The cramming method will make some people unable to keep up, but it is better than everyone falling behind.

Improve the economy and reform education.

John used his influence to push the stopped magic train forward on the track again.

In front of the track is a forked road.

One side is the minority, the other side is the majority.

A new explosion directly caused this magic train to change from moving slowly to running wildly out of control.

The Prime Minister almost died there.

Chapter 719 Start, meet


The Prime Minister is under attack.

To be precise, he was involved in the attack.

It was a wild affair.

When Mycroft received the news, the smart man panicked for a moment.

Even if the Prime Minister is not a symbol like the Queen, it does not mean that he is not important.

In this monarchy country, the royal family has gradually withdrawn from the political stage.

Even Mycroft was frantically calculating a series of things he might encounter after the first attack.

For example, which terrorist organization or country.

Some partisan planning, and now the project he's in charge of.

After Mycroft immediately confirmed that the Prime Minister was out of danger and was frightened, he went to the place where the explosion occurred.

It was a square in London, which was supposed to be a lively place. Because of this attack, the surrounding buildings were damaged.

The news was frantically reporting on the attack.

Even the government that controls public opinion cannot completely silence everyone.

Mycroft learned the news from witnesses.

This is a crazy suicide bomb, and the target is most likely not the Prime Minister.

Instead, with the purpose of causing a disturbance, the Prime Minister's bodyguard discovered the guy dressed strangely.

I wanted to stop him, but the other party took out a stick and knocked away the well-trained bodyguards.

Then there was an explosion.

Fortunately, the Prime Minister was moved behind the bunker in time. The explosion injured more than fifty people and one person died.


Mycroft was able to essentially identify the man who carried out the attack.

He went to where the Prime Minister was.

The prime minister was in shock, but as the head of a country, he had basically stabilized his mood when he saw Mycroft.

He held an ice pack in his hand and applied it to his knee, which was nearly broken in the explosion.

Originally, he was not considered young. After such a torment, he would need to rest for a few days even if he was not going to die.

"Mycroft." The Prime Minister said solemnly, "I hope you can bring me good news."

"I think this is not good news, Mr. Prime Minister." Mycroft placed a golden pendant on the table. "This was found at the scene."

"What?" The Prime Minister looked at the pendant and focused his attention on Mycroft again.

He knew that Mycroft would give him the answer.

"Wizard." Mycroft glanced at the people around the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister understood and asked them to go out.

"To be precise, it's one of the parties." Mycroft walked to the sofa on the other side of the office and sat down. "Their motives are unknown, but we can be sure that there is a group of wizards working against them."

"You mean, wizards have evil and justice?" The Prime Minister threw the ice bag on the table, his face solemn, "I need you to tell me everything you know."

"I don't know more than you, Mr. Prime Minister." Mycroft shook his head, his eyes flashing with color, "But we can let them explain."


"There's another group of wizards," Mycroft said. "If you're right, they don't want to be our enemies."

Mycroft said: "Then they can only show up."

This is an attack that affects the head of a country. If the wizards continue to remain mysterious, then they should wait for some measures from the government.

Mycroft knew they didn't want this.

At least, the other party doesn’t want that.

Just wait and see the results.

Mycroft glanced at his watch slowly, "We have seventy hours from now."

"What happens next?" The Prime Minister looked at the smart man.

"Those mysterious guys can't appear within three days," Mycroft stood up, straightened his clothes, looked up at the Prime Minister, and said in a calm tone, "Then we need to be prepared."

"Wage war."

It has been two hours, seventy-two hours, and three days since the Prime Minister was attacked. If the wizard's government fails to respond, or does not respond.

Then the danger assessment of wizards in Mycroft will reach its peak, and the government will use all means to completely eliminate wizards.

He didn't see anything worthy of mercy for a group of lunatics who could cause casualties to the country at any time.

"I think you'd better be ready for everything you can do during this period, Mr. Prime Minister." Mycroft pointed out.

The Prime Minister nodded grimly.

The war is very close to them.

Ministry of Magic.

Percy received the news, and he immediately sent people to search the nearby saints.

At the same time, he told John in the badge.

The front foot sent a message, and a golden thread slid down beside Percy in the next second.

The channel is open.

John came out.

It's just that his face was solemn, not as relaxed as before.

"The Saint's original target was not the Muggle Prime Minister," Percy said solemnly, "It was a coincidence that the Muggle Prime Minister was involved."

"The Muggle government is on edge right now."

John mused, "Get ready, Percy."

"We're going to start meeting Muggles."

The situation no longer allowed them to hide, and the wizard needed to respond as quickly as possible.

At least, they cannot be considered as enemies of Muggles.

Percy nodded and said seriously: "There is a floo network from the Minister of Magic's office to the Prime Minister's Office."

"No," John said, resisting the idea of ​​going through the fireplace, "we're going to do it another way."

At this tense moment, continuing to show the wizard's arrogance will undoubtedly exacerbate the conflicts between the two parties.

They want to change their approach.

This time, Percy will go to negotiate.

And I can’t go too much, just two people with Penelo.

They discussed how to resolve this crisis.

Wait until night comes.

In the Prime Minister's office, a fire burns brightly in the fireplace.

The Prime Minister moved his eyes.

Then a face appeared in the flames.

The Prime Minister turned his attention. In his drawer, a weapon was lying there quietly.

"We mean no harm, Mr. Prime Minister."

Percy's voice came from the flames.

"Who are you? Where was that person before?" the Prime Minister asked cautiously.

"I'm sorry, if you're talking about the former Minister of Magic, he died in an attack," Percy's voice was a little sad, "We need to meet, this is about the future of our world."

"Why don't you just come out from there?" The Prime Minister stood up and approached slowly. Outside the office door, bodyguards were ready to rush in at any time, "Just like you did before."

"We don't mean to be so rude," Percy said, "We'd rather let you decide where to meet."

The Prime Minister had already walked to the fireplace and looked at the young face. He did not call the bodyguard to come in, but said: "Then let's meet."

Enough respect for the Prime Minister to give some credit as well.

That night, the entire MI6 took action.

They cleared an area quickly.

Raindrops fell on the ground and umbrellas entered a building.

The Prime Minister went to the area under the protection of many people.

He sat there, quietly watching the time beat on the wall.

When the hands reached twelve o'clock at midnight, there was a knock on the door.

The Prime Minister glanced at his escort, who went to open the door.

Outside the door, a young man and woman stood there.

"We have an appointment." Percy said solemnly.

He went inside.

Face-to-face contact with a wizard arouses almost everyone's nerves.

Those battle-hardened warriors have already put their hands close to their weapons.

"Hello, Mr. Prime Minister, I'm the Minister for Magic, Percy Weasley."

Percy walked up to the Prime Minister and held out his hand, and the Prime Minister shook his hand.

"This is Miss Penelope Crevat of the Muggle Mediation Committee of the Ministry of Magic."

He introduced Penello to the Prime Minister.

This time he came on behalf of the Ministry of Magic, and Percy showed enough goodwill after meeting the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister was also looking at the young man who called himself the Minister of Magic. Compared with those in the past, this one seemed out of place.

However, being young does not mean being incompetent.

The Prime Minister said: "The government has always been in contact with the Ministry of Magic, and we have also helped you hide some things."

"I know that the Ministry of Magic has encountered some changes recently," Percy said seriously. "We are here this time to re-establish trust and deal with subsequent crises on both sides."

"Crisis?" The Prime Minister crossed his fingers. "I want you to explain."

"There is a crisis in the wizarding world. Some extreme wizards and madmen who call themselves saints are attacking Muggles...that is, you."

Percy said: "Those people are unscrupulous and extremely cruel."

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