What happened to Poland?

Everyone looked at Charles Roland without knowing why.

The Minister of Magic looked panic-stricken at the moment.

He spoke with difficulty: "The Polish Ministry of Magic is gone."

Everyone stared at him blankly.

He continued: "It was a devastating disaster, covering the Ministry of Magic and the gathering place of wizards."

"The disaster spread to Warsaw."

"Not a single life is left alive."

After he said the last word, he sat down limply.

The quiet needle drop can be heard.

Everyone is digesting this information.

It was as if he had forgotten to breathe.

Until someone exhales heavily.

Everyone gasped one after another.

The death of wizards again, the disappearance of thousands of lives.

Basically, Polish magical society was wiped off the map.

"We need him." The Bulgarian Minister of Magic, who was hesitant just now, said blankly.

He became emotional and yelled, "We need John Wick!"

"Only he can save us!"

Not to lead, not to lead.

is salvation.

Grindelwald opens Pandora's box.

The wizarding world is counting down to death.

"Calm down, Oblansk," the old man said.

He looked at Percy, took a deep breath, and asked, "Where is the second king?"

Representatives from various countries in the parliament looked at Percy eagerly.

What John Wick now represents is the entire magical world.

Percy took in the changes in everyone and said calmly: "My king, he is in Bhutan."

"What does he need?" The old man knew that Percy was not that simple.

Percy stood up and said seriously: "Respect."

The old man also stood up.

He said extremely seriously: "The Researchers Association is willing to obey orders."

Other representatives of the Ministry of Magic stood up.

"The Bulgarian Ministry of Magic cooperates with the Second King."

"The German Ministry of Magic cooperates with the Second King."

"The French Ministry of Magic cooperates with the Second King."

"The Norwegian Ministry of Magic is working with the Second King."

"Finnish Ministry of Magic..."

Ministry of Magic in various countries have expressed their stance.

Yalefan opened his mouth, and finally it turned into a sigh.

Parliament is over.

Percy walked towards the fireplace.

"Weasley." Charles Roland ran over.

Percy stopped and looked at Charles Roland quietly.

Minister Roland sorted out what he wanted to say, and then cautiously asked: "Sir Wick, is there a way to restore peace to the magical world?"

After hearing his words, Percy thought for a moment.

"Has he ever disappointed you?"

Minister Roland was stunned. Thinking about it carefully, he never did.

Percy's lips curled up, "That's the answer."

No matter what, the stars will always believe in their king.

During the time when Percy went to Parliament, the entire Second Dynasty was already moving rapidly.

The French Delacour family calmed the restless people.

It was just this explosion of destruction that made the wizard realize the insignificance of magic.

There is nothing to describe it.

There is only despair.

They were in chaos on the street like crazy.

It seemed like the last hurray of the apocalypse.

Mr. Delacour frowned, and Mrs. Delacour tightly protected her little daughter.

Their eldest daughter, Fleur Delacour, walked right out.


Fleur used the loud spell, and the sound spread out for a long time.

The chaotic place quieted down.

She spoke proudly: "I, Fleur Delacour, a member of the Society of Stars, the eldest daughter of Delacour of the Ancient Alliance, and the warrior of Beauxbatons."

The series of names stunned people, and they looked at the ridiculously beautiful woman in silence.

"What are you afraid of?" Fleur jumped onto the highest statue. The badge symbolizing the Society of Stars glowed on her chest. She stretched out her finger to name a wizard.

The wizard who was named was a little overwhelmed, but he was occupied by the collapse of his emotions and yelled: "We are going to die, Grindelwald and the Muggles are going to destroy us!"

"Grindelwald?" Fleur said with great contempt and sarcasm, "The first Dark Lord?"

"Are you afraid of him?"

As if being afraid of Grindelwald was something to be ashamed of, Fleur's voice was filled with disdain.

This attitude made people uncomfortable. Someone said angrily: "He will kill you!"

"Then let him come over!"

Furong raised her white chin and said proudly: "Kill me, my king will avenge me, so I am never afraid!"

She looked at the wizards, her voice unquestionable.

"Wizards, there is no need to panic. My king will protect you. He will take care of you like his own children."

"Are you afraid of death? My king, he is extremely powerful."

Mr. Delacour looked dumbfounded at his daughter's impassioned speech.

Gabrielle's eyes were filled with little stars.

A wizard asked loudly: "Your king? Who is he?"

The corners of Fleur's lips curled up, and she waved her wand.

A banner with stars and a wand appeared, and among the stars, a silver hand held the wand.

She stood on the tallest statue, holding a flag.

Flags fly.

"My king is named John Wick. He is the second king of the magical world, the founder of Silverhand, the strongest alchemist, and the smartest wizard."

She spared no words of praise, used her wand to make a hole in the head of the statue, and inserted the flag into it.

"My king, he protects his people."

"From now on, the French hideout will become John Wick's sanctuary. As long as this flag remains, Doomsday will not be able to find it here!"

After speaking, Fleur added.

"The Dark Lord? It's scary!"

"But I also killed my king!"

The wizard, who was originally full of fear, was now attracted to the beautiful silver-haired girl.

Just like the former Joan of Arc, the figure holding the flag inspired the French wizard community.

Fleur took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Follow my king!"

The whole hideaway is calling out a name.

John Wick.


Meeting at the old Malfoy Manor.

Someone is afraid.

"Grindelwald has gone crazy." The head of the Burst family said in horror, "He will kill all wizards."

"Are you afraid, Bosted?" Lucius sat on the stone chair, his eyes gloomy.

Beside him was Draco Malfoy, the future heir of the Malfoy family.

Bosted said coquettishly: "But Mr. Wick didn't say anything either, right?"

Trigger the keyword and Draco Malfoy activates.

"Are you confused?" Malfoy came out and cursed, "John is in Bhutan. Did he say he wanted to surrender?"


"It's nothing!" Malfoy pointed at Burst's nose and yelled, "You are as timid as a mouse, you will eat at the child's table from now on!"

“What haven’t we experienced?”

"Just a Grindelwald?"

"We will only get stronger, any weak can leave now!"

Malfoy patted his chest and said, "Even if there is a war, we will not be afraid!"

"The second king? Sooner or later he will become the king of the magical world!"

Bursted blushed at the words.

Just then, someone stood up and walked outside.

Malfoy looked a little confused.

"Neville, where are you going?"

Neville stopped and glanced back at the people of the Ancient Alliance.

"I will go back and get my sword," he said firmly, "I will be the first to die on the battlefield."


Mr. Longbottom clapped his hands violently, stood up and said: "As expected of Longbottom's lion, Longbottom hereby swears that we will all join the fight!"

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