"sit down."

"Okay." Mente sat down immediately.

He looked at John sitting opposite him with a look of uneasiness.

"Sir Wick, I have no contact with that person, and I am definitely not that person's party!"

He rushed to show his loyalty.

He and Dumbledore were not familiar with each other, and they basically had no interaction with each other.

Mentor graduated from Durmstrang, and he and Dumbledore were not from the same era.

John smiled and waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'm not causing trouble for you."

"That's it." Mente breathed a sigh of relief.

He really loves the sport of Quidditch, and he himself is a retired Quidditch player.

John asked: "What do you think of Quidditch now?"

"Opinion?" Mente asked doubtfully, "Are you talking about the World Cup? This time the World Cup was postponed because of the Saints."

"No, the World Cup still needs to be held," John said sternly, "The more it is at this time, the more important it is for all wizards to see peace."

"I mean about the Quidditch format."

John snapped his fingers, and a stack of parchment flew towards Mente.

"The current Quidditch format is too single. Everyone is preparing for the World Cup, which has caused the sport to lose too much."

Mentor picked up a piece of parchment and looked at it.

The above is the plan for the new competition format.

"It has been implemented in the UK for some time," John said. "During this time, many Quidditch clubs in the UK have contributed corresponding value."

"Top wizard competition, senior wizard competition, junior wizard competition?"

"Up two and down two?"

Mente went from being confused at the beginning to being fully focused later on.

There was excitement in his eyes.

Because he saw the glory of Quidditch in the future.

Originally, because Quidditch required a large venue and the number of people needed to form a team, this sport was usually played in schools.

Even if ordinary wizards want to play after graduation, they can only join a club.

But the club has very high requirements for talent, and they are training almost every day.

It is simply not something that ordinary people can participate in.

For ordinary wizards, this sport can only be addictive when competing.

And more often than not, you can only visit the venue in person during the World Cup.

But now this reform does not happen every day, but at least it will appear in the public eye more frequently.

The three leagues can also increase the sense of competition and crisis between clubs.

John also gave advice on club operations, such as selling jerseys and various peripherals to generate revenue.

Instead of working behind closed doors and taking responsibility for your own profits and losses.

It’s not friendly to the club and it’s also not friendly to the audience.

There are also exhibition matches, as well as friendly matches.

This made Mente dizzy.

"Genius, this is a genius idea!" Mente said excitedly.

"It's just learned from Muggles," John said calmly, "What's more, if this needs to be promoted, many venues need to be built."

Mente also calmed down. He hesitated and said, "This is difficult to do. Most of the gathering places for wizards are in Muggle cities, Mr. Wick."

It would be possible to use the door key method, but that would cause many problems, such as the door key being used and modified.

Moreover, one-time transmission of door keys has limitations and is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

"It seems Metaxas doesn't care about Silverhand." John looked at him with a half-smile.

Mentor was a little embarrassed, he was more concerned about Quidditch.

John waved his hand and turned the plan to the third to last page.

A door appears above.

"This is a teleportation gate that has been adopted by Silver Hand Amusement Park," John said. "This is a stable teleportation that fixes the spatial coordinates in it as long as the energy above is maintained."

John snapped his fingers, and the parchment door floated out.

Mente noticed that there were nine crystal-like crystals on the door.

The crystal emits purple light, and a cut-out transmission channel appears in the middle of the door.

"As for the use and maintenance of magic crystals, I suggest you read the last two pages."

Mente was stunned, "This will solve the problem of venue and transmission."

With this door, they don't have to build the site into the city and can completely move it to a remote place.

It can be said that this plan is just short of being implemented.

This is a reform of Quidditch, changing the previous competition model and dividing levels.

Such as the concept implemented by the second king.

Strength comes first.

The strong come up and the weak go down.

John looked at Mente and said with a calm smile: "The Quidditch League can stabilize the anxious mood of wizards."

"We need to restore their faith," John snapped his fingers, making the door disappear. "Their fear of Muggles, their fear of Saints."

"We want them to know that Muggles are not as scary as they think."

"And the saints..." John said contemptuously, "They are just a group of thugs in the name of purification, and they are nothing to be afraid of."

Mente trembled inwardly.

The contempt John showed towards the saints reminds one of his past attitude towards the Death Eaters.

Yes, nothing to be afraid of.

Because of me, the second king of the wizarding world, John Wick.

You can continue to have fun and watch football games.

Because of me.

The second king conquers everything he sees, including the human heart.

Mente returned home in a daze.

He sat on the sofa and his son ran over excitedly.

"Father, have you seen Mr. Wick?"

His son, Karon Metaxas.

A student who graduated from Durmstrang, but he is a fanatical supporter of the Second King.

What made him even more proud than winning the Quidditch Championship at Durmstrang was his father's meeting with the Second King.

Ka Rong said excitedly: "What kind of person is he?"

Mente exhaled heavily, looked at his son, and said, "He showed me what it means to be a king."

Mente admitted that he felt a desire to surrender at his feet.

"No wonder you say he is a born king, Ludwig." Mente sighed with emotion.

Chapter 683 The greater the crisis, the more entertainment

Diagon Alley.

The front door of Gringotts was crowded, but Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, not far from them, was bustling with activity.

"Come and support the Appleby Arrows!" George shouted, holding a light blue Quidditch No. 6 jersey with a Silver Arrow logo on it.

"Appleby Arrows vs Balicas Bats!" Fred waved a flag with a red bat on a black background.

"Come support your team!"

Two people set up two stalls, one black and one blue.

They were surrounded by people, and the jerseys on the stalls disappeared one by one.

The fiery scene made it impossible to imagine that there was a Saint threat outside.

The brothers simply handed over the job of selling clothes to the graduates they found from the school.

Seamus was here, and he was about to be squeezed into a patty.

A fat man knocked him to the ground and almost caused him to be trampled by the crowd.

"George, do you know what this feels like?" Fred took the magic cards that were waiting for food and swiped them against the machine inlaid with purple crystals.

"Of course." George swiped the card at the machine with one hand in each hand.

The two men looked at each other and smiled, saying in unison: "The goose that lays golden eggs."

The number of people showed no sign of decreasing. Ron was at another window, hurriedly taking out tickets one by one.


He didn't have the mind to think about anything else now. There were only countless magic cards stuffed in front of him as if they couldn't wait to give him money.

He was accidentally hit in the face by a card, and before he even had time to get angry, he was stunned by the string of numbers.

The wizards who bought the tickets went through the portal one by one.

On the other side of the door, cheers fill the world-class Quidditch pitch at Silverhand Amusement Park.

"Welcome to the Top Wizarding League. I am today's guest commentator, Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports."

"And me, Ernie McMillan."

There is a circular commentary room on the Quidditch pitch, where two people are responsible for commentary.

Ernie MacMillan was influenced by Quidditch at school and chose to become a Quidditch commentator after graduation.

Ludo Bagman was the special guest and commentator hosting the game.

"The first referee we saw entering was the famous former Falmouth Falcons star and Seeker Russell Drew."

"You have absolutely no idea how sharp Russell Drew's eyesight is. He has the eyes of an eagle. During my time in service, we privately named him Black Falcon. This old guy's eyesight is so good that he doesn't make any small moves. You can hide it from him."

"Oh my God, you old man, I was complimenting you!"

The wizard who was responsible for projecting the players onto the big screen cooperated very well and projected Russell Drew on it.

Russell Drew was swearing, probably greeting Bagman's relatives.

The two people were yelling at each other from a distance, but it was Ernie who stopped Bagman who was about to go berserk.

"The teams came out, and the first one to appear was the Appleby Arrows. Their usual tactic is the Seeker Kill tactic, and their Seeker Rob Marshall is the star player."

Ernie did a great job and accurately stated the opponent's strengths.

Rob Marshall came out quickly, sitting on a Firebolt and waving his arms.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, the audience burst into cheers, and then spontaneously organized a wave of adults in the auditorium on the left.

"The Balicas Bats came out and they were captained by Joachim Reigns, a chaser with agility and the highest scoring chaser in the league so far."

Many bats flew out of the black on the other side, and then the Balikas bats flew out in a wing-shaped formation.

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