"What's the matter, Ariana?" Watson was still looking forward to going to the Magic World this year, and when he saw Ariana, he looked for it again.

"Brother's gift is missing."

Ariana stared at the Christmas tree. Did Santa Claus steal it?

"John's gift isn't there?"

Watson also stood up to help search and asked, "Is it possible it's under the sofa?"

The father and daughter stuck their buttocks out and started looking under the sofa.

Mrs. Wick heard the doorbell and saw that neither her father nor her daughter had any intention of opening the door, so she had to open the door herself.

At this time, he might be an insurance salesman.

Opening the door, surprise flashed across Mrs. Wick's face, followed by surprise.

The father and daughter haven't discovered this yet, and they are trying to find the gift that should be here.

Through the gap at the bottom of the couch, Ariana saw a pair of shoes.

She blinked her eyes and slowly raised her head from under the sofa.

A gift was placed in front of her.

"Merry Christmas, Ariana."

The voice sounded.

Ariana made a long jump, jumped over the sofa, and hugged the visitor.

John smiled helplessly, rubbed Ariana's hair, and said with a smile, "I think it's better to come back for the festival, it will have more atmosphere."

Watson also noticed that his son was back, and he wailed.

"My trip to the Wizarding World was ruined."

Chapter 842 Group Photo

Watson should have known about the younger brother in his family.

His wailing drew Mrs. Wick's righteous sanctions.

This year's Christmas was a rare occasion for the Wick family to spend together.

John brought Ariana a gift, a beautiful necklace with black feathers.

Ariana loved this and the bear put the necklace on her and happily spun around in front of John.

John was also smiling.

Mrs. Wick called her family to breakfast.

Apart from Watson being a little depressed about not being able to go to the Wizarding World this year, the family had a happy Christmas.

There was a tacit agreement among the family members not to mention John's time at home this time.

As if this would allow John to stay at home longer.

Ariana followed John and showed him one of her new musical instruments.

Listening to the sound of the saxophone, John looked strange.

There is a saying that goes well, the saxophone is not necessarily the best, but it must be the most sassy.

Ariana's serious performance made that essence disappear completely.

Dad Watson is much better than Ariana in this regard.

As someone who had been in the wind club in high school, Watson picked up the saxophone and started commotion.

The twisting body made Mrs. Wick have the urge to give him a large bill.

Ariana was eye-opening and wondered if she would want to play like this in the future.

John told her it was better not to.

He thought a cello might be a good fit for Ariana.

With Ariana's temperament, she is suitable for instruments that are not frivolous.

"Let's go take a picture."

Watson suddenly had a whim, saying that he always felt strange that he didn't have a family photo at home.

Definitely not because he wanted to try out the magic camera John had brought him.

Mrs. Wick was in favor of this proposal.

John felt weird because he didn't like taking pictures.

However, he agreed to the family's request without hesitation.

Ariana was wearing a princess-like white gauze dress, and she was a little nervous after seeing the camera.

The hands holding the little bear became harder.

Dad set up the camera and set the timer.

The family poses in the living room.

With her parents standing on either side, Ariana stood close to John, holding the cub in her arms.

As the flash lights up, people's eyes light up.

A family photo of the Wick family was taken.

Watson was very satisfied, but he changed several positions to let his family take pictures.

It was not until later that Mrs. Wick smiled and asked him to hand over the camera that Watson finally stopped.

The couple looked at John and Ariana.

"How about I take a picture of you two siblings?"

Watson held up the camera and patted his chest to assure, "I believe in dad's photography skills."

Ariana nodded in agreement like a chicken pecking at rice.

Seeing that Ariana wanted to take the photo, John agreed.

As they were about to take the photo, John called a pause.

He took out his wand and slowly grew a jasmine wreath.

With the white jasmine flower in his hand, John picked it up and put it on Ariana's head.

He smiled: "It's beautiful."

In Godric's Valley Stream, the blind white-haired boy also gave the girl a wreath that day.

John looked at Ariana seriously and said softly: "Thank you for being my eyes."

Ariana smiled her most beautiful smile and held John's hand as tightly as she held the wand again and again.

The family members she loves are all around her.

Watson, like a seasoned photographer, preserved this moment.

The moving photo was developed and became a photo that has been on Ariana's bedside.

Along with the family portrait, it is one of the most important things in Ariana's life.

Time will not stop flowing.

The Christmas dinner was sumptuous and Mrs. Wick showed off her talents.

A dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes brings out the romance of the Orientals.

In addition, there is a Shaxian cuisine steamed dumpling that comes from the mysterious cooking skills of the mysterious ancient oriental country and is famous at home and abroad.

Well, it can be seen that Mrs. Wick took great pains.

Watson enjoyed the meal, especially the steamed dumplings.

John will stay at home for a few days.

His loft was still clean, and John went to his bed and lay down.

The absence of Tom and Basil made the room quiet.

He couldn't sleep, so he got up and came to the table.

He opened the drawer, and rows of sharpened pencils lay there quietly.

Seeing this thing, he was in a trance.

In the summer when I was eleven years old.

I thought I would become a killer, but ended up becoming the Witch King.

Picking up a pencil, he thought of himself as a child.

Who could have imagined that this magical world is like a dream.

Across the way lives a savior.

The pointed end pricked my finger. I used to use this thing to scare children.

Dad went to school a lot.

He reached out and touched the pencils one by one, but John did not throw them away.

Putting the pencil back, John closed the drawer.

He went to the window where the owl had once sounded, delivering the acceptance letter.

His fingers tapped on the glass, making a tinkling sound.

John smiled silently, turned back to the bed and lay down.

Looking at the familiar ceiling, he closed his eyes.

Take a break from things and allow yourself to get a good night's sleep.

The next morning, a ray of sunlight filtered through the glass and reflected on his face.

The snow stopped today.

There is a thick layer of snow accumulated outside, which has not yet melted.

John opened his eyes and felt a weight on his chest.

Looking over, I saw a little brown bear sitting on my chest.

He seemed to be calling himself up.

John picked up the bear and went downstairs.

Ariana has wrapped herself tightly, and Watson is shoveling snow hard outside the door.

After shoveling twice, he looked back and saw his precious daughter cheering for him, gaining more strength.

John looked at Ariana's lively look, walked over and stretched out his hand to rub the fluffy hair.

Little Bear ran over with a comb and combed her hair.

Seeing how hard his father was shoveling, John originally wanted to use magic to solve the problem, but now it seems that there is no need for it.

The siblings interacted in the family's living room, with Ariana wearing a brooch and asking John if it looked good like this.

John noticed that Ariana had grown taller.

Judging from the development of the Dumbledore family, Ariana will not be short in the future.

Ariana is recovering well and her control over the Obscurus is tentatively available.

It wouldn't be a big problem to take off the Ravenclaw diadem, but Ariana still likes to wear it.

John just let her go.

Ravenclaw would also be happy knowing that his diadem could help wizards.

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