Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 118 (2nd update) Sneak attack? Red Extreme Soldier-II

"A new achievement? A butterfly reborn? What is this?"

Nanayi curiously clicked on the achievement interface and checked it out.

Nanay was not surprised that her title, "The Undead of the Zabi Family," disappeared.

After Haman left, she vaguely understood that her title would most likely be gone.

Compared with the miraculous thing of Haman taking away his anger, the loss of the title is not a big deal.

But as Nanayi read through the achievements, her face was filled with surprise.

—Achievements panel—

Achievement: Butterfly reborn

Condition: "The Undead of the Zabi Family" disappears, and the player is no longer blinded by revenge and loses himself.

Reward: Title: The Reborn Butterfly (the only one), Kabini MK-II (the undead of the Zabi family) → Kabini MK-II (the reborn butterfly)

—Title panel—

Title: Newborn Butterfly

Effects: 1. When driving a special machine related to Kabini or the title, the overall performance of the machine will be increased by 30%.

2. When driving Kabini or the title-specific machine, the new human level restriction of the "biological sensing system" is ignored, and the mental power consumption is reduced by 20%.

3. Personal ability increased by 30%

4. When fighting on cosmic terrain, personal abilities will be slightly improved, and the new human level will be +1

5. When teaming up with specific players, you can get "Love Correction", and the new human level will be extra +1.


If it were said that the new achievements and the accompanying rewards made Nanay feel just happy.

The effect in the title panel made her feel ashamed.

"W-what kind of effects are these? It's all nonsense, love, love correction or something..."

Turning off the title panel with a blushing face, Nanay held onto the guardrail and took a deep breath for a while before gradually calming down.

With burning cheeks, Nana'i received the achievement reward and watched the Kabini MK-II (the undead of the Zabi family) gradually disappear from her garb.

Then, another similar but different Kabini MK-II gradually appeared in the eyes.

From the appearance point of view, there is not much difference between the two Kabinis.

The real difference is that the name has changed from "Zabi's Undead Machine" to "Reborn Butterfly Machine".

The biggest feature is that this Kabini's shoulder armor has some additional coatings that were not originally there.

Especially the flower on the right shoulder indicates that this machine is different from the previous one.

Looking at her new special machine, Nanai whispered to herself.

"I don't know if that little guy's battle in the dungeon is over yet..."

Opening the friend list, Nanay hesitated for a moment, then pressed the friend request.

And in the copy world.

At this moment, Lin Youde was being sprayed wildly by Casbar.

"Amuro, you are not trustworthy."

"You actually helped Nanay hit me."

"What on earth are you thinking about?"

"Don't forget that our transactions are promised and supervised by "Machine War". If something really happens, you have to go to the "Machine War" operator to apply for account unblocking."

"Do you know that you..."

Listening to Casbar's complaints, Lin Youde quickly interrupted him.

"Okay, okay, isn't this just to cut off the last chain?"

"In fact, your mission has been completed now, isn't it?"

"Nanayi's title is gone. Your mission completion prompt is also out, right?"

Kasbal's expression froze and he said nothing.

But just because he didn't speak, it didn't mean that Lin Youde couldn't speak.

Crossing his arms, Lin Youde replied somewhat proudly.

"So, Nana'i's title is gone now. Just let people vent."

"I have already made an agreement with her. As long as I help her this time, I will beat you up in the game. She will not cause trouble for you again."

"Using a plane crash in exchange for peace and quiet afterwards, no matter how you think about it, it's a very cost-effective thing, right?"

"After all, this isn't your first time crashing."

"It's all in the game anyway. There is no difference between falling once and falling twice."

Casbar's cheeks twitched slightly: "Even though you say that, why do I feel so uncomfortable?"

Lin Youde smiled and waved his hand: "As the saying goes, good advice is harsh to the ears, but words that are pleasant to the ears are generally not so pleasant. Just get used to it."

"And now we have lost all their titles."

"What's the big deal if you let someone beat you up once to vent your dissatisfaction?"

"Compared with Nanay's loss, your sacrifice is not worth mentioning at all, right?"

"Don't tell me you haven't thought of using this method to calm Nanayi's anger before."

Kasbar's face didn't look good, but he didn't refute.

Lin Youde rubbed his shoulders and reminded Casbar.

"Now, my mission is completed. According to the deal, it will be your turn to fulfill your promise."

"Don't forget, our transactions are supervised by "Machine War". Once you break your trust, you will be blacklisted by "Machine War"~!"

Caspar snorted disdainfully.

"Don't worry, you don't need to remind me of these things. Just one R-2 and two pieces of technology won't make me break the contract."

"As agreed, I will deliver the items to the designated location. Just ask your little girlfriend to send someone to receive them."

Lin Youde glanced at Lei Mengmeng in the visual communication window next to him. After Lei Mengmeng made an OK gesture, he nodded in response.

"Okay, let's do this for now. Xia Ya, if there is such a good thing next time, remember to call me again."

"Although we belong to different countries, in the game, we are all players of "Machine War"."

"As a game friend, I am happy to help you complete some tasks~!"

"Of course, you know the rewards~!"

He winked at Casbal, who had a chilly expression on his face.

"You can just say you want to get something more from me."

Shaking his head, Casbar finally said: "That's it. I've been shot down. I'm going to rest first. I won't disturb you and your little girlfriend. See you next time."

After saying that, Casbar turned off the friend communication. Lin Youde shrugged and didn't care.

But before he could take the opportunity to say something to Lei Mengmeng on the side, he saw a red light flying towards him out of the corner of his eye.

He quickly controlled the enhanced ZZ Gundam to push away the Z Gundam, and a red beam of light flashed between the two machines.


Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng turned around and saw a red Jishu-II holding a beam rifle pointed at them in the distance.

In the cockpit of this red Jishu-II, a beauty with long purple-red hair was looking at the screen with a shocked face, and was scolded by a robot in the cockpit.

"Selena-san, if you could predict in advance and shift the design angle by 3°, you would be able to hit it."

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