"Don't worry, Mr. Chu, I will do it"

"That's up to you."

Scott sent Chu Feng downstairs. After watching Chu Feng get into the taxi, he turned around and went upstairs.

Chu Feng rummaged through the address book on his mobile phone for a while and finally found a number.

"Fortunately this number has not been deleted yet. Chu Feng dialed the number:"

Hello, is this Mr. Ma? I am Chu Feng who spoke to you last time.""

The call lasted for more than half an hour. By the time it ended, Chu Feng had already arrived at the airport.

After paying the fare, Chu Feng couldn't help but smile.

Just now, he had learned that Dad Ma was indeed interested in financing.

Of course, it was impossible to negotiate everything in just half an hour.

After learning that Ma’s father had financing intentions, Chu Feng also expressed his investment intention appropriately.

So, Ma’s father invited Chu Feng to inspect China.

Dad Ma didn’t show too much enthusiasm.

After all, his most difficult time was over.

Now that Ahri has gained a certain reputation, financing has become much easier than before.

Now, he has a company that he intends to invest in. There are several of them, including Yang Zhiyuan.

Of course Chu Feng will not go to inspect, there is no need to inspect here. He is going to send a team to fly over directly to negotiate with the other party.

Chu Feng has always done things very fast.

He returned to Los Angeles On the third day after that, a team flew to the other side of the Pacific.

He was also familiar with this team. It was the same team that acquired Netflix and Marvel. They cooperated with each other tacitly, so there would be no problems.

However , , after the team flew away, when Chu Feng checked his account, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He sold Zhuyan Pill and got a total of 4.7 billion US dollars.

However, the acquisition of Marvel cost 2.52 billion US dollars, and some were invested in the stock market.

The acquisition of 4.7 % of Apple's shares cost US$1.68 billion.

It cost US$158 million to acquire 20% of Google's shares.

A total of about US$44. Only

US$3 was left on hand.

If Ali negotiated, the acquisition of shares would be relatively If it's more, the money he has is not enough

"I'm still poor."Chu Feng couldn't help but sigh.

If these words were known to someone who knew the inside story, he might be beaten to death.

However, what Chu Feng said is also true.

Although, his assets will be very valuable in the future.

Even now It is also worth nearly 10 billion US dollars.

But there is really not much cash on hand.

Moreover, the taxes in the United States are really deceiving.

Chu Feng’s current assets require hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes every year.

"Finally, I’m done and can upgrade.

After letting the negotiation team fly away, Chu Feng finally relaxed.

Since returning from Maine, he has been.

Even the upgrade has been delayed, and now I finally have some time.

Chu Feng entered the system and checked the merit values.

Remaining merit value: 556040 points.

Seeing this number, Chu Feng couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

This trip to Maine was very rewarding.

The exercises and body-refining techniques were already lit up.

It means that it can be upgraded again.

But this time, Chu Feng was not prepared to upgrade these two items immediately.

He was ready to upgrade his alchemy skills to the full level.

Last time, Summer's words reminded him.

Even if they take the Beauty Pill and their appearance does not age, their longevity will not increase.

Moreover, as you age, your body's functions will still decline, but it will be slower than that of ordinary people.

Therefore, it is urgent to improve their longevity.

Chu Feng didn't want to watch them die one by one in a few decades.

Chu Feng has actually upgraded to the seventh level of alchemy.

Moreover, upgrading alchemy is much cheaper than his current technique, and it doesn’t cost much merit at all.


Chu Feng no longer delayed, entered the system, and began to upgrade the alchemy.

Alchemy: eighth level.

Remaining merit value: 543,240 points.

After the alchemy reached the eighth level, Chu Feng immediately had many more pill recipes and more in his mind. knowledge of alchemy.

Chu Feng checked these elixir recipes one by one, and found that there were many magical elixirs in them.

But unfortunately, he did not find any elixir that could increase longevity.

"Among the eighth-grade elixirs, there are no elixirs that can increase longevity?

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said to himself:"It seems that it is really difficult to increase life span."

Yes, this is simply taking away one’s life from heaven and earth. It’s not surprising."

"In this case, go ahead and upgrade."

Alchemy: Ninth Level.

Remaining merit value: 517640 points.

A large number of elixir recipes appeared in Chu Feng's mind again.

But unfortunately, Chu Feng still has not found the elixir that can increase life span.

"It seems that it is about to reach the highest level."

"Keep going."

Alchemy: Tenth Level (Perfect)

Remaining Merit Value: 466440 Points

"Haha, finally found it."

After the upgrade was successful, Chu Feng immediately searched for the elixir recipe of the tenth-grade elixir, and finally he found an elixir that increased longevity.

Immortality elixir: It is made by gathering the essence of heaven and earth. It can be taken after taking it. The elixir of longevity is called longevity, but the ancients liked to give it a cool name for everything they do.

In fact, this elixir cannot lead to longevity at all, but it can indeed increase life span. That is 6 years.

In other words, after taking this elixir, you can live 60 more years.

Of course, that only increases your lifespan.

This is when you are not sick or in trouble.

If you get a terminal illness or encounter Unexpectedly, this elixir is useless.

Chu Feng looked at the prescription of this elixir and suddenly showed a look of shock.

This immortality elixir requires 108 kinds of medicinal materials.

There are 3 main medicinal materials.

They are: Fountain of Life, Holy Soul Stone Powder, and Bloody Holy Orchid.

Chu Feng was also confused when he saw these three main medicinal materials.

It was such a coincidence that he had both the Fountain of Life and the Holy Soul Stone.

However, he thought about it again and realized that this was also very interesting. Reasonable.

The Fountain of Life is a magical spring that contains a lot of vitality. If you want to increase your longevity, you must make the elixir have a lot of vitality. It is very reasonable to use the Fountain of Life as the main medicinal material.

There is also Holy Soul Stone Powder, which is a powerful soul The sacred stone.

To increase longevity, it is necessary to make a person's soul stronger.

Therefore, the Holy Soul Stone is also very important. As for what the Bloody Holy Orchid is and what its effects are, Chu Feng doesn't know. He doesn't know at all.

I have never heard of such a thing.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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