Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 438 R-3 Enhanced VS Siren

Facing the attacks from the White Trojan and SRX teams, the assault force reacted quickly and dispersed on the spot, making all attacks in vain.

In the cockpit of the White Winged Savior, Raymond looked at the three aircraft in front of the white Trojan and said in a deep voice: "Is this the newly formed SRX team in this world according to the data? R-2, R-3 and Raptor ?Huh? Where’s R-1?”

In the cockpit of the Kraken beside her, Catalina said with a sullen face, "It doesn't matter, no matter who the enemy is, I have only one goal. Just shoot down all those who stand in my way!"

The Kraken's advancement speed increased, and it began to break away from the team, rushing forward at high speed.

In the sky, Gu Lincai in the R-3 enhanced cockpit immediately noticed the Kraken breaking away from the formation.

"It's so fast. Is this a high-mobility special plane? Lai, Veretta, be careful, that high-mobility special plane is coming."

He reminded his two teammates to pay attention to the type of enemy, but Gu Lincai did not listen to the movements in his hands.

The R-3 enhanced telekinesis cannon was aimed at the Kraken and fired on the spot.

It's a pity that the R-3 enhanced type's shot was dodged by the Kraken with a twist.

"Since he won't come out, I'll do the surgery on you first!"

The Kraken began to raise its height, and aimed the R-3 enhanced version with the Legrand rifle in his hand.

The green beam whizzed past the enhanced R-3, shocking Gu Lincai into a cold sweat.

"Amazing shooting accuracy."

Catalina was a little surprised: "You got out of the way? Then..."

Putting away the Legrand rifle, the Kraken pulled out the two high-speed short guns from his waist, rushed into the sky, aimed at the enhanced R-3 and started shooting.

Those short and fast shots, combined with high-precision attacks, forced the R-3 Enhanced Type to dodge left and right, which was really embarrassing.

Ladis: "Cai!?"

Gu Lincai gritted his teeth: "Psychic power assault shield, go!"

R-3's enhanced telekinetic assault shields were all released on its back, and with a green light, it quickly rushed towards the Kraken.

However, facing these telekinetic assault shields rushing towards them, the Kraken flew with both guns in his hands, firing one at a time before the assault shields got close. Knock all the telekinetic assault shields away.

Seeing this scene, Gu Lincai's eyes were filled with shock: "How is that possible???"

This moment of shock gave Siren a chance. After the Kraken blew away all the telekinetic assault shields, taking advantage of Gu Lincai's shocked moment, he aimed his two guns at the R-3 enhanced type, and a rapid rain of green bullets hit the R-3 enhanced type.

By the time Gu Lincai reacted, there was no chance to dodge.

Seeing this scene, Katarina in Siren smiled: "Took it."

Gu Lincai gritted his teeth and shouted: "Psychic stance, unfold!!!"

A green round shield appears around the R-3 Enhanced Type, blocking all attacks from the Kraken.

This winning blow was blocked, which was really beyond Katarina's expectations, and she couldn't help but let out a exclamation.


After successfully stimulating the telekinetic stance to block the attack, the enhanced R-3 began to counterattack.

He set up the telekinesis cannon in his hand and aimed the R-3 enhanced type at the Kraken, which was only 300 meters away.

Such a distance is unavoidable for the R-3 enhanced type. For Kraken, it's similar.

Therefore, in Gu Lincai's view, he can definitely win the shot he got by using his telekinetic stance to resist the opponent's attack.

However, things were somewhat beyond Gu Lincai's expectations.

Just when the R-3 enhanced convergence cannon was about to hit the Kraken, the thrusters behind the Kraken suddenly turned off and the front thrusters turned on. The entire machine body fell backwards, and an iron bridge allowed the attack to pass in front of the cockpit, successfully dodging the shelling.

This scene shocked Gu Lincai again.

"Is this okay?"

The Kraken dodged the attack, turned around and fired a series of shots.

These attacks hit R-3's enhanced telekinesis stance, and of course they were all blocked.

However, Gu Lincai, who blocked these attacks, also felt uncomfortable.

Unlike other defensive positions, it only consumes body energy.

The defensive stance and offensive weapons of the telekinesis system require the pilot's telekinesis and energy to be consumed.

After using his telekinesis stance twice in a row to block the enemy's attacks, Gu Lincai's forehead began to sweat slightly.

Suddenly, two huge beams of light hit the Kraken, causing the Kraken to quickly dodge sideways and distance itself from the enhanced R-3.

"Cai, are you okay?"

Gu Lincai gasped slightly when he heard Ladis' concerned voice on the friendly channel.

"I'm fine, but everyone, be careful. That gray machine is very powerful. Its pilot is a real ace pilot. And it's not an ordinary ace pilot."

Ladis returned: "It can be seen that the operation just now is not something ordinary people can use... Wow~!"

Before Ladis could finish his words, the enhanced R-2 was attacked.

Several beams and missiles hit the sea surface where the R-2 enhanced version had just been suspended, and waves exploded from the side of the R-2 enhanced version.

After finally dodging the attack, Ladis said in a deep voice: "It seems that there is no time for small talk."

The Raptor 2 dual-wields a super beam rifle and a large beam rifle, shooting at enemies and constantly interfering with their movements.

Veretta responded: "Indeed, these guys are not easy to deal with. They are all very experienced and they don't look like ordinary veterans at all. They look a bit like elite troops."

"And such a large number is difficult to deal with."

Hearing this, Gu Lincai nodded: "In that case, let's reduce the number of enemies in one go."

Closing his eyes and concentrating his telekinesis, Gu Lincai shouted: "Telekinetic missile, launch!"

The R-3 enhanced version fired two large missiles. The missiles shot out rapidly, disintegrated in the air, and ejected all the internal submunitions.

Once hit by these massive cluster bombs, it can definitely cause a devastating blow to the enemy.

However, after seeing Gu Lincai's missile fired, he faced the attack of these cluster bombs. White Winged Savior and Siren also moved.

Catalina: "How can this kind of attack be effective? Let's see..."

The missile compartments on the Kraken's legs and knees opened, and a large number of small missiles flew out.

Raymond smiled slightly: "It's a good quantity, but it's useless to us. Dagger missiles, launch!"

The White Winged Savior fired countless ultra-small missiles from his chest.

The missiles from both sides collided, sending out countless explosive smoke in the sky.

Seeing that the telekinetic missile was intercepted, Gu Lincai wanted to attack again, but saw the Kraken put away two short guns. He pulled out the Legrand rifle behind him and rushed out of the smoke of the explosion at super high speed.

And during the sprint, the muzzle of the Legrand rifle gathered green light. You can tell at a glance that it is storing energy.

Katarina growled: "Legrand rifle high power mode..."

If he were to be rushed into an unavoidable distance and hit again, even if Gu Lincai could rely on telekinesis to survive, the mental consumption would definitely be very high.

However, the Kraken was not able to rush in front of the R-3 enhanced version.

Because just 2 seconds after the Kraken started sprinting and rushed out of the smoke, a series of bullets blocked the Kraken's path, forcing the Kraken to stop sprinting.

At the same time, as if it had sensed something, the Siren evaded in an emergency, avoiding the horn that was shining with hot red light.

In an instant, in the cockpit of the Kraken, Catalina saw the red meteor-like machine flash past in front of her on the front monitor.

After narrowly dodging the attack, the Kraken's body spun half a circle in the air before it stabilized its figure.

Then, when the Siren turned around, he saw the red meteor piercing the smoke of the explosion and heading straight towards the R-BLADE group behind.

In an instant, under the violent charge, several R-BLADEs failed to dodge and were smashed into pieces and exploded on the spot.

Under everyone's gaze, the red meteor flew down onto the sea surface, causing huge waves to float sideways and steadily above the sea surface.

The Siren was condescending and looked sideways at Gu Tie. In the cockpit, Catalina looked at the red one-horned machine, her eyes full of grief and anger, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Gu Tie..."

Unlike the sad and angry Katarina, in the cockpit of the White Winged Savior, Raymond's expression was unspeakably complicated.

Looking at Gu Tie who defeated several R-BLADEs in one fell swoop, Lei Meng said calmly.

"Are you finally willing to come out? RedWolf...has virtue..."

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