Yujia and the others soon returned to Lusha Town, accompanied by Jingsi.

Jingsi also has an ID card, not some unknown black household, otherwise he would not even be able to buy a plane ticket to Luyin Town, which made Yujia feel relieved.

Not everyone can forge the alliance's ID card.

Besides, there are elves patrolling the Yoyo Breeding House 24 hours a day, and the supernatural birds are responsible for monitoring. Youjia doesn't worry about anything at all.

Besides, Yasuji himself didn't even have an elf.

However, Yujia rejected his proposal to work for free at the Yoyo Breeding House, and only agreed to provide him with basic shelter.

But to Yujia's surprise, after knowing the specific situation of Yoyo Breeding House, he actually proposed to come to Yoyo Breeding House for an interview, striving to be a regular employee, and he still applied as a perfumer.

Yu Jia didn't expect that he was still an incense master, an incense master whose ability was stronger than Suzune's, not much better than that of Miyuki.

Jingji has his own complete inheritance of incense masters, and he can produce high-quality incense without additional study of Yujia's incense manual.

In the end, Yujia agreed to let him stay in Yoyo Breeding House to work as a perfumer, and gave him the treatment he deserved.

The reason why Yujia kept him was because Suzune had to concentrate on making the goods for the alliance store, and the Yoyo Breeding House had a bit of a shortage of goods to sell.

The arrival of Jingji just made up for the shortage of manpower.

Since Misaki has Anya's help, there is no big problem.

And Yuga gave her the formula of the ghost-type energy cube, and named it Phantom.

However, there is not much demand for the formula of ghost-type energy cubes in the market, so Yujia reminded her and Anya to pay attention to the right amount when making them.

On this day, Shina Sena and Ayashi found Yuka together, and proposed to Yuka that they wanted to travel.

"You want to go on a trip? Xiaoxin, does Aunt Qingye agree?"

Ayashi is an orphan who can be his own master.

But Sena's new parents are both there, and there has been an incident with Sena Hayato in their family, Yu Jia feels that it may not be easy for Auntie Aoba to agree.

"Mom didn't object. She said that as long as you agree with the owner, she has no objection."

Yuka was very surprised by Sena Shin's answer.

It turned out that after what happened to Hayato Sena, Aunt Aoba also thought about it.

Since Sena Xin likes the profession of trainer, it doesn't make sense to keep him at home.

Isn't that what Hayato Sena's parents did back then, what happened? Backfired.

Sena Shin is about the same age as Yu Jia, but Yu Jia is already a gym trainer in Mingzhen, but Sena Shin is still a flower in the greenhouse.

Auntie Qingye felt that instead of taking good care of him and spoiling him in the end, it would be better to let him grow by himself.

Because of Sena Shin's travel, Yuga found time to have a heart-to-heart talk with Aunt Aoba.

After understanding Aoba's thoughts, Yuka naturally approved the going out of Shina Sena and Ayashi.

Sena Shina and Ayashi were already over ten years old, plus they had been following Beidou to receive instruction, their strength was pretty good, and Yuka had nothing to worry about.

As long as they don't cause trouble, there should be no accidents.

Yujia himself is in favor of the people in the gymnasium going out to travel.

When they make a name for themselves outside, Yoyo Breeding House will become more and more famous.

Now the great reputation of Yoyo Breeding House is brought out by Yujia.

In the early years, when the Yoyo Breeding House was still run by Youjia’s parents, it was small in scale and basically had no reputation except in Luyin Town, and there was no way to promote it.

Later, after Yujia took over, all aspects of Yoyo Breeding House have been improved, elves, energy cubes, incense, etc., are of high quality, but it is not easy to expand their popularity.

Now the alliance plans to promote Yujia as a star trainer. As Yujia's reputation spreads, the reputation of Yoyo Breeding House naturally also spreads.

With good product quality and publicity channels, Yoyo Breeding House's business is naturally booming.

But Youjia hopes that not only you, but also other people can represent Yoyo Breeding House and promote Yoyo Breeding House.

As the saying goes, a single flower is not spring, and a hundred flowers bloom together in spring.

Only by making a hundred flowers bloom can it prove that Yoyo Breeding House is really good.

With Yuka's consent, Shina Sena and Ayashi were very happy. They had longed to travel like other children.

Yujia also specially prepared space backpacks for the two of them, so that they can carry more things when they go out.

The two of them went on a trip together, and Yujia felt relieved.

After three or four days of preparation, the two bid farewell to their relatives and friends and set off. Before leaving, Ayashi and Anya's younger siblings cried miserably.

These years, they have never been separated from their brother.

Yujia even noticed that Auntie Aoba was secretly wiping her tears.

The goals of both of them are the alliance competition in the coming year, so they both plan to go to various places to challenge the gymnasium first.

But the league competition is after this year, and they should all come back before the Chinese New Year, so the time to go out is not long at all, so there is no need to cry.

They all said that when they come back during the Chinese New Year, they will definitely get three badges, and then challenge Yujia to get the badge of the Green Gym.

Yuga just shook his head with a smile and didn't say much.

In fact, with the current strength of the two of them, they are already qualified to obtain the Green Leaf Badge of the Green Shade Gym. It is still very clear that Yujia watches them train in the gym every day.

It's just that the challenge rules of the Green Shady Gym are there, even if they are gym apprentices, they still have to abide by what should be followed.

In addition, those ghost elves that Yujia had subdued in Shuijing City also settled down in the ecological garden.

The environment in the sub-garden of the ghost house is much better than the outside, so these ghost elves naturally have no objections.

However, when these ghost elves first came, they had conflicts with the crystal lamp spirits, lamp ghosts, and candle spirits who originally lived inside.

For the dominance of the vice garden of the ghost house.

It is normal for elves to have leader disputes, the most typical one being the two bee queens of Yuga.

Under normal circumstances, when there are two bee queens in a group, a fight is inevitable.

However, Queen Bee No. 2 here in Yujia is very self-aware. Knowing that she is not the opponent of the old Queen Bee, she avoided her edge and went out to rebuild her own group.

But it's not easy for the dream monsters and the crystal lamp fire spirit to compromise with each other.

The strength of the two elves is about the same, and the leaders are both quasi-kings.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary casualties, Yujia suggested that the leaders of the two parties should fight alone, and whoever wins will listen to whoever wins.

They are all living under Yujia's hands now, so naturally they will not ignore Yujia's opinion, so they agreed.

The duel between the dream demon leader and the crystal lantern fire spirit was conducted under the auspices of Yujia.

Although the leader of the dream demon is very strong, the crystal lantern fire spirit has been nourished by life energy in the sub-garden of the ghost house for a while, and his strength is obviously superior, and he won the final victory.

So far, the crystal lamp fire spirit has become the leader of all the ghost spirits in the side garden of the ghost house.

High-speed text hand-typed I am the owner of the breeding house in the elf world Chapter list

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