When Yuga walked back to the place where she met the Night Watcher, she suddenly heard a series of strange laughter, this time it seemed that there were more than one.

Yuka couldn't help but feel that the surrounding air was getting a little low.

The straight bear didn't wake up, and there was no way to use scent detection to find these ghost-type elves, but Yuga was not helpless.

"Pink Butterfly, fantasy light strafing."

With Yuga's order, the two tentacles on the head of the colorful pink butterfly emitted a colorful light and swept towards Pizhou.

All the places swept by the fantasy light of Caifendie turned into powder, and soon the ghost elves hidden in the dark "fall off" and fell to the ground dizzy.

Ghosts, Dream Demons, Resentful Shadow Dolls, etc., including the night patrolling spirits that Yuka had encountered before, all fell to the ground without exception. Yujia casually counted them and found that there must be more than a dozen ghost-type spirits. Woolen cloth.

They were probably the night watchman who had been "educated" by the straight bear before and came to seek revenge for it.

It is also fortunate that the level of these ghost-type elves is not high, otherwise Yuka would really not be able to handle it. After all, ghost-type elves with eccentric characters are not as foolish as the upright steel gun-arm shrimp. They usually like to be unreasonable. out.

The ghosts that floated up again wanted to escape.

"Colorful Pink Butterfly, use fantasy light to catch that dream demon."

The other elves, Yuga, didn't care at all, only this dream demon Yuga didn't intend to let go. It was the only high-qualified elf in this group of ghost-type elves, and it was still blue.

Yuga planned to give it to Robert. After all, after arriving here, he subdued so many elves, but he didn't get anything, and Yuka felt a little sorry.

Yuga knew that ordinary elves didn't like him, so he decided to give him this dream demon, and this dream demon was very suitable for him as a coordination trainer.

Speaking of which, Robert's elf aptitude is very high. Except for the wind chimes, which are green aptitudes, other elves are either cyan or blue (cyan Libra, cyan Chino, blue Minas), the configuration is similar to that of Yuga The men who hang up are strikingly similar.

The qualifications of the Yuga spirits are also one green, two blue and one blue (green wind chimes, blue Absol, blue Madame Huajie, blue color pink butterfly).

The ultra-low-level dream demon was easily caught by Caifendie, and then Caifendie lost its fighting ability when she tapped it lightly.

Putting away the elf ball containing the dream demon, Yuka felt that she was quite European recently, and she actually encountered two cyan-qualified elves one after another.

Returning to the place where the two were separated, Yuga found that Robert had returned.

"Why are you so slow? Did something happen?" Robert looked worried when Yuga had been gone for so long.

Yuka shook her head with a smile, and said, "It's nothing, I encountered a few elf attacks, and they were all resolved."

"It's been fine for a few days, did you find anything there?" Seeing that Yuga was really all right, Robert asked about Yuga's investigation.

Yuka shook his head and said, "Why harvest, at the end of my side is the nest of steel cannon-arm shrimp, and there is nothing else. But I brought you a gift." Saying that, Yuka took out the dream demon. The Poké Ball was handed to Robert.

"Elf?" Looking at the Poke Ball handed over by Yuga, Robert did not accept it, but asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, those of you, trust me, you won't be disappointed!" Yuga saw that Robert didn't move, and shoved the Poke Ball directly into his hand.

Robert picked up the Poke Ball and released the Poke inside.

Meng Yao who came out of the Poke Ball opened his eyes blankly,

When Fang saw Yuga and Robert in front of him, he was startled and subconsciously wanted to run away.

But as soon as it started to move, it was restrained by Robert's wind chimes.

"Meng Yao, this will be your trainer in the future. As long as you are good and smooth, he will definitely not treat you badly." Yuga pointed to Robert and said to Meng Yao.


Meng Yao looked at Robert, and finally was forced by Yuga's "prostitute", nodded and agreed.

"Meng Yao, please give me more advice in the future."

Although Robert didn't know why Yuga insisted on accepting the dream demon himself, out of trust in his friends, he still decided to keep the dream demon.

Taking the dream demon back, Robert said to Yuga, "Thank you for your gift, I will cultivate it well."

Putting the Mengyao thing on the inheritance, Yuka asked, "Do you have anything to gain there?"

Robert stood and said, "I probably found their warehouse and got a batch of treasures." Then he gestured for the wind chime with his hand.

The wind chimes understood what he meant, and pulled out four boxes from the darkness with thought power, three big and one small.

"Treasure? What's in these boxes?" Yuka asked suspiciously. If it can be called a treasure, then it should be full of treasures.

Just after Yuga's words were asked, Robert's wind chime opened the first box, and the contents inside were shining brightly, with countless crimson rays of light, almost blinding Yuka's eyes.

It was full of fire stones.

"So many fire stones!" Yuga opened her mouth in surprise.

But the surprising thing is yet to come.

The second box is full of Thunder Stones, and the third box is full of Water Stones.

As expected of a treasure, so many evolution stones do not know how much they are worth.

The fourth small box contains a relatively small number of items, but they are all good things, a beautiful scale, a king's certificate, a dragon scale, a light clay, a curse, and a black small Box.

"Let's divide these things up," Robert suggested.

"This...it's not good...after all, you found it." Yuga really wanted it, but she was a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong with this, you found this place. The so-called seer has a share. Besides, didn't you give me a gift?" Robert looked at Yuka and his eyes were almost glued to those things. Now, the words of rejection are still in his mouth, which is really funny.

In the end, Yuka couldn't resist the temptation and agreed.

The last two people evenly divided each evolution stone into two, and one person took one.

As for the last box, because it was discovered by Robert, he first picked the King's Certificate, the Dragon Scale, and the Cursed Talisman, while Yuga got the Beautiful Scale, the Light Clay, and the one he didn't know what it contained. black box.

"By the way, I tried to open that black box before, but it didn't work, and I didn't know what was inside." Robert suddenly thought of something and said to Yuga.

Yuka said excitedly: "Usually in this case, this will be the most valuable of all things, and then you won't regret it."

Robert said indifferently: "I hope, I hope you don't regret it."

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