I’m From The World Of Punishment

Chapter 1726: It's not peaceful

"Little Alice, how is the pharmaceutical analysis going?" Luo Huai asked.

"Master, these medicines cannot be eaten directly as the original medicine, but after being injected into the body and undergoing a neutralization reaction, they can be transmitted through the food chain." Little Alice could not completely decipher the ingredients and properties of the medicine in a short time, but she could draw some conclusions. characteristic.

"That means that guy made his subordinates the first link in the spread of medicine." Luo Huai landed on the mountain and picked up a **** battle suit.

He noticed that there was something strange on a spike on the back of the neck of the combat suit, and when he touched it with his fingertips, it felt slightly numb.

This is how the lead man incapacitated his subordinates who were fighting monsters.

After being stopped by Luo Huai, he thought of this method, and the other subordinates didn't know about it at all, they only thought that those guys died because of the inconvenience of fighting in the air and losing to monsters.

Now the monster didn't know where it flew to. Monsters with cubs shouldn't be too far away from the nest, but monsters stimulated by medicinal substances were hard to say.

A medicine that can continue to work means that its spread is not just a simple dilution process. It will inevitably form a long-lasting and renewable substance when it is integrated into the living body. This substance is the "crazy" that is really diffused.

Anyway, the situation has been settled, so I have to go back and notify the authorities as soon as possible.

"Ah...then my bonus is gone, and they all ran away..." Maple Leaf flew over and asked cautiously.

Luo Huai flicked her forehead, "I still want a bonus. This is a big deal. You should hurry back and notify Cross Headquarters to send more support staff."

"Okay." Maple Leaf vaguely felt that his bonus might be wasted after this incident, but after all, the matter was of great importance, and the matter was important.

"Then I feel like lending your phone to make a call."

"Take it." Luo Huai threw the ring to her, and he directly asked Little Alice to cross the line to the south to find Fengshu, and asked him to help contact the official side.

"Are you sure? So far no adventure team has reported abnormal monsters." Feng Shu, who happened to be on the night shift tonight, rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"It's all said to be man-made. In short, you should report it to the official side and let them issue a notice to the adventure groups. Otherwise, if the monster-like monsters in the central region really come out, ordinary adventure groups will encounter To die is to die."

"Okay, got it, I'll submit the A-level document immediately." After waking up, Feng Shu sorted out the situation, sat up and started the document seriously.

"Are you talking to my elder brother?" Maple Leaf has finished talking here, and the important person will make arrangements later.

"Yes, your brother is on night shift today." Luo Huai hung up the phone, "Let's go, it's time for us to go back."

Tracking is no longer necessary. The terrain in the central region is complicated, and the group of guys have achieved their goal. Now they are running away with all their strength, and it is difficult to catch up.

Moreover, the danger level in the central region has also increased greatly, and the group of guys will probably find some monster injections to speed up the process of the beast tide.

They don't just want to unleash a disaster, they want the murderous monster to be a long-term hazard.

This is an extreme path, and the more extreme the path, the more people will ignore the difference between armors and only pursue strength.

All of this is caused by a sense of security and a sense of crisis.

"Will you still give me the bonus when I go back, even for that thief..." Feng Ye still couldn't forget it.

"Should I give you bonuses for those guys who were killed by monsters?"

"Yeah!" The happy Maple Leaf flapped its wings even faster.

the next day.

Luo Huai and Sister Xin Meng went to the breakfast room on the first floor at 9:00 to have dinner together.

A few armored vehicles passed by the large floor-to-ceiling windows, causing many passers-by to stare sideways.

It was the army's car, and it was usually on standby in the bases between cities, so it would not easily appear in urban areas.

The official division of personnel duties is very clear. The security department is the troops in the city, and the troops we usually talk about usually only appear when resisting disasters on a larger scale.

However, since the last catastrophe, the situation of the army has not been very good, and the number of personnel has decreased a lot.

"Is it because of what happened last night?" Xin Meng asked, she already knew.

Luo Huai, who was sitting face to face, replied: "It should be."

The so-called beast tide is not the rush of beasts in the fantasy world, but an accident that may happen at any time.

There are many monsters that hunt at night, which is even more dangerous.

According to Little Alice's follow-up analysis, those medicines are not so much for strengthening people, as they are for monsters. There are almost no side effects, and the monster's madness is only due to the surge in power.

Greater strength, of course, must be accompanied by a larger territory.

"A lot of things happened in the first big competition, and this time it's coming again." Xin Meng ate fried noodles and complained, "When will it be peaceful?"

Luo Huai was silent, he didn't know either.

The progress of civilization is always full of ups and downs.

Suddenly, a brightly colored motorcycle flew past the window, and the person on it was also of the same color. Luo Huai saw that it was armor.

There is a shortage of manpower, and suitable candidates from the center will enter the security department according to the arrangement.

It seems that the officials also realized that the group of guys in the dark wanted to compete with them. Now UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is to see who will get the approval of the public first.

The government has a natural advantage in this point, but it still needs to be grasped. There are many invisible places, such as the black market, the interpersonal relationship of private adventure teams... those guys will find any gaps to allow their products to secretly join this "race" Come.

"Hey! I finally found you." A motorcycle suddenly stopped when it passed by the window.

Luo Huai recognized Xu Qingshu's snow wolf armor, but with the helmet covering it and the glass soundproofing it, he couldn't hear what this guy said.

Xu Qingshu also noticed it immediately, so he removed his armor, walked around the glass and walked in.

It can be said that he walked in and attracted the attention of everyone. There is no group of students in the restaurant who is not interested in the armor. They are even more excited to see the armor being lifted at such a close distance.

"You guys are busy now." Luo Huai moved the chair to make room for him, and Xin Meng also moved, just to be next to Luo Huai.

Xu Qingshu glanced at Xinmeng, then at Luohuai, a little surprised, but he didn't say much, and continued, "Isn't it, a notice was issued last night, everyone is busy, and today I woke up early , Patrol and station according to the planned route.”

"Then you are here to chat with me now, are you okay?"

"That's because I have an extra mission. Team Tang asked me to find you. You went after those guys last night, right? She wants to get some more specific information from you."

"What about her?"

"It's just next to the gymnasium, you remember the location, right?" Xu Qingshu stood up and prepared to leave after he finished speaking, but after thinking about it, he said a little embarrassedly, "If possible, please help me a little bit. Buying a few bowls of breakfast, Team Tang didn’t sell much all morning, so it’s a loss.”

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