Tiptoeing on tiptoes, she opened her mouth and mouthed and asked, "Ariana, where are my mother and brother?"

Ariana said: "Mom went to the beauty salon and my brother went out."

"I can rest assured that."

Watson breathed a sigh of relief. The incubator he was holding looked like a box used to transport medicines in some laboratories.

He came to Ariana mysteriously and looked around as if he were a thief.

Under Ariana's curious gaze, he solemnly opened the box.

A cold air flowed out from inside, which was filled with ice cubes and soda.

Ariana's eyes sparkled.

"Soda party." Watson said proudly, "There are all kinds of flavors!"

"No one will restrain us today!"

Ariana cast an adoring look, which made Watson's vanity soar.

He waved his hand and said he would have a good drink today.

Anyway, no one else is at home, so father and daughter can be unscrupulous.

It's just that they forgot.

In addition to people, there are also small animals at home.

Two owls and a dog were silently looking at Watson's ugly face.

Silverhand Manor.

Riddle flew to and stopped in front of John, and John touched its head.

He wrote a letter to Old Batty, reminding him to be cautious.

"Let the Star Disciple go with him."

John added some insurance, the Star Disciples were hiding here and there the whole time.

Having them together will make you feel more at ease.

"Don't let anyone kidnap you along the way."

John touched Riddle and asked him to deliver the letter.

After doing everything, he set his sights on the people who came to Silver Hand Manor.

"Have you decided?"

He was on the second floor looking down at Theodore.

"I have decided," Theodore said respectfully, "the corrupt Nott has died, and I will follow you and become the new Nott."

John was not surprised by his choice.

From the beginning of Theodore's journey to Azkaban, every move was under his surveillance.

And Theodore also took action for his decision.

He chose to let his father end his eternal imprisonment.

A death is not only the end of the old Nott, but also the tolerance given by the king.

"In this election, Old Batty will go, and you will be by his side."

John said calmly: "You need to be familiar with all this. What you need to face in the future will not be Hogwarts' play house."

"I understand." Theodore nodded.

"From now on, you are a Star Disciple," John walked slowly. "You can learn a lot from those people."

"How to use the killing curse, how to torture, how to sneak in, how to escape."

He stopped in front of Theodore, looked at his former friend, and John said: "You will struggle in the mud, and you will either sink into the mud and drown, or you will break out and transform."

"You cannot support the new Nott now."

"Blood and fire can make you a qualified leader."

John raised his hand and put it on Theodore's shoulder, and said calmly: "Remember that sentence?"

"For eternal glory."

Theodore looked up, his eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

Yes, for eternal glory.

At the year-end dinner in the first grade, the young and immature Wang was surrounded by Slytherins. He raised his cup and shouted those words.

And glory became a trap that Slytherin could not overcome.

They chase power and glory.

Theodore, he was also one of the believers.

Just like Lord Voldemort, John's followers have covered the entire wizarding world.

For the sake of glory, it is to restart Nott's glory.

Theodore would give his life.

"The election is about to begin."

John looked at the beautifully planted garden outside the door.

The gardener is taking good care of the plants.

Little Barty began to become less indifferent.

Maybe it's because Batty Sr. has always patiently shown off his loving fatherliness, or maybe it's because he wants to understand that Batty Sr. doesn't need the gimmick of a heroic father.

Little Barty tried to get in touch with some fatherly love from Old Barty.

What he once longed for, Barty Jr. said, he still hated.

But he called for 'Father'.

The former rebellion may be revenge for his father's neglect, but the changed old Barty shows softness.

John walked up to little Barty and glanced at the skillful operation of one of his hands.

"You're used to it."

Little Barty paused and said, "Sometimes it's still a little inconvenient."

John shook his head and said; "Your father, you are starting to get used to his presence."

Little Barty didn't know what to say, he was just there clearing weeds.

"Find an opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk with him," John said. "He will be very happy, even happier than if he became the president of the International Federation of Wizards."

John's response was still silence.

John didn't say much, just left.

Little Barty put down his shovel, glanced at the sky, and murmured to himself: "The weather is really nice."

When he was at Crouch's house, he had no chance to see such a sky.

That was the sky he could see on the Quidditch pitch.

The election begins.

The location is at the origin of magic.

Green mountains stand in the distance, and the top of the mountain almost touches the sky.

Huge steps lead to the sky above, with the majestic castle visible at the top.

A figure stepped onto this place, and he looked up to where the clouds and mist were.

That was the place where the first Dark Lord failed.

And now I set foot here again.

Inge reached out and touched the masonry eroded by time.

Chapter 659 Kingdom of Bhutan, Muggle weapons stolen

The Kingdom of Bhutan is located high in the Eastern Himalayas. It is a country of unparalleled beauty.

Many important magics were born there, and it is a place where devout wizards and believers exist.

This place symbolizes the sanctity of the wizarding world, and similarly, some major matters will be decided here.

For example, the election of the International Federation of Wizards, where they elect a new president.

Supporters of the competitors came and marched along the roads of stone and wood.

The lively scene is not noisy and full of harmony.

Old Batty also came here, and his supporters cheered his arrival.

Old Batty also changed his seriousness and waved his palms in a very friendly manner.

Pierce was at his side with a smile on his face.

"Protecting the Minister of Magic, I never thought about it like this in my old days."

On the wooden balcony, Oxer, wearing a windbreaker and a cowboy hat, stared down.

The executioner stood silent next to him, and Oxer clicked his tongue in displeasure, "You are the one who acts with me, like a piece of wood."

"Minister Crouch becoming the new president is good for you, sir." Execution Platform said, "Don't forget, our status is here because of you, sir."

"Of course I don't have any objections, sir," Oakes fiddled with his wand, "I just think that one day I will do something like this."

Oxer's eyes moved to the twins beside Crouch and said: "I will sacrifice my life if necessary."

The execution platform did not respond to him, but was a little surprised that the famous index finger man Oxer was so loyal.

"I admire the strong." Oxer grinned, "He made me find the meaning of life that I didn't have before."

"So do we," replied the executioner.

Star Disciples, a group of heinous and wanted criminals.

The lives on their hands were no less than ten each.

It can be said that if you kill them all, no one will feel sorry for you, they will only applaud you.

But the more extremely dark people are, the more powerful they pursue.

The power they saw was not the aloof and invincible one.

But a kind of power that constantly changes the world.

They saw this in John.

That adult is constantly changing the world, whether intentionally or not.

Oxer glanced at Old Barty who was walking up the steps and said to the execution platform: "Take that little guy with you. I hope he doesn't wet his pants."

His eyes were fixed on a few wizards on the streets, and with a craziness of desire to kill in his eyes, he said: "Deal with those guys."

The executioner looked at the wizard leaning against the door.

This mission also brought a burden, which was why Oxer was unhappy.

Theodore silently looked at the people passing by.

"Is this the world John is exposed to?"

Real magical society is nothing like Hogwarts.

It's full of danger and infighting.

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