Today (Friday, October 18th) the book will be available at 12:00 noon (there may be a delay)!

This book has stumbled and written 300,000 words. Here, I would like to thank the book friends who have supported me for so long. Your recommendation tickets, rewards, and investments are the driving force behind this book. .

My book was signed relatively early, but it was not too early to be put on the shelves. I hope to get more support from book friends.

I am a novice in writing, so this book will inevitably have problems of one kind or another, but I am still very happy that many book friends will continue to vote for me every day. You have accommodated all my problems. It's your support that allows me to ignore all the criticism I've been making.

I won't say more about the words of thanks here. At least eight more guarantees are guaranteed on the day of the listing (I wanted to prepare 10 chapters, but unfortunately the coding speed is not allowed), I hope that all book friends can use it on the author's hard work Non-gifted coins are given to the first order.

The author's coding speed is relatively slow, and it is not easy to be able to make eight changes. Please be tolerant.

The current collection of this book is 5600+, which is definitely incomparable with those popular articles. I don’t know how much is left after it is on the shelves, but no matter how much is left, the author will continue to work hard.

After the listing, the author will add more updates based on the specific situation of recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, etc. The more your support, the greater the motivation for me to code!

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