"Hello, do you know where Agak lives?"

Luo Huai walked along the street to the beach, and found that there were many houses here, and there were even more fishermen. The population density here was even denser than that of the town.

It's the first time I come here, even if I know the name of the person I'm looking for, it still makes people feel a little at a loss.

So Luo Huai found a kinder person to ask.

I thought they all lived by the sea, and the fishermen should be familiar with each other, but I didn't expect it.

"Ajak? I remember it as a strange old man. Is he dead?"

Agak's reputation doesn't seem to be very good, at least not very famous.

I asked a few more people.

"Ajak? I only heard from my father that he was a weirdo." This was the answer of a child.

"Ajak? Didn't that guy die a long time ago? I heard that he jumped into the sea after drinking alcohol."

At this point, the news about Agak has gradually developed into rumors, and it is a bit unreliable to ask passers-by.

In desperation, Luo Huai left the housing area and walked to the seaside. While the sea breeze was blowing, he muttered: "From their dictation, this Agak doesn't seem to be a young man."

Then maybe it would be more appropriate to ask the elderly.

Thinking of this, Luo Huai turned his head and walked towards the inner area of ​​the town.

The people on the beach are all young and strong men, and the old people have to obey their old age.

"Dong dong dong..." Luo Huai rang at the house of the little old man who took him in last night.

"Who is it...early in the morning."

The door was opened, and the little old man came out from behind it.

Luo Huai glanced at the sun, it was almost noon.

And the little old man also saw who was coming, and immediately shouted angrily: "Boy, it was kind of me to take you in last night. I don't have anything for you to eat."

"I know..." Luo Huai just glanced at the room and understood, "I just want to ask something."

In order to appear more sincere, he took out an apple and some bread.

"Oh, with such fresh apples and white bread, the boy's identity is not simple." The little old man's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and he opened the door further, "Come in."

However, the treatment was still the same as last night, and the two sat on the ground casually.

Why not buy a desk chair? Well, it doesn't matter.

"Tell me, what do you want to know?" The little old man held the apple and bread in his hands, looked at it again and again, and was a little reluctant to eat it.

"its about…"

"Let's talk about it first, I really don't know about the deep sea lord." The little old man was a little nervous when he said this, for fear that Luo Huai would take the food back.

"It's okay, I'm asking about something else." Luo Huai glanced at the little old man's unclean hands, "It's about Agak."

"Ah, you mean that guy?" It seems that the little old man knows.

"You know him? How is he now?"

"It's not that I know each other, it's just that this person was relatively famous when I was young."

"he is great?"

"Yes, he is very powerful. He is the most powerful among all the fishermen. Unfortunately, for some reason, he suddenly became decadent. He was crazy all day long, and almost killed his companion who went to sea with him."

"Then what happened next?"

"Later, he must have felt guilty. After he came back, he stopped interacting with others and hid himself on a small rocky island." The old man said without any fluctuation, it seems that he was just a bystander.

"Then he now..."

"Who knows if I'm alive or not. I passed by that rocky island once when I went out to sea, and I felt that a big wave could drown it."

"Has anyone seen it recently?"

"No." The little old man stays at home, but he is only sure about this, "Since monsters like deep divers appeared on the seashore more than ten years ago, no fishing boat has dared to go out to distant sea areas. If you stay at night At sea, it's dead."

"Hmm..." Luo Huai thought for a while and asked, "Where is that rock?"

"Are you going? Are you not afraid of death?"

"Not afraid."

"Okay." The little old man shook his head, "I can't remember the exact location, but there should be only a small rocky island by the sea, you can just go to the beach and ask."


Before leaving, Luo Huai gave another piece of grilled fish, which made the little old man very happy.


"What are you going there for?" The young fisherman who was stopped by Luo Huai asked strangely, but he still pointed in the direction readily, "Start from here and go straight until you reach a rocky area, and that's it."

"Thank you." Luo Huai stuffed out two more breads.

At noon, the sun on the beach was very hot. Today is a sunny day, and the sea is calm.

"There may be a storm in the afternoon." The kind fisherman reminded Luo Huai.

But Luo Huai was not afraid, he set out to sea with a small wooden boat.

He was holding a compass in his hand. In this world, the direction the compass pointed was the place where he appeared, that is, in front of the little old man's house.

That way you don't have to worry about getting lost at sea.

The reef area is far away, and the sun falls to the sea surface a little bit, sinking a little bit.

It was dusk just ahead of the wooden boat, and darkness followed closely behind.

As the kind fisherman said, the clouds in the sky began to stir, and there were thunder bursts.

The wind picked up, the sea began to be unstable, and there were big waves.

If it weren't for the compass, the direction would have been gone.

Suddenly, Luo Huai felt something knock on the bottom of the boat.

It's a rock, here we go.

Being pushed to a high place by the waves, Luo Huai took the opportunity to look around and saw many reef pillars standing on the sea.

"Ordinary people live to feed fish..."

This Ajiake was probably not a fish, so he was accidentally photographed on the shore.

After putting away the wooden boat, Luo Huai jumped onto the top of the reef pillar by pulling the spider's thread.

"There should be a bigger reef."

Otherwise, unless you live directly in the water.

He jumped between the reefs. There are many reef pillars in this sea area, and the deeper they go, the bigger they get.

In the end, a black rocky mountain appeared in front of him.

It is said that it is a mountain, but it is only compared with the small one, but it is not really big.

Just like what the little old man said, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com A slightly bigger wave can drown it.

But this is only a small part of the reef. Through the darkness of the sea, you can see the real reef mountain below.

Landing on it, Luo Huai found an entrance, which was very uneven, but artificial traces could also be seen.

Without hesitation, he squatted down and crawled in.

The interior of the reef is unique, but it doesn't look like a living environment.

Damp caves, dark weeds and aquatic plants, and stinking silt.

There is also a downward hole in the corner, which is full of water, which should lead directly to the bottom of the sea.

Looking at it this way, it looks even less human.

Luo Huai even suspected that this place had been abandoned for a long time, so maybe it was more reasonable.

But it wasn't, a hoarse and low voice suddenly sounded from all around.

"You shouldn't be here..."

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