"Can I get a free ticket?"

"..." John began to regret investing twenty years of Tang Mi's salary. He said helplessly, "Your family is free of charge."

Tang Mi smiled and went to tell Oz the good news.

John really doubted what kind of character this guy would be if he became a father.

He was obviously quite calm before, but since he got no salary, he has become more and more free-spirited.

After the Christmas activities were arranged, John stood in front of the window and heard the Christmas singing class playing outside.

The children wearing wizard robes were holding a toad in their arms, and the more John looked at it, the more familiar it became.

"Isn't that Leif?"

Neville's toad was mixed in with the toad accompaniment group, and the croaking voice matched the strange music of the wizarding world very well.

In the Muggle world, few people would think of using a toad as a backup singer.

This is also a characteristic of the magical world.

He also saw someone holding a fat cat with a fierce look on a rope. He estimated that this cat had a lot of fighting ability.

The girl who doesn't seem to be associated with being fat feels like she's being dragged away.

The snowflakes falling on scarves of various colors are also a highlight.

John immediately recognized the snake-like scarf in the crowd. Luna and Ginny were in front of a store selling special African magic items.

Luna calmly picked up an organ-like object, which made Ginny avoid it.

But Luna was very happy, and the two of them headed to the next house.

There was a fountain in the middle of the Knockdown Garden, and Lockhart had suggested erecting a statue of John there last time.

After being rejected by John, Lockhart shamelessly asked if a statue of himself could be erected.

The answer is naturally no.

John could only say that Lockhart's face was thick enough, and he erected a solid gold statue in a French hiding place.

Still in the fountain in the middle.

Yes, the same place where John once hung up an unscrupulous door key trader.

Now Lockhart basically lives in France, where he practices in seclusion and prepares to write the next top masterpiece.

Silverhand Publishing House has urged many times for this, but unfortunately Lockhart's current position is that he can create as he pleases.

The ancient alliance also needed some private space, and John did not attend their drinking party.

Since this year is a period of crazy expansion, even if there is a large inflow of Galleons, there will still be a lot of Galleons to spend.

The ancient fund's revenue this year isn't much.

Of course, that is for wealthy people who have seen a lot of money.

This year has been more profitable for the Weasleys than they have been in the previous ten years.

The Weasley twins quietly obtained the exclusive rights to sell jerseys for several Quidditch teams, which led to the opening of a new Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes in Hogsmeade.

The time for Malfoy to make money will be when leagues in various countries become popular next year.

The Greengrass family managed to become one of the most profitable families this year through transportation.

But strangely, I heard that the famous Mr. Greengrass was seen chasing a man with platinum-blond hair across two streets.

In this regard, John said that he did not want to know who was being chased at all.

Chapter 696: The Wick Family, Christmas with Silver Hands

Christmas is coming.

This year's Christmas, the Wick family is well prepared.

Mrs. Wick looked helplessly at her husband who was standing in front of the fireplace.

"Even if a meteorite hits the earth this year, I will not leave!" Watson vowed.

As an old man who was heartbroken by his family last year, Watson will definitely not miss the magical world this year.

The window of Wick's house was open, and the Christmas tree was in front of the window.

Several gifts were piled under the tree. Watson shook his legs on the sofa, looked at his watch, and then at the phone placed aside.

Finally, he arrived.

The sleepy Ariana rubbed her eyes and walked downstairs, while Watson stared at his daughter with fiery eyes.

The dazed Ariana, still barefoot, relied on instinct to walk in front of Mrs. Wick, opened her arms and hugged her mother.

"Oh~ Ariana, my little princess."

The old mother's heart almost melted. Mrs. Wick kissed Ariana on the cheek, touched her nose with her finger, and said with a smile: "You can't open the gift until you wash up first."

Ariana nodded, turned and walked to the bathroom.

The little bear jumped out of her arms and ran over to open the door in advance.

After Ariana washed up, a few strands of her hair were wet and stuck to her cheeks.

Her hair is very long, reaching her waist.

She doesn't like to tie her hair up and often leaves it loose.

But Ariana, who has a delicate face, can manage even this hairstyle.

Stretching, she looked at her wrist.

She forgot her bracelet.

The little bear ran up and took off the bracelet like a treasure.

"Thank you, little bear." Ariana smiled sweetly, picked up the little bear and rubbed her face against the soft little bear.

Qiqi stared at the little bear and exhaled incomprehensibly.

Watson looked at his daughter expectantly, even though he wanted to appear unconcerned.

But his frequent glances at the Christmas tree still gave away what he was thinking.

Ariana walked over to the blanket with her bare feet and sat under the Christmas tree to pick up the gifts and open them.

This is from Watson.

After being rejected the previous year, Watson learned from the experience and changed his strategy.

This time the gift was his proud creation.

After the gift was opened, it was a yellow bear.

The brown bear looked at the yellow bear, then turned to look at Watson.

The expressionless face seemed to reveal a strange feeling.

Ariana looked at the cub, then put it on the ground and never looked at it again.

Watson covered his heart, "Why?"

Mrs. Wick sneered, stupid man.

The gifts were opened one by one, and there was a pink gift box that said it was sent from the Bear Country.

Ariana shook it. It seemed to be filled with sponge so there was no sound.

Open it, and the pink bow comes into view.

Mrs. Wick closed her box again and stroked her good daughter's hair with a smile.

Looking carefully, the smile on her face is slightly twisted.

Last year I wrote a letter to those brothers and asked them to send some girls' things.

Is this their answer sheet?

A handful of girly Barbie pink...Glock.

She seems to understand why none of her brothers have found girlfriends.

Watson chewed his nails and watched with wide eyes as Ariana opened the gift that Basil had sent her that morning.

His original posture of sitting on the sofa now changed to his butt hanging in the air, and his whole body was leaning forward.

The gift box was torn open little by little, and inside was a book with a gilded white cover.

"Practical magic picture book?"

Watson sat down again with some disappointment. Under the cushions of the sofa, a complete set of wizard costumes was ready.

When Mrs. Wick came down and saw her husband's lost look, she knew that John didn't seem to invite Ariana over this year.

At this moment, Ariana flipped through the book, and three golden tickets fell out from the middle of the book.

It was the first time that Mrs. Wick discovered that her husband had such flexible skills. He jumped up from the sofa and threw the cushions back.

It took him less than ten seconds to put on a whole set of wizard suits.

"Let's go to the Wizarding World!"

Watson held the wand in his left hand and held Qiqi as a decoration in his right hand.

Mrs. Wick: "..." Did you have a premeditated plan?

Along with the golden ticket fell a piece of paper.

Ariana blinked.

"Grab your tickets and hold Ariana's hand."

Mrs. Wick read it out, each holding a ticket.

The couple held Ariana's hands on one side and the other on her left.

Watson suppressed his excitement and asked doubtfully: "What's next?"

Mrs. Wick turned the paper over and looked at it, and said strangely: "No more."

The family of three is a little confused.

At this moment, Ariana heard some movement and looked back at the book.

The book began to shake.

Mrs. Wick subconsciously prepared to pick up the nearby owl stand as a weapon.

The next second.

The book opened and papers flew out all over the room, swallowing up the whole family of three.

There was a suction, and the three of them disappeared into the house at the same time.

All the papers were returned to the book, and the book disappeared with a whoosh.

Not long after, the doorbell of Wick's house rang.

outside the door.

Greg remembered his conversation with his boss.

"Listen, you need to get close to Watson Wick."

"But boss, Watson Wick has been wary of me since last Christmas. I don't even know what I did."

"Don't mention any damn precautions to me. Are you a woman? You need to take the initiative to approach him. Go give him a roast chicken for Christmas. Remember, get close to him, you are his best friend!"

The conversation stopped abruptly.

With a plate of turkey in his hands, Greg felt like a fool.

He ensured that the agents in the field vehicle, disguised as a mobile food truck, were grinning from ear to ear.

When there was no response after pressing the doorbell, Greg continued to press it.

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