Chu Feng and Summer shook hands with him and reported their names respectively.

Seeing that Summer had the same surname as Chu Feng, Yone couldn't help but glance at Summer, but didn't ask anything.

He just smiled and said:"I looked at the check-in information of the two of you, and it was registered under the name of Hunter.

But that guy didn't tell me that you two are gambling masters."

Chu Feng also said with a smile:" I didn't win any money. The master of gambling is Summer."

Yon nodded:"It's all the same. Your gambling skills really opened my eyes.

To be honest, after your first win, we already had people behind the scenes. Gambling masters are observing you.

As a result, until you finish, you can't see any flaws.

I'm really curious, how did you do it?

Of course, I know this is your secret, just pretend I didn't ask.."

Chu Feng smiled slightly, neither admitting nor denying.

They all know that winning four times in a row is impossible to rely on luck.

No matter how unlucky a person is, there is no way he can win all his bets with a probability of 1 in 38.

Yon said:"Well, I won't ask you two about your secret. You just won the money and you will exchange it accordingly. I will also give you a check for one million US dollars, as long as you don't continue to play."

How's it going?"

This is really a very generous condition.

I know clearly that you are cheating, but just because I can't tell, I not only don't care about it, I also give you a sum of money, and I just ask you not to gamble anymore.

Chu Feng had a better impression of this guy. At least, he didn't act aggressive or threatening when he first came up.

Chu Feng said:"I'm a little curious, what will you do if we don't agree?"

Hearing this, the two bodyguards immediately looked at Chu Feng with a threatening look in their eyes.

Jon looked distressed:"You are Hunter's guests, and we don't want to go that far.

But if you really want to do that, we have to teach you a lesson and put you on the casino blacklist.

Believe me, although Hunter Their power is not small, but even if I teach you a lesson, Hunter will not stand up for you."

John seemed very confident and spoke with confidence, but Chu Feng felt a little want to laugh when he heard it.

Summer also looked at Chu Feng with a strange expression. Hunter stood up for us. Are we doing so badly? We still need Hunter to stand up.

Chu Feng didn't really laugh.

Although there was an element of threat in Yon's words, they were not excessive.

Giving him a lesson and then being blacklisted from the casino is considered merciful to a scammer.

Therefore, Chu Feng did not intend to go too far to win.

Anyway, he doesn't care about winning that little money.

On the contrary, it makes those gamblers cheaper.

Chu Feng said:"Deal"

"You made the best choice."

Yon waved his hand, and a bodyguard next to him immediately handed over a check for one million US dollars.

Obviously, this had been prepared a long time ago.

Chu Feng signaled, and Summer put away the check with a smile.

Although , she usually doesn’t spend much money, but she still likes to make money.

"Then let's go first."Chu Feng stood up

"Jack, give it to you two for me. I hope you will keep your promise."

"We will."Chu Feng shook hands with Yoen again, and then glanced at him with a smile.

It was this look that shocked Yohn's whole body.

It made him feel like he had been stripped naked and fell into an ice cave.

He felt all over his body Waves of chills spread from the end of his tailbone to the back of his neck. The coldness penetrated into his bones, making him shiver.

He shook his head, and when he looked again, he found that Chu Feng had already walked out with the tall, thin and elegant man. When they entered the room, they could only see their backs.

Jon couldn't help but feel a little dazed, wondering if he had hallucinated just now.

But the feeling was so real, and the chill really made people freeze.

Even if, The last time he went to Antarctica, he had never felt such cold

"BOSS, what's wrong with you?"

The bodyguard behind him noticed something strange about him and asked.

"nothing."Yon shook his head, but his eyes were still staring at the door.

Even though Chu Feng and the others were no longer there.

"Could it be that these two people are not ordinary people, and the chill just now was just a warning from him, or an approval of my handling method?"

Yon couldn't help but have this thought in his mind.

Especially now that I think about it, these two people were too calm.

At first, I thought they were like this because they were confident in their outstanding skills and were not afraid of being caught.

Now think about it more carefully, no matter how confident you are in Qianju, you can't go so far.

In front of a casino owner, he took the initiative to pull up a chair and sit down. Who would do this if they didn't have extraordinary skills?

Unless these two people are fools , but obviously, they are not.

So what is their special ability?

Jon doesn't know, but he knows that with just that glance, it would be easy for these two people to kill him.

Thinking of this, Jon couldn't help but sweat. wet back

"Inform Jack to send them down and come back immediately."Yon ordered

"yes."A bodyguard responded quickly.

Then he took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

Soon, the tall, slim and elegant man, Jack, came back:"BOSS?"

Yon asked:"How are those two people?"

Jack said:"They kept their promise and went directly to the exchange office to exchange the chips for money. Then, I received the message and came up.

What's wrong, they still Is there anything unusual?"

Yon said:"Pay attention to them. Even if they win again, as long as it's not too much, leave them alone."

"ah?"Jack was stunned for a moment:"Why?"

"Don't ask, just do as I say"

"yes."Jack didn't dare to ask any more questions.

After Chu Feng and Summer went downstairs, they walked directly to the exchange office.

To be honest, winning money out of a thousand dollars was very interesting at first, but after being exposed, it didn't matter if you won a few more times. That's interesting.

Of course, the most important thing is that these are all small amounts of money.

If a handful was worth 100 million US dollars, Chu Feng and Summer would also find it interesting.

However, it is impossible for other people's casinos to play such a big game with you, nor will they play it tomorrow. Even though they knew you would make a fortune, they still played with you.

Therefore, Chu Feng and Summer didn't plan to play anymore. They planned to go out for lunch after the exchange and then go shopping.

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