This was originally an extremely scary thing.

But because of the reasons behind this, the people did not feel horrified, but praised the six people for a good death and Jenny for a good death.

Some of the more agitated people went to these six homes and threw rocks, smashed their windows, and posted all kinds of abusive notes on them.

The lawyer is okay because he is an adult and is responsible for everything.

The families of those five students were in dire straits.

The students are minors and it is impossible for them to clear themselves of their crimes. Their parents are behind the scenes.

Therefore, those people also vented their continued anger on them.

Let them not only bear the pain of losing a child, but also all kinds of fishing boats and insults from society.

Several of them even lost their high-paying jobs.

With the in-depth investigation of the incident, the teaching director was also found out.

Of course, what he did did not violate the law, he just did not do it.

In the end, he was expelled from school and lost his job.

Even if he made a mistake, the police could not send him to jail.

But the police let him go, but the people did not let him go, and allowed him to enjoy the treatment of those parents.

Abuse, insults, and all kinds of unpleasant words were all thrown at him.

Although he didn't go to jail, he would spend the rest of his life in regret.

In this matter, Chu Feng's role was actually not small.

If it hadn't been for him, Jenny would have completely lost control in the end, and more people would have died.

But because he behaved too low-key this time, his name was not included in various reports.

But Chu Feng was not without gains.

At least Melanie Sloan is no longer so wary of him.

His relationship with Scarlett can continue to develop again.

This is already a great gain for him.

As Chu Feng expected, within a few days, the reconstruction work of his ordinary villa was completed.

The rest is just interior decoration.

This has been designed a long time ago and is still being carried out in an orderly manner.

In May, the thunderstorm season has already entered.

Thunder and lightning have come several times this year, but everything is normal in Taolin.

Moreover, because all the peach trees obtained through Zhang Yuling are of high quality, not one of them has died so far.

On the contrary, later, a number of the peach trees he obtained through other channels had been struck to death by lightning.

Now, the most advanced peach tree on his side has reached the level of six lightning strikes.

Chu Feng is looking forward to where this batch will reach this time.

In addition, the four major medicinal families in the country sent several batches of medicinal materials.

But medicinal materials are getting harder and harder to find, and there are fewer and fewer of them every time.

Moreover, some rare medicinal materials are rare because no one buys them, so they are reluctant to spend great efforts to cultivate them.

It was only now that Chu Feng wanted to buy it that they started cultivating it again, which took a certain amount of time.

Therefore, although they provided medicinal materials several times, the medicinal materials for Chu Feng's advanced elixir were still inferior.

Fortunately, he currently uses more and more commonly used elixirs.

Zhuyan Dan has also been re-opened several times, laying a solid foundation for the fountain of life.

Speaking of Fountain of Life, after this period of fermentation, sales are now getting better and better.

More and more people have accepted this brand.

Moreover, as time goes by, the effects of the Fountain of Life begin to appear.

Those who use Fountain of Life find that their skin is much better than before.

Especially compared to his useless peers, there is a huge change.

This change occurs especially among celebrities.

In fact, because of their work, celebrities have to wear heavy makeup every day, which is very harmful to their skin.

But those celebrities who have used the Fountain of Life have discovered that their skin has not become worse during this period of use, but has gradually improved.

Moreover, even aging has been suspended, which is like a miracle to them.

At first, they thought it was an illusion.

So, I went to a professional testing agency to have my skin tested.

The data they obtained shocked them even more.

Data shows that their skin ages twice as slowly as ordinary people.

This data made them ecstatic and incredible at the same time.

This is exactly the same as the official promotion of Fountain of Life.

No manufacturer has ever been able to make its products achieve the results it advertises.

Especially in the skin care product industry, the products have always been boasted to the sky, but when it comes to actual results, they can only be said to be slightly better than not using them.

But who would have thought that Fountain of Life could actually do it.

It is also because there are more and more people like this that the sales of Fountain of Life are rising.

In the past few months, several new stores have opened and the performance has been good.

That is to say, e-commerce has not yet taken off, otherwise there would be one more sales channel.

Speaking of e-commerce, Chu Feng thought of Amazon, which is now very popular.

When Chu Feng bought Apple stocks, he also bought some Amazon stocks.

But unfortunately, although he is considered rich, investing in these two companies is still a bit unsatisfactory.

If you want to become a major shareholder, you have to continue investing money.

"My rate of making money is still too slow."Chu Feng sighed in his heart.

"By the way, Yanqianyun's hand-shopping website should have been established. When was it established?

I actually forgot about this."

Chu Feng patted his head. He had stayed in Country M for a long time and had completely forgotten some things in the country. He only remembered it now when he thought of Amazon.

"Don't miss this. He should be in need of funds right now. I can help him in times of need. Well, I'll let someone contact him another day."

Chu Feng made up his mind.

And when he thought of hand-picking websites, he thought of several other websites. Google

, you can't miss this one.

It was just established, and it was when money was needed.

Netflix, the largest streaming service in the world in the future. Media companies are also in a difficult situation now.

There are several other companies whose development prospects are also unlimited. Chu Feng actually forgot about them some time ago.

"You can't stay behind closed doors, you have to go out more often, otherwise you will be out of touch with society."

Chu Feng reflected in his heart._Fei

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