Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 413 The BOSS is coming

Amidst the screams of Gu Lincai and Ladis, and the gazes of others.

R-WING, which was falling rapidly, suddenly deformed when it was about to fall, and turned back into the human form of R-1.

The thrusters behind him were briefly activated and after slowing down some speed, R-1 fell to the ground and was shattered into pieces. Its limbs were smashed on the spot. After the torso rolled on the ground several times, it stopped in the air of the research institute. on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Latoni was stunned.

"Why, why..."

"Ratoni, lower the height quickly!"

Amidst Lux's urgent shouting, Latoni blankly controlled the machine and began to descend. But his eyes were fixed on the wreckage of R-1 on the ground.

R-2 enhanced type and R-3 enhanced type immediately rushed to R-1's side.

The enhanced version of R-2 used its body as a cover, constantly attacking the dimensional beasts in the sky, and trying its best to call Ni Xingxing on the friendly channel.

"Hey, Ah Xing, wake up, Ah Xing!"

The enhanced version of R-3 also took off on the spot and blocked R-1's head.

"Ah Xing, how are you? Answer quickly, Ah Xing."

No matter how Ladis and Gu Lincai called, there was no response from R-1.

This reaction made everyone's mood begin to sink.

Lux said eagerly: "Second Lieutenant Denser!"

The bald man Denser said solemnly: "Understood! Unit 2 will cover, and Unit 3 will transfer R-1."

Toby: "Got it."

Setsuko Obara: "Yes, yes!"

Three Virgola units also quickly came to the vicinity of R-1 for cover.

Virgo Unit 1 and Unit 2, one on the left and one on the right, guarded R-1, providing fire cover with the R-2 enhanced type and R-3 enhanced type.

The Virgo No. 3 aircraft piloted by Setsuko Obara put away its weapons, picked up the R-1 with only a torso left, and rushed towards the hangar at high speed.

Friendly channel Lux: "R-1 and Ni Xingxing are handed over to the maintenance and medical classes in the hangar, while the others continue to fight. Miss Veretta!"

Veretta responded with a sullen face: "Understood."

Raptor 2's thrusters exploded, changed into flight form, and quickly rushed to cover Raptor 1.

Friendly Channel Lux: "Ratoni, land first."

Raptor 1 returned to its human form and landed on the ground under the command of Lux.

But there was no voice from Latoni in the friendly forces channel.

Lax was a little anxious when she couldn't hear Latoni's response.

"Latoni? Answer me if you hear it, Latoni."

In the cockpit of the Raptor 1, Latoni's pretty face was pale, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Sister Lux."

"It's all because I'm too willful..."

"it's all my fault……"

Listening to Latoni's childish cry on the friendly channel, Ladis and Gu Lincai, who were originally a little dissatisfied, sighed helplessly.

During the video communication, Latoni's rosy look made Lux feel soft, and she swallowed back all the words she originally wanted to reprimand. He said helplessly.

"Cheer up, Latoni. The fight isn't over yet."

"Ni Xingxing will be fine."

In the friendly channel, Lux comforted Latoni, but Veretta was talking to herself in the cockpit with an indifferent expression.

"Is this Lin Youde's arrangement? If the R-1 pilot hadn't sacrificed his life to rescue her just now, she would have been shot down."

"A kid of this level can actually relax and be sent to the front line?"

"What on earth is Lin Youde thinking?"

While muttering to herself, Veretta heard the voices of other people on the friendly channel.

Gu Lincai said in a shocked voice: "Latoni-chan, you must cheer up now. The battle is not over yet. Ah Xing did not protect you just to make you cry here."

Ladis said in a deep voice: "Yes, what we have to do now is to protect the research institute. Ah Xing is a virtuous person and will not die easily. Protect the research institute and buy time for the medical team. That’s what we should do most.”

Denser warned sternly: "Little girl, think about regrets after the battle is over. What you have to do now is to survive on this battlefield."

Toby's tone was a little frivolous: "As expected of the captain, he is really not polite at all when he trains people."

Amidst the comfort, support and admonitions from everyone, Latoni finally stopped crying and controlled Raptor 1 to attack the dimensional beast in the sky.

Latoni: "I, I understand. I will fight hard."

Seeing that Latoni seemed to have regained his will to fight, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Veretta said it very calmly.

"However, the number of yuan beasts this time is too much. If this continues, I'm afraid..."

Before Veretta could finish her words, she was interrupted by a strong male voice.

"It doesn't matter, a mere dimensional beast is not enough evidence."

"Li Te!"

Li Te's voice sounded on the friendly channel.


Then, two male voices shouted on the friendly channel.

"Photon destruction cannon!"

"Super shock wave!"

Two huge beams of light roared from the left and right sides of the institute, shooting directly into the sky of the institute.


Two huge beams of light moved straight and crossed, sweeping away the numerous wingless bird-shaped dimensional beasts and blasting mosquitoes in the sky and exploding them one after another. Almost emptied out quickly.

At this time, a pink light roared from the distance, and the white angel quickly traveled through the sky, killing a few scattered mosquitoes.

In less than half a minute, the explosive mosquitoes that originally occupied the sky of Lin's Research Institute were wiped out.

Such speed made everyone on the ground stunned.

As everyone watched, Grungast Zero, Sky Knight Gundam 2, and Archangel flew in from a distance and came into everyone's sight.

Seeing this scene, even Lux couldn't help but complain: "The super type is really scary..."

However, as soon as Lacus finished speaking, before anyone else could complain, Lacus heard an exclamation.

"Attention everyone, high energy reaction!!!"

In Lux's exclamation, everyone who had originally raised their heads saw it.

Above the sky, the dimensional rift with a diameter of more than 1,000 meters began to thunder and lightning, the thick black fog began to billow, and the huge dimensional rift began to shrink rapidly...

Li Te's eyes widened: "Be careful, the BOSS is coming!"

As Li Te shouted, the thick black fog continued to gather from the dimensional cracks, turning into a black light that shot straight down from the sky and hit the open space outside the research institute.

The huge impact stirred up dust all over the sky, allowing everyone to control the machine and raise their hands to block the smoke and impact.

As the black beam of light gradually shrank, the dimensional cracks in the sky also gradually shrank.

Finally, after the light pillar disappeared together with the dimensional crack, everyone finally saw the monster descending from the black light pillar.

It was a 40-meter-tall creature with a dark blue body and thunder-human-shaped legs, but no arms. Eight gray hoses extend from the torso of the body, and the front part of the hose is connected to a monster with a strange head and a shield-like flashing red light...

Although I am not in the mood, the author still completed the update on time today. Readers appreciate the votes counted, and I am very grateful...

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