I’m From The World Of Punishment

Chapter 224: Another batch of fresh ingredients in storage

Think of sand as water, and big meat worms as great white sharks, they are exactly the same.

Wouldn't that be easy?

Luo Huai took out a piece of meat, hung it on the spider silk, and threw it down.

The piece of meat was very big, it was the meat of the great white shark from last time, and under the perfect preservation effect of the backpack, there was still a little bit of fresh blood.

"Today, let you, a worm in the desert, taste what is called seafood."

The shark meat fell to the ground, making a lot of noise, and something strange appeared on the sand again. Luo Huai immediately pulled the meat up, and slightly controlled the speed.

Such a large meat worm can just bite, but it must let the whole body out of the sand.

A sand vortex began to appear in the sand below the shark meat, and something was accumulating power inside.


The terrifying giant mouth of the big meat worm reappeared, and a piece of meat the size of a schoolbag might only be enough for it to squeeze a little between its teeth.

"You're done."

Luo Huai looked at the huge gaping mouth below, threw a pile of cubes into it with his backhand, and fired two arrows with his crossbow.

bang bang! The two squares are enlarged immediately upon collision, and the other two squares are also triggered together.

Four squares and four cubic meters may not necessarily be as wide as a big meat worm, but it can definitely withstand the weight of a big meat worm.

The big meat worm didn't immediately feel the four large stones that suddenly appeared in its body, because its esophagus was also straight during the vertical upward process.

The real damage is when it turns its head, trying to turn and go back underground.

Luo Huai decisively released the spider silk that was connected to the piece of meat, and let the big meat worm go to a dead end.

The head of the big meat worm is almost touching the dunes.

But suddenly, it felt resistance from its tail, and its pain sense was not developed, so the moment it felt resistance, it began to struggle frantically.

Like a fish out of water, writhing wildly.

But it didn't work, the cobblestone block was in its stomach, and it was now dumped in the air, unable to vomit even if it wanted to.

The meaningless struggle will only make the edges and corners of the cube continue to cause damage to its inner wall.

Maybe its powerful stomach acid can corrode and destroy the cobblestone block in ten minutes, then the block will disappear automatically, and no fragments will be left behind. (It is the same if it is destroyed by other powers other than the pickaxe, and it disappears directly, leaving no fragments.)

But more than ten minutes is enough for a player with a quick hand to build a small house, not to mention... Luo Huai only needs to build a platform.

"Huh... Now it's up to you what to do."

Taking advantage of the big meat worm being suspended in the air, he immediately jumped down and laid a layer of boulders on the sand dune, turning the sand dune into a stone dune.

Just at this time, the big meat worm's brainless struggle seemed to have progressed, its head dropped a little, and touched the cobblestone.

Huh? Why is the sand so hard?

The big meat worm who has lived in the sand all his life is confused for a moment, but it is a shark in the desert, born to only know how to move forward.

So then Luo Huai saw how they walked through the sand—his mouth could protrude a lot forward, the rings of teeth that were originally on the inner wall of the mouth cavity were turned outside, and the esophagus was closed at the same time.

It looks like a big drill that breaks through the sky.

It started to spin its body, "The sharp teeth on the drill collided with the cobblestone below.

"The round stone cube can't stand it..." Luo Huai looked at the broken stones that kept shooting out of the cube, and knew that he couldn't do it any longer.

"Don't blame me for being wicked." He murmured silently in his heart, and took out the magma bucket...

The big meat worm has already evolved into an earthworm-like body structure, Luo Huai couldn't tell where the vital point was, so he had to be cruel.

Lava was poured on the cobblestone block near the mouth of the big meat worm, and began to spread in a small area.


The meat is gone.

The big meat worm, who had already exhausted a lot of energy due to struggling, used his last bit of energy to destroy the boulder, and he didn't have any more energy to raise his head to avoid the magma overflowing to his head.

The high temperature of the magma quickly destroyed the head of the big meat worm, causing it to fall into a coma, and then died.

Its body has already been scratched by squares, even if it returns to the sand, it can't get far. Luo Huai can catch it while recovering from the injury.

"Not bad, another big guy."

Luo Huai put away the magma, stepped back a little, and looked up at the big meat worm standing upright, about three stories high.

Another very good food, although he has never eaten it.

This time he took out a big long knife. The arsenal has a complete range of weapons and tools.

As soon as he stabbed the thick flesh of the big meat worm, he felt a strong resistance, but the blade could not move, and the muscles of the big meat worm relaxed after death.

In the past, dissecting such a big guy had to climb up and down, but this time Luo Huai was different. He built a few more pillars around the big meat worm, and then covered them with spider webs. This way he can go up and down freely, upside down and upside down.

Ka Ka Ka!

The big knife kept cutting open the big meat worm, and divided it into chunks the size of a suitcase. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com The yellowish-brown mucus stuck to Luo Huai's body, but fortunately he put it on after closing the mask. His sense of smell was also temporarily closed, so he didn't care at all.

I don't know if the meat is good or not, but he is not afraid of poisonous ones, let alone non-poisonous ones, it is always good to fill up the backpack.

And he even fits the meatless arthropod like the green spider, wouldn't he dare to fit the guy who knows how many times the protein content is beef?

Under the scorching sun of the desert, Luo Huai worked diligently.

In the examination monitoring office, there are several evaluation personnel who specially watch the students who choose bungee jumping. They usually come to see the old students, and they also have the old students' materials in their hands.

But occasionally you can still see some special freshmen choose bungee jumping, most of them are from rich families who can afford a lot of props and aircraft.

But this year there is an exception. There is only one freshman who chooses bungee jumping, and it seems that this freshman really came to bungee jumping...

Fuck! This guy didn't even bring a flying machine!

The reviewer who shared his senses with Luo Huai almost had a heart attack. He twitched suddenly, and immediately cut off the sensory sharing and changed to visual sharing.

"What's the matter?" the colleague beside him asked with concern.

"No...it's nothing." He waved his hand and continued to look at Luo Huai's perspective.

What does this kid want? Do you think that if you land quickly, you can escape the attack test of the monsters in the air?

In the past, it was a test in the air. It is not surprising that some freshmen think so.

But what to land on?

He waited curiously for Luo Huai to take out the props, and seeing some novelty props was one of his joys in this position.

He thought he could accept it calmly, but he still swears...


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