he will conquer this world, and the old All will be swallowed up."

With one last look at his father, Theodore put down the lamp in his hand.

"I will take Nott back to its rightful place, my own way."

Theodore turned and left. This would be the last time he saw his father.

Under the weak light, Old Noto let out a roar that chilled people's hearts.

Walking out of the bottom floor, Theodore saw Norman looking at his watch.

"I thought you would stay longer." Norman put down his hand as if nothing had happened and asked, "Is it okay to confirm?"

Theodore nodded and asked, "How long will he stay in there?"

"Until he dies," Norman said with a smile, "maybe one year, maybe ten years, maybe a hundred years."

"If it were me, I would choose a quicker death. That eternal imprisonment is beyond death."

Sometimes death is also a gift. The longer you live, the more painful it will be.

Theodore looked at the smile on Norman's face. This man was not a good person either.

"I hope he dies within a year," Theodore put a bag of Galleons into Norman's hands, "Please."

"You shouldn't be looking for me, but..." He pushed the money back and put his right hand on his heart.

He bowed slightly and said with a smile, "My king asked me to fulfill your request."

Chapter 656 Escape, evidence


"Farke! Farke! Farke!"

Gauss carried a corpse and ran and cursed all the way.

And there are many greetings to women, including a few words about Lippi's private parts.

He dodged the flying curse with a slide, took out his wand and shot out a green light without looking back.

The pursuer was nearly shot.

Gauss waved his wand and apparated away.

"Don't let him go."

The pursuers all disapparated to catch up.

Both sides continue to appear and disappear in various places.

After the fourth Apparition, Gauss took a breath. He looked at his arm and saw a scarlet scar that almost broke his arm.

"Disapparate too many times and I won't be able to handle it anymore."

Almost separated, he took out a bottle of fresh food and poured it on the wound.

Before he could even recite the healing spell, the people from behind were chasing him again.

Goss was already injured, and now he was being chased by all kinds of people. The most terrible thing was that he even brought a corpse with him.

Using the red light that flew away, he knocked the man unconscious with a backhand blow.

What followed was a dizzying array of attacks.

Gauss was unable to stand alone, and a green light flew towards him. He did not hesitate to sacrifice the body to block the life-killing curse.

The already dead body would naturally not die again, but the impact bounced Gauss away.

"Minister Schmidt, you said you would be more useful dead than alive."

Gauss said something random, and then took a big step to avoid the pothole that appeared under his feet.

Looking at the woods getting closer and closer, there was no movement after he ran in.

The pursuing Aurors from the Ministry of Magic stopped one by one.

Starr came over, he waved, and everyone moved on.

Not long after he walked in, a man screamed.

The other man turned around, drilled out a pair of restrained armor from the ground, tied it up from feet to hands, and the wand flew out.

The Auror was locked there in a kneeling and restrained position.

His mouth was sealed and he couldn't speak.

Other Aurors also encountered various traps one after another.

Starr ducked sideways to avoid the raised wooden dog, raised his hand and sent a spark of fire to repel the wooden dog.

"Silver hand product?"

Starr snorted coldly, waved his wand, and an impact spread out, blowing the trap away.

"Super fluorescent flash! (lumosMaxima)"

He threw a ball of light into the sky, lighting up the night.

Various traps hidden in dark corners were discovered.

By the time they eliminated the trap, Gauss had already disappeared.

Starr used magic to look for traces, but found that all the footprints had disappeared.

You don't need to think about it to know that it is Gauss's fault.

Without clues, Starr returned without success.

"Take away all the Silver Hand products. I want to see what these people say."

Starr ordered his men to take away the unactivated traps so that he could question Johnny Silverhand.

Wait until everyone leaves.

On the other side of the woods, a small boat that sank to the bottom of the river slowly floated up.

Gauss and the corpse were lying on the boat together. Gauss spit out a mouthful of water, patted the corpse's hand and said, "Mr. Minister, you are so precious."

Even the Ministry of Magic started to stink after the body had been there for many days.

"I've been looking all over but I can't find Yingge. It seems that you are the only one who can do the job."

Waving his wand feebly, the boat headed towards his residence.

Johnny Silverhand's store on the other side.

Starr came here angrily with those silver hand props.

Tang Mi sat there and glanced up at Starr unhurriedly, "Mr. Rozier, are you so free to come here to see me?"

"You still want to show off?" Starr sneered, "You secretly helped the intruder and funded his silver hand props."

"Oh?" Tang Mi said in surprise, "I don't remember this happening. The Ministry of Magic has been invaded again?"

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