Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 444 The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility

White Trojan·Meeting Room.

All the main personnel were present except for Ni Xingxing, who was lying in the ward, and Latoni and Latoni, who were taking care of Ni Xingxing.

Lin Youde looked around at everyone, nodded slightly and said.

"It looks like everyone is here. Then I won't stop talking nonsense."

"I've called everyone here this time because I have something to inform you."

In front of everyone, Lin Youde turned on the projection and pointed at a red dot in the projection.

"This is our current location."

With that said, Lin Youde walked to the other end.

"And this is where I want to go next."

Ladis frowned slightly, raised his hand and said, "This is not the place we originally planned to go, is it?"

Lin Youde nodded and admitted: "Yes, this is not the place we originally planned to go."

"We were originally scheduled to continue to the territory of Britannia."

"And this is the territorial waters of the Free Federation."

Gu Lincai was a little surprised: "Free Federation? Captain, why did you suddenly change your destination? Did something happen?"

Lin Youde nodded slightly and said, "That's right..."

He told everyone about the news that he had sensed a new human being asking for help before the war started, and everyone fell into deep thought.

Lei Mengmeng was the first to react and asked Lin Youde seriously: "So, Youde, you want to go to this place where the new human being who asked for help may be imprisoned to save people?"

Li Te looked at Lei Mengmeng in surprise: "Eh? Miss, you didn't know beforehand?"

"It happened suddenly and I didn't have time to tell her." In reply to Li Te, Lin Youde nodded to Lei Mengmeng and said, "Yes, that's my plan."

Zeng Jia suddenly reminded: "We are a special force of human innovation and integration. If we go forward rashly like this, I am afraid we will leave a clue to the Free Federation."

Veretta was a little surprised: "Is it possible? Don't the three major countries often attack each other now?"

Zeng Jia shook his head: "It is true that the three major countries often attack each other now. But at least on the surface, they will not give people any clues. Therefore, they are sending some mass-produced aircraft with low recognition."

"Because this can shift the responsibility to certain mercenary groups and directly pass the blame."

"In order to prevent an all-out war from breaking out, the three major powers are currently using this method to maintain a delicate balance."

"So when doing this kind of thing, the three major countries generally do not send out highly identifiable special aircraft. Of course, this is a general situation."

Veretta understood immediately: "We are all special aircraft here, and they are so recognizable that anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance. So it's inappropriate, right?"

Zeng Jia nodded: "That's what I mean."

Lin Youde waved his hand: "I'm prepared for this. The units going to rescue people this time will all be replaced by the M1 Heretic that will be sold later and the Blue Sky Knight Gundam that will be used for display."

"Even if those aircraft are photographed, they can just say that they are for sale and just pass the blame to the buyer."

"The Blue Sky Knight Gundam will be canceled from its original display use, and then we can find an opportunity to secretly sell it as lost."

"After all, this kind of thing is all made up by our mouths. As long as the operation is done well, there will be no clues for others."

Lamia frowned: "But, Captain. Is it really necessary to do this for a stranger?"

"After all, the new humans who asked the captain for help are also members of the Free Federation, right?"

"With our current position, isn't that our enemy?"

"For an enemy, you actually have to risk being discovered or even attacked to attack the base of the Free Federation. Isn't this a little thoughtless?"

Lamia's words made Lin Youde reply secretly.

‘That’s not an ordinary person, it’s a new human being who can establish communication with me across an unknown distance. ’

"A new human being who can achieve this level is better than a protagonist even if he is not the protagonist." ’

‘Of course special treatment should be given to such special talents. ’

‘Special mention, the person asking for help is still a child with a very tender voice. It is even more necessary. ’

Of course, Lin Youde couldn't say these words. He could only shake his head slowly and defended: "There are some things that you can't think of like that, Lamia."

"Indeed, given the sensitive status of our current special forces and the current status and situation within the integration, it is somewhat inappropriate to do these things."

"And from the perspective of profit and loss, there seems to be no obvious benefit, but corresponding risks."

Lamia was even more puzzled: "Since the captain already knows so clearly, why does he still..."

Before Lamia finished speaking, she was interrupted by Lin Youde.

"But! Some things cannot be considered solely from the perspective of profit, Lamia."

"Before considering these gains and losses, first of all, I am a human being."

Lamia was stunned: "Human?"

Lin Youde nodded and said solemnly, "Not bad."

"As a human being, as an adult, I cannot face a child's cry for help and turn a blind eye."

"Although the positions and nationalities are different, when someone is in danger, standing up regardless of nationality and position is what a person should do."

"Perhaps, such behavior will bring me a lot of trouble, and it may even cost me my life."

"But, Lamia..."

With serious eyes, Lin Youde stared at Lamia.

"Some things cannot be looked back and forward."

"You might regret it more for the trouble you caused than after you're done."

"I'm more afraid of doing nothing, watching something happen, and then regretting my indifference."

Lin Youde looked directly into Lamia's eyes and said loudly and forcefully: "The me I am now is no longer the ordinary citizen I was in the past."

"As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

"Having stronger power, in addition to protecting the people I cherish. I want to use this power to help more people in need."

"This is what I have been taught since I was a child."

"So, I want to do it now. No, I think I should do it now!"

Lin Youde's words and firm eyes made Lamia stunned and could not recover for a long time.

Zeng Jia lowered his head and whispered: "With greater ability, comes greater responsibility..." (Note 1)

Veretta also looked at Lin Youde in astonishment and looked at everyone at the same time.

After realizing that Lei Mengmeng, Lux, Refina, and Gu Lincai were all looking at Lin Youde with their eyes shining brightly.

As men, Li Te and Ladis also nodded excitedly, seeming to agree very much with Lin Youde's statement.

Lin Liuli, who had been looking at Lin Youde, had stars in her eyes at this moment.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Veretta lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Of course, I also know that this matter may cause a lot of trouble."

"Therefore, this operation was not coercive."

"After all, this is just my personal whim, or impulsive willfulness. We can't let everyone pay for my willfulness."

"So, for this operation, I am ready to go even if I am alone."

Lin Youde's words made everyone react.

Lei Mengmeng was the first to speak: "What are you talking about, Youde. As your girlfriend, do you think I won't help you? Hey, Lux."

Lux smiled and said, "Sister Mengmeng is right."

"Don't say it's something we can understand, even if it's something we can't understand. As long as you are in need, we will stand by you without reservation."

"Who knows, you are the man we choose."

Li Te also raised his hand: "I will go wherever my uncle and young lady go."

Ladis crossed his arms and said, "I won't be absent if I can go and beat up the Free Federation."

Zeng Jia hummed heavily and did not respond, but everyone already understood what he meant.

Gu Lincai also replied: "I think the captain is right. If we have the power to help others, I am also willing to contribute my share. Therefore, I will also go with the captain."

Lin Liuli tapped her feet aside, raised her hands, and made her own statement.

Veretta raised her head again, looked around at everyone, and said calmly: "I feel like you are all crazy."

Under the gaze of everyone, Veretta suddenly laughed: "Ha, since you are all going crazy, if I don't go crazy with you, it will make me look a little out of place."

"And when I'm with a group of people like you, I always feel like it's a luxury to stay sane at all times."

Lux glanced sideways: "So?"

Veretta shrugged and said, "Count me in."

Lei Mengmeng hummed: "A guy who doesn't mean what he says."

Everyone's eyes finally fell on Lamia, who had not yet made a decision.

Lamia seemed confused and confused.

Raising his head, Lamia looked at Lei Mengmeng, then at Lin Youde, put one hand on his chest, and finally returned.

"I'll go too... together."

Hearing this answer, everyone laughed.

Refina looked at Lin Youde with a smile.

"That's great, Captain."

Lin Youde smiled and replied: "Yes, thank you all very much. You can accompany me to be willful..."

Controller Yi Xiaozhen smiled and said: "Who made you the captain of this ship?"

Lin Youde smiled, scratched his head, and looked at the crowd again.

"Then, we will set off once the two transport ships carrying the Blue Sky Knight Gundam and the M1 Heretic merge with this ship."

"Target, the Free Federation's overseas research base."

Everyone: "Understand (understand) (oh)!" *N


Note 1 PS: Aquamarine is not the Earth. Although many things are somewhat similar, they are more different.

Therefore, there are some famous sayings on the earth that are not available on Aquamarine.

Therefore, the phrase "with great power comes great responsibility" is somewhat shocking to the protagonist group who heard it for the first time.

Thanks to "Give me a refund" and "Blood Sakura" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

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