I’m From The World Of Punishment

Chapter 547: Resurrection/Energy Penetration

"Just take this box back to the land of the dead, and use the powerful power of the dead to refine it into a phylactery... Then I can reincarnate into a truly immortal lich!"

The eternal life he longed for will come true!

But now he has encountered the biggest obstacle—the Royal Army patrolling the coastline in batches has almost closed all routes to the sea, even the seabed!

An unknown witch doctor who wants to go to the land of the dead, in fact, with his ability, it is impossible to develop a plague that has the effect of eroding the undead. This is the common result of many people who are looking for eternal life.

This is why the plague will be everywhere.

"It seems that we still have to meet up first... and then take advantage of the chaos when the tide of undead is launched."

During this period of time, the plague is spreading, one is to collect life energy, and the other is to prepare for the wave of undead.

The premise that undead are dead things makes them very advantageous in hiding and sneaking. They can be buried in the soil like ordinary bones, sleeping for more than ten years or even decades. As long as the skeleton is still intact, someone will wake them up one day. It can also crawl out of the ground.

When the demons invaded back then, the entire continent was almost submerged in the flames of war. It can be said that the territories of various tribes fell and were recaptured, and recaptured and fell again. The old bones are covered with dust, and the new bones are covered.

That is to say, the existence of undead energy was not used to invade, otherwise, after that war, the necromancer only needs to stomp his feet casually, and he can get up an army anytime, anywhere.

Although it is not as good as before, there are still a considerable number of unbroken bones. As long as several people keep a distance and work together to perform a large-scale resurrection of the undead, then it is no problem to create a wave of undead that can flood the coastal ports.

Even if the awakened undead are as fragile as paper, as long as they can cover them, it will be fine.

There are those ordinary people who are a burden to the Kingdom Army, I believe they will go well.

"Everything will go well. Eternal life is waiting for me." The witch doctor came to his spellcasting position as agreed.

The so-called rendezvous does not refer to meeting, but refers to arriving at their respective positions.

Everything is ready, now it's time to wait for the evening.

"I have a very bad premonition." After another round of inspection, Elsas said, looking at the setting sun on the sea.

This is not a pure intuition, but a sign of danger brought by the protection of the Holy Light. Even if it is very weak, it can make him alert in time every time.

The seabirds that flew down into the woods under the setting sun suddenly flew up again, as if to herald something.

"Something's wrong..." Alsace pulled the reins, and the griffin took off again.

Regardless of his subordinates' inquiries, he flew to the big woods at the port alone.

"Such a large number of birds are startled flying, there must be something in the woods!" Ordinarily, Alsace might not think of it, but now that the Holy Light has clearly pointed out that there is a problem, then all the changes cannot be underestimated.

The dense branches and leaves blocked the line of sight, but the Holy Light still responded to the energy of the undead.

"Undead energy arranged in a linear arrangement? What does this mean?" Elsass was puzzled for a moment, and suddenly he was startled, and quickly raised the height of the griffin under him.


The huge energy circuit gradually reflected in the entire field of vision made his heart beat faster and faster.

"Not good!" Before he had time to think too much, Elsas took an emergency measure as quickly as possible—drawing out his sword, infusing it with the power of the holy light, and then throwing it towards the center of the huge energy loop.

Then he directly bent down, causing the griffin to dive almost vertically, rushing towards the port town below at the fastest speed.

As soon as he entered the low-altitude range, his voice was promoted by the holy light to the ears of all the kingdom's troops: "Get ready to meet the wave of undead!"

Heartbreaking! The situation was so urgent that Elsas, who had been on patrol all day, almost used all his strength.

Immediately, dozens of griffins flew up, and then there were more, dozens...even hundreds.

Huh... And just after all the kingdom's troops were lifted into the air, behind the port, a faint whine sounded suddenly from the inland direction of the sky and the earth.

It seems that the wind passes through the gaps in the trees, and it seems that the air flows through some hollow.

Ah... That's right... It's the hollow, the empty eye sockets of the bones that are not filled with any flesh and blood. The flames of undead energy ignited in their brains, and the air in them was squeezed out, making such a sound.

After all, Elsas's sword failed to destroy the entire energy circuit, at most it made the awakened skeletons a little less.

"Build a line of defense!" Hundreds of griffins hovering in the air immediately swooped down, and a powerful golden light rose from their bodies, connecting with each other.

There is a gap between the port town and the undeveloped forest behind, which is where the Holy Light line of defense falls.

The golden city wall is more than ten meters high, separating the inland from the coast just out of thin air.

Except for the Kingdom Army, no other army could establish such a huge line of defense in an instant.

The awakened undead did not rush out immediately, even if they were crowded at the edge of the forest, they had no intention of rushing out.

"Sure enough, there are people behind them controlling them." Alsace, who felt his throat was bleeding, frowned.

But now that the troops are limited and the number of undead is unknown, they dare not take out people at will to pierce the enemy formation.

We can only stalemate for the time being and wait for the outbreak.

Dangdangdang, the main character finally appeared.

Speaking of Luo Huai, he had a quick meal in the morning and arrived at the coastal area near the port faster than expected.

Even though there was still a difference of more than ten kilometers, he seemed to have heard the chirping of the griffins.

So in order to travel faster, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com did not choose the winding mainland, but chose to walk in the forest and in a straight line.

After all, the white horse is a cross-country expert, and the roots are no match at all.

However, if you don't take the usual path, you are destined to encounter unusual things.

"It's such a familiar undead breath..." The undead energy that has been included in Luo Huai's characteristic energy database can't hide from Luo Huai's nose at all. Even if this thing is hidden in the soil, it will still cause a faint rancid smell around it .

Xia Ma Luohuai inserted his hand into the soil, the blood of the arcane oozed out, the structure was reorganized, and the energy of the undead began to be imitated.

Arcane energy can't simulate this kind of disordered energy, but luckily Luo Huai still has a little evil energy, and after mixing it in, he can simulate a very close energy...Although I say I hate it, I have to say that evil energy This kind of energy is really strong, and it echoes handsome in a certain sense.

The big deal is just to use it against the enemy... This is Luo Huai's reason, and this is also the reason only he dares to use it and can do it.

Such energy can be mixed into the entire energy circuit, thus spreading Luo Huai's perception from one point to other energy nodes.

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