John's pupils dilated, and his eyes could see the subtle differences between the two volumes of blood.

That's how much difference there is in the curse.

He picked up the blood in his left hand and asked, "Did the blood nun send it?"

"Yes." Damo Alex had thick dark circles under his eyes, and he had lost more than a little weight.

As a potion master, he has a very magical skill.

In order to maintain high-intensity and dedicated research enthusiasm, and also to prevent myself from being disturbed in my research.

He would overeat during non-working hours to satisfy himself quickly and obtain enough energy to maintain the operation of his body.

The price is that Damo Alex's body is like a balloon, sometimes with a belly, sometimes as thin as a rib.

Now Damo Alex looked like he was just one overtime shift away from sudden death. Those who didn't know better thought John was exploiting this middle-aged man.

After hearing Damo Alex's answer, John picked up another blood.

There is almost no difference between the two in appearance, but in the eyes of John, who can see chaos particles, this thing is very different.

The one on the left contained a curse that could change people, while the one on the right contained more than half the curse.

The other half is replaced by a very active virus.

They are both vampires, but have different blood.

John put down the blood and thought: "It seems that Xue Ni is right. The two types of vampires are different in source."

To be sure, the existence of wizards and vampires is more akin to being born from a curse.

Muggle vampires seem to be mutated.

Although there is a curse, this curse is used to maintain the vampire's active blood lust.

"Do you see the difference?" Damo Alex's face drooped, and the black smoke coming out of his ears made the whole room dark.

"There is no difference in appearance or specific composition of this thing, but when used as a potion, it will undergo completely different changes."

Damo Alex looked at the two cages covered with black cloth without words. John walked over and opened them. Inside were a dying rabbit with fangs and a dead chicken. It had been dead for about two and a half days. .

Damo Alex is an excellent potion master, but unfortunately he is not a person who likes cleaning.

John glanced at the red bloodshot eyes of Damo Alex and said in surprise: "Don't tell me that you experimented directly on them?"

Damo Alex looked away with a guilty conscience.

This kind of behavior is very reckless in the scientific research community.

"Okay, I admit to doing this, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two bloods." Damo Alex couldn't reason straight, but he was quite angry.

John was speechless. For a potion master, practice does soon lead to truth.

"The Alchemy Department has designed a new magic microscope based on Muggle microscopes. You can go get one tomorrow."

As expected, it is still a combination of magic and technology. For something like this, only John can see the difference with the naked eye. A microscope that can observe changes in magic is particularly important.

"Research can't just rely on seclusion, Damo Alex." John said, "The two vampires had different branches in their ancestors, which means they were born from different sources. We need to prescribe the right medicine."

He snapped his fingers and all the windows in the room opened.

The billowing black smoke finally had a place to leave, and the visibility in the entire room was much higher.

"Also, don't drink too much energizer, it's just cold medicine."

John gives Damo Alex a heads up.

He had always thought it was one curse, but now it seemed it was two curses.

Damo Alex suddenly understood.

"As for the death of animals." John looked at the surviving rabbits. He could see that the curse was taking away lives. "The curse is not something these lives can bear. It does not die immediately, but it also keeps reducing vitality."

On the other hand, the other chicken did not curse death.

It's more like the virus invades the body and disrupts the entire chicken's body system, causing the chicken to explode.

After leaving enough clues for Damo Alex, John also became curious about the two branches of wizard vampires and Muggle vampires.

Werewolves, who are as affected by the curse as vampires, are both a source.

It is an extremely low probability for two different curses to become the same species by chance.

Vampires are nocturnal beings. Although some are awake during the day, most of them act at night.

John wrote a letter to Bloody, and when Basil sent it back, some red liquid was stuck to his feathers.

Just by looking at it, John knew it was human blood.

Basil was very unhappy. He opened his wings and pecked at the feathers with his beak to clean them off.

Riddle came bounding over. He was close to the spot where Basil was stained red, and his eyes lit up like a flashlight.

Stubborn blood peels off quickly after being irradiated.

Basil approached Riddle with satisfaction and rubbed his head against Riddle to express his gratitude.

But Riddle just raised his head and raised his chest coldly.

John received a reply from Bloody Ni. It was the vampire's home court in the middle of the night.

As if fearing that John would misunderstand, Xue Ni's first sentence was not an answer, but an explanation of why Basil was stained with blood.

Basil kicked open the skylight and flew into the vampire's house. Unfortunately, Xueni was having dinner.

In the Muggle world, you can buy blood transfusion bags at the hospital for a little money, which is why Bloody likes to visit the Muggle world.

The taste of blood is usually not very good, and sometimes you will drink old people's blood that is old and unpleasant to drink.

By the way, Xueni likes to drink the blood of young girls. It would be better if it had just been drawn out less than an hour ago and the blood is still type AB.

John saw that Xue Ni had a picky taste, so he directly chose to skip this long menu that was written on half a piece of parchment.

Xue Ni inquired about some information on the Vampire Council. Their origins came from Cain, the famous vampire in the world.

It is said that Cain was cursed to become a vampire because he was displeased by God for killing his brother.

In other words, Cain is a transformation caused by pure curse.

On the other hand, they were Muggles, and Xueni didn't know much about them. They just heard that their origins were different from wizards.

"Looks like this curse is quite challenging."

Bloodni's words are filled with a desire for John to be able to suppress the curse.

But this curse has a different situation than the werewolf curse.

Damo Alex took over this task, probably with the idea of ​​proving himself.

"Should I write a letter to Professor Slughorn and tell him to be careful about Damo Alex?"

John could predict that when this curse became difficult, Dharma Alex would not hesitate to choose to drag his teacher into the water again.

John would not choose to get involved directly. As a manager, he needs to be more than hands-on.

Cultivating and distributing is what he should do.

There is a saying that goes, if you don’t know how to manage a team, you can only work until you die.

The Wizard is a big team.

Basil was close to the cold Riddle, his eyes showing his superiority and contempt for Tom, who was barking at the dog below.

As a dog that can't fly, Tom couldn't climb up the slender owl stand, so he could only spin around anxiously below.

Crookshanks and Yaya used to play with it in school. After graduation, the protoss Hector and Helmer were also good playmates.

But now they were gone, and Tom could only catch the owl.

Frustrated by Basil's rejection, Tom seeks comfort in John's lap.

John rubbed the dog's head and murmured to himself: "Really, you miss your former companions."

He looked out the window at the night, "It used to be so lively."

There are fewer and fewer people in Silverhand Manor.

A petal swept by the wind fell into the palm of my hand.

John will use Tom's big ears to cover his eyes.

The petal in the palm of my hand moved, turned into a butterfly, spread its wings and flew to Tom's nose.

Feeling a tickle on his nose, Tom twisted the dog's head to remove his ears from his eyes.

Seeing the butterfly turned from pink petals fly up, it happily chased after it.

Tom is chasing butterflies in the empty manor.

John walked out of the study and smiled at the scene, every time Tom walked through an area.

The lights there would come on, and as Tom ran further and further away, all the lights would come on.

This place seems to be back to that bustling time.

Various sounds rang in my ears, just like in Hogwarts, full of laughter.

However, no matter how prosperous it is, it is still false.

Tom finally chased the butterfly, and the pink butterfly landed on its nose.

Tom, with his tongue lolling, stared at the butterfly with his eyes motionless.

Just when it was waiting for the butterfly to take off again, the butterfly curled up and turned back into the petals that came with the wind.

Tom shook his head, and the petals fell on the expensive carpet. The wind that broke into it swept them up again and flew towards this luxurious manor.

Basil flew to the chandelier and looked at Tom who was sitting there motionless.

Maybe Tom was thinking about this fake thing too.

The lights dim.

The manor returned to its quietness and darkness.

Chapter 800 The new semester begins

Today is a sad day.

For Malfoy.

He reluctantly watched his Atu get into the Feitian car that had not yet been sold on the market.

Mr. Greengrass stared warily at Malfoy in the rearview mirror.

"Draco, I remember all those snacks of yours," there was a large bag of new snack gift boxes on the seat next to Astoria, "I will contact you as soon as I get to school."

Malfoy: "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry."

Astoria: "A Quidditch club contacted me, will you be angry?"

Malfoy forced a smile: "No, no, no, you can go to any club."

"Thankfully I didn't help you decide which club to go to at school, otherwise it would have delayed your choice."

Mr. Greengrass looked at Malfoy, who was still trying to open the car window, and said angrily: "Get ready to go."

When Astoria heard her father's words, she waved to Malfoy, "I'm leaving. You have to take care. Don't use that belt. It can easily hit your head."

"I understand, you should take care of yourself too." Malfoy pretended to be cool and loosened his grip on the car door.

Astoria said goodbye, "Goodbye, Draco."

"Goodbye, Ato."

Mr. Greengrass didn't want to stop for a long time, and stepped on the accelerator without waiting for Malfoy to say anything more.

The car started slowly, but Malfoy still couldn't bear to leave and started walking with the car.

"Be happy in school and be happy. If someone bullies you, just tell me."

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