The reason is obvious——

after all……


If this group of cultists is really bewitched by the White Lotus Sect and gang up and kill people, then the police can only deal with it by arresting Mr. A and other principals, and it is impossible to capture all the three hundred people present. Thrown into prison. Although in fact, one of these people counts as one, they are all suspects of his crimes.

   What made Bai Shuiqiu feel the most was that the words Suzuki Zhuxi said just now, "Even if you use a knife on your parents and children, you won't hesitate", it has now been fulfilled.

  ——The girls who were stripped naked and lying on the high platform are basically the flesh and blood relatives of the believers in the audience.

   And now, even these people are crying out to kill them.

   If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be hard to believe that this kind of thing could actually exist in reality.


   Bai Shuiqiu sighed for a long time, and glanced at the left and right sides of Suzuki Zhuxi and Kuri Jian Chengya: "Let's do it now. If we wait and see, the situation will become irreversible?"


   Suzuki Juki bit her lip and hesitated.

   And Kuri Jiancheng also opened his eyes, staring intently at one of the thirty-year-old women on the high platform, and slowly raised her brows: "That woman... seems to be a reporter from the Morning Star."


"That's a newspaper in Sakura City with its headquarters. It covers people's livelihood, sports, finance, etc., and has done many famous series of reports. It is very famous throughout Chiba Prefecture... This woman seemed to be sitting just now. The audience, because they refused to drink the'Tongshen Water', was picked up and taken away by the evil monks, unexpectedly..."

   In the voice of Li Jian Chengya's explanation, Bai Shuiqiu's heart flashed.

   It seems that the person who "scheming against the law" mentioned by Mr. A just now refers to this woman.

   Judging from the current situation, this woman was mostly aware of the situation of the Bai Lianzong and sneaked in to obtain some first-hand information, but she did not expect that there was a link to "Tong Shen Shui", thus revealing her identity.

   If she doesn't act in time, she will probably end up badly.

   Just a few words of effort.

   There have been new changes in that square.

   The shouts of "Kill her" from all directions seemed to please Mr. A very satisfied. This guy raised his hands and made a gesture of pressing down, then the conversation turned:

"It is true that these guys are sinful evil spirits, but the great sage Bailian I taught has compassion in his heart, and still treats them with the greatest kindness. He did not hesitate to spend his mana to create precious holy water and want to cleanse them. Sin..."

In the voice of   , a few more monks brought up a few bottles of "holy water" on a wooden tray.

These "holy water" are all contained in glass bottles. The body of the bottle looks very delicate, made into a square cup, but the water inside is almost pure black color, which looks like it was just from The sewage fished out from the river ditch is the same.

  "...These holy waters are all the crystallization of the great saint's magical power. If they can't cleanse the sins of these demons, then they are really hopeless."

   Senior Minister A waved his hand while speaking.

   A few monks immediately picked up the holy water and poured it on the girls.


   These "holy waters" seem to be cold.

   The first time they were splashed, several girls evaded to the sides, crawling away in a panic, and screaming in panic.

   But a few monks around are watching very closely.

   Moreover, these girls had been beaten before, and they were in a state of physical insufficiency. Even if they tried their best, they couldn't make any decent resistance. They were quickly caught back and pressed to the ground.

   "Holy water" quickly flowed all over their bodies, dyeing these girls' originally white bodies into black and white, looking like white lotus flowers stained with mud. Moreover, the "holy water" seems to be very sticky, sticking to them, a bit immobile.

   The female reporter of the Morning Star just now gathered her strength and took a bite on the tiger's mouth that was holding her monk.

   "Damn... it hurts!"

   The bitten monk let out a cry of pain, and then kicked it forward!

   This guy is the man named Tian Chuan.

He was already very tall, and he didn't have any strength on this foot, so he kicked the girl forward for two or three meters, covered his stomach with pain, and curled his whole body into a ball, as if even the ribs were covered. Kicked off a few.

   "Grass, these beasts!"

   Li Jiancheng also cursed in a low voice, and picked up the walkie-talkie: "Good tree, lead someone to act!!"

   Before the words fell, Bai Shuiqiu had picked up his schoolbag in time, stood up from the ground with a bang, his knees bend slightly, his petite figure was like a cheetah, and the nerves in his body were tense for an instant.

   and on the other side near the courtyard.

   almost at the same time that Kurimi Nariya's order was issued.

   I saw Liang Shu and others walking through the bushes and rushing to the courtyard where the assembly was held. Such a group of ten people gathered together, and soon attracted the attention of the garden direction. Several monks guarding outside the courtyard took up clubs and weapons, surrounded them one after another, blocking their way.

   "Who are you? Stop, this is the private domain of the White Lotus Sect!"

   The leading monk waved the iron rod in his hand a few times, and shouted loudly.

   "The police handle the case, all the idlers, etc. get out of here!"

   Liangshu took out the police officer's card and called back in a loud voice.


The voices of both parties were loud, but there was a tens of meters between the courtyard gate and the square, and the square was now a scene of shouting and boiling, so the sound of good trees was soon drowned in this area. In the noisy, it seems inconspicuous.

   The group of monks who stopped them looked at each other, as if they exchanged glances, and didn't mean to back away at all:

   "This is a private courtyard, all outsiders are forbidden to enter! Even the police are the same, we pay taxes to the government every year!"

   There are people behind the White Lotus Sect.

   Moreover, it is a large consortium-level force behind them.

   It is precisely because of this layer of background as a protective umbrella that this cult can exist safely for so many years. Although it has been spotted by the police several times, it has never been punished in the true sense.

   These monks knew this very well, so they didn't show any timidity when facing the police officer's card.

   And Liang Shu and others have guns on their bodies, but in such crowded occasions, no one dared to draw their guns easily, and was a little stalemate for a while.

Li Jiancheng also stood up at this time, glanced in the direction of the high platform, and shouted directly at the walkie-talkie: "Don't worry about that much, good tree! Fired a warning once, and then rushed in immediately, if anyone dared to stop it. , Shoot directly, I am responsible for any problems!"

   After receiving the order, Liang Shu didn't talk nonsense, and immediately took out his pistol and fired a shot at the sky!


   appeared at the same time as this gunshot, and it was Liang Shu's stern shout: "Get out of the way!!

Chapter 353 There is an inner ghost, stop the assembly!

   The deterrent power of this gun is still very large.

   A few monks who guarded the gate were taken aback, and subconsciously stepped back and gave way to a very narrow road.

   When Liang Shu led people through them, one of the monks suddenly yelled, picked up the machete in his hand, and slammed into the back of a policeman!


The force of the sword was heavy, and the policeman who was hit by the knife gave a scream and rushed forward. The casual clothes on his body had been split with a big cut, the wound extended to the arm, and the **** flesh was turned on both sides. , A shocking sight.


   This scene happened unexpectedly.

   Liang Shu turned his head and glanced, his eyes were cracked.

Seeing that several other monks also showed signs of being encircled again, the policeman raised his hand and fired two shots without hesitation. They hit the monk with the knife in the thigh. The latter screamed and knelt down. On the ground, the two police officers next to him rushed forward together, grabbing his shoulders and pressing them to the ground.

   "Don't move!"


   "You bastards... do you still want to attack the police?!"

   The three or four policemen who followed the good tree took out pistols from their waists and pointed at the surrounding monks. The leading monk yelled, urging others not to do anything first: "Misunderstanding, don't be impulsive! Listen to me!"

   Both sides were alert to each other, yelling loudly.

   For a while, the scene fell into chaos again.

   Taking advantage of this moment, someone jogged all the way into the courtyard, rushed to the square, and reported to the people inside.

  ——This is exactly the purpose of the monk's sudden action just now.

——Assault on the police is indeed a big crime, but it must be prosecuted and tried, and may not be sentenced to death. If there is a gathering in the courtyard, if they are monks guarding the gate, let the police directly break in. If you enter, you will probably be punished even more terribly from the leader and elder.

Although there was a lot of noise at the entrance, the square was still in a frenetic atmosphere. Hundreds of people shouted together to cover up all the noise. Only a few monks heard a little. Gunshots, looked up.

   The leader sitting on the high platform frowned, and ordered a little novice beside him to go over and answer the messenger and ask about the situation.

   And the "purification ceremony" on the stage is still going on.

   Several bottles of "holy water" have been poured on the girls by these monks.

After the black liquid flowed out of the bottle, it seemed to be living creatures, wandering freely on them, wrapping their bare arms and **** one by one. In the process, the eyes of several girls gradually He became confused, and even began to unfold his body cooperatively, allowing the "holy water" to flow all over the body.

   This scene looks a bit weird.

   But the group of believers on the stage are already quite familiar.

   Those who are the parents and relatives of the girls on the stage even started to cry with joy, as if they really believed that using this "purification ritual" could "return to normal" their daughters and granddaughters.

   There is chaos outside the courtyard, and fanaticism inside the courtyard. From the perspective of the onlooker, it is like looking at a strange Ukiyo-e painting.


   on the hillside.

   Bai Shuiqiu has already started to leave.

But just after taking a few steps, Zhuxi Suzuki yelled out from behind, and she took her wrist in a hand: "Xiao Qiu, wait a moment, it's not time for us to take action... Those guys can't escape. , Liangshu and the others have already fired. Unless these guys also use firearms, it is impossible to stop them from the door. Someone needs to take charge of the overall situation..."

   When saying these few words, Suzuki Zhuxi's eyes did not fall on Bai Shuiqiu.

   Instead, he kept looking at the square with an unsure look on his face, opened his mouth, and finally asked:

   "By the way... Xiao Qiu, did you see the gray air coming out of them? It started to appear after being splashed on by those holy water just now..."


   Bai Shuiqiu was stunned, followed Suzuki Zhuxi's sight, and looked at the square over there again.

There is indeed a very faint grey air lingering above the bodies of the girls. In the dark, it seems to be connected with the mist on Lantern Mountain, as if there is an invisible line connecting the two. , And the depths of Lantern Mountain, which was covered by the mist, seemed to have a disturbing atmosphere slowly rising.

   "Those water..."

   I don't know why. From just now, Bai Shuiqiu felt the "holy water", which gave her a very familiar feeling, as if he had seen something similar there before.

   is like...

   "It's the kind of black muddy water!"

   Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through Bai Shuiqiu's mind.

   She also just realized that the so-called "holy water" made by the "big sage of white lotus" is actually exactly the same as the mud water that formed the black bird before! More precisely, it is a black mud between liquid and solid! Because of this, these things can stick to those girls!

   The White Lotus Sect and the monsters on Lantern Mountain... Sure enough, they are related! !

   even further thinking about it...

Perhaps the kappa who appeared in the Painted Skin incident was released by the "Bailian Great Sage". Maybe this guy is an evil cultivator or even a monster. He noticed the existence of Painted Skin in that incident, and from that time Started to stare at her!


   Maybe even earlier!

Although Hyuga Asuka did not disclose information about her like these guys, she and Hyuga Asuka are at the same table and friends after all. Since the latter was once regarded by the White Lotus Sect as a target that needs "purification", it may not have been investigated in advance. Overcome Hyuga Asuka's interpersonal relationship and notice the existence of her as a maiden.

   In an instant, Bai Shuiqiu's thoughts turned.

   Countless kinds of speculations flooded in my heart.

   In this short moment, the whistleblower had already got in touch with the people inside, and when he heard what was happening outside, the expressions of several monks instantly changed.

   "Why was it touched by the police? Which **** leaked the wind in advance!"

   "By the way, the two cadres of Okawa and Matsushita were caught by the police a few days ago. Could it be that they have become inner ghosts..."

   "Don't worry about so much, what we have to do now is to tell the elders and leaders immediately, and stop the assembly!

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