The running Zowu went through the tunnel and headed to where its friends were.

What was once bound is now free.

Once free, now bound.

A grasp of the void.

The Sword of Silver Wake slowly appeared in his hand.

The bright red gemstone is as shocking as blood.

He ran his fingers over the sword's blade.

Release the hilt of the sword and let it fall to the ground.

Snow and moonlight shine on it.

The blade of the sword was as hot as melting snow.

The star spirit came over and tentatively touched it with his fingers.

Helmer trembled, his finger was cut open, and he screamed in fright.

When Hector saw this, he immediately stayed away.

John said speechlessly: "You have ruined such a good atmosphere."

He placed his right hand on the magic stone and waved the wand at Helmer.

Helmer's cut finger automatically healed, and his crying expression turned into surprise.

Holding his own hands, he came to show off in front of Hector.

John closed his eyes and pressed one hand on the Silver Wyk Sword.

The magic power penetrates into the entire tower through the power of creation of the magic stone.

Outside the sleek magic tower, the walls change.

Golden runes wrapped around the walls.

The wall bulges, and a relief sculpture of a giant dragon appears.

The giant dragon stretched its body, the scales of the stone body rubbed against each other, and the sound of metal colliding made a tinkling sound.

The dragon flew up and flew around the clouds.

Under John's control, two more stone dragons stretched out from the magic tower.

He opened his eyes and tapped the Elder Wand on the locket on his chest.

A wave of fluctuation spreads out.

The locket opened and the Resurrection Stone flew out.

Landing lightly on the Elder Wand.

John raised his wand.

Three giant dragons over a hundred meters in the sky fell to the magic tower.

The dragon stone's eyes rolled, and John blew a breath at the resurrection stone.

The dragon's eyes gradually turned black, and then the scales on their bodies began to become real.

Ancient and obscure syllables came from John's mouth.

"When the one who possesses this object appears, you must obey his orders."

John absorbed the power of the Magic Stone and the Resurrection Stone, and clapped his hands hard.

A wave of magic power centered on the magic tower and spread to the entire wizard city and even beyond.

Golden flames came out of his mouth and burned into a ball. If you look carefully, you can see a gem in the flames.

The black thread on his right hand condensed and became a gem.

His eyes turned into vertical pupils, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on John's forehead.

Another gem appears.

The three gems flew towards the three dragons and entered their bodies.

"I give you eternal burning fire, soul-devouring darkness, and eyes that petrify everything."

The three giant dragons each obtain a kind of magic, which makes them even more magical.

John's current magic power can also be used to create things after breaking away from the magic power of the magic blood.

The ultimate transformation, plus the power of the Magic Stone and the Resurrection Stone.

This process was extremely difficult. After the gem entered the dragon's body, he opened his hands.

Ten rings are engraved with ancient spells.

The ring passed through the bodies of the three dragons, letting them remember this thing.

The ring flew back to John's hand and he whispered into it.

"And you, I give you a more powerful curse that can evoke regret."

The breath of the Resurrection Stone wraps around the ten rings.

After doing all this, the three giant dragons all condensed into a giant dragon.

They lowered their heads to the king, turned around and flew out, landing on the wall of the magic tower and shrinking, turning back into a lifelike stone sculpture.

Ten rings lay quietly in John's hands. He looked at these things with strange colors in his eyes.

"Please allow me to be selfish just once."

The Witch-King’s fairness and justice.

But John is here to give some people privileges that will never fade away.

Holding the ring tightly, John turned to look at the awakened owl, and...

The throne of the Witch King awaits its master.

Chapter 846 The owner of the ring


Inside the classically decorated Delacour Manor with its long history.

"Miss Delacour."

A noble man with huge influence in this country, an old man with white hair, treated a young and beautiful woman with respect.

"My child cannot walk because of an accident." The old man pleaded. "I hope to get a way to let him walk."

"Richard," Fleur's silver hair was pulled into a bun. Her expression was indifferent and she responded to the old man's request lightly, "You have taken the magic potion belonging to Arue."

According to the requirements set by John, every family in the Muggle world has a share of helping Muggles.

As a French family, Delacour established friendship with those Muggle nobles.

Richard Arouet was a marquis whose ancestors had great glory.

Now he is a big landowner with a lot of land.

He was about to die, but Delacour used his share of help to keep him alive.

This made Richard Delacour's most loyal ally.

But people are always greedy, and Richard's youngest son can no longer walk after a car accident.

"I beg you, Miss Delacour." Richard said sincerely, "My child, he is only eleven years old."

Although he said it very pitifully, Fleur just refused indifferently.

It's so easy that it makes people take it for granted.

"Wait until next time, Richard."

The almost heartless words not only did not make Richard resentful, on the contrary, he was just disappointed that his share was not enough.

After coming into contact with this mysterious Delacour, he realized that it was a magical method.

For this big French landowner, he is also something that cannot be messed with.

With just one sip of the mysterious potion, you could survive on your death bed.

Such people cannot be offended.

Not everyone loves their children more than themselves, more people do, and the one who survives is himself.

After sending this big landowner away, Furong's stern face could finally relax.

She rubbed her face like a hamster, with a bitter look on her face.

"It's so sad to have to do this every day," Fleur wailed, "I want to drink fish soup."

As a person who wants to manage her image as a wizarding lady in front of Muggles, what Fleur has to do is to suppress her nature and create an atmosphere of mystery and mystery in front of Muggles.

As a warrior participating in the Triwizard Tournament, Fleur herself is intelligent and active.

Sitting there demurely now, she wished that it was her mother who had replaced her.

Mrs. Delacour's dignified character makes her more suitable for this job.

Just when Fleur was wondering if she should torture her sister after Gabrielle graduated, she saw the owls in the manor flying away in an unusual panic.

A white dot flew towards this side in the sky.

After getting closer, Basil flew into the manor and landed on Fleur's raised arm.

Fleur couldn't help but poked Basil's head with her hand, and said with a smile: "Did you hit the owl again, Basil?"

Basil turned his head away from Fleur.

Fleur touched Basil's belly again, and there was an owl from the Wizarding City offering it. This snowy owl seemed to be a little fatter.

As the bully among owls, Basil's reputation is resounding throughout the owl world.

It would be no exaggeration to say that it is the Voldemort among owls. Wherever it goes, it will definitely kill all the local owls.

Even the Delacour family's owls were not immune.

Basil put down a letter, and a ring fell from the gap in its feathers.

Fu Rong picked it up and asked strangely: "Why do you have a ring on you?"

After Basil stared at Fleur for a while, it turned around and took off.

An owl that came over curiously was flapped away by Basil who was passing by.

Furong was left confused, so she opened the envelope and found a small card inside.

Fleur clenched the ring in her hand, her eyes filled with shock and sadness.


"Mr. Weasley, here is a letter from you."

Percy and Penello are definitely the most well-matched couple. Their marriage did not have a honeymoon, but started working directly.

As the person with the most power in the magic world today, second only to the Witch King, he is more concerned with grasping the overall situation.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has Penello for training, and the Aurors have Barty Crouch Jr. in charge.

The Ministry of Magic in various places also reports to the headquarters on time.

Even the Wizard City divides each area into one district.

Chu Dai, a member of the werewolf community, is responsible for managing the werewolves, and is divided into district leaders based on the gathering areas, which are supervised by the members of each district.

This is the only example where the werewolf community has its own supervision of its own affairs.

But even if the power is divided into multiple parts, there are still things that keep him busy.

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