Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 581 Arbitrary

Lin Youde gave the order, and Lei Mengmeng, Lamia, and Zeng Jia responded one after another.

Under the cover of the White Knight and Bow Angel, Lin Youde drove Gutie and Zengjia drove Gurungast Zero and charged head-on.

In less than a few meetings, several mass-produced EVAs were blown up.

The cross that rose up after the mass-produced EVA exploded made everyone confused.

Being in the support position, Lei Mengmeng still had the energy to complain.

"Wow, do these mass-produced EVAs have death effects after they explode?"

“Wouldn’t it be cool if we could customize the death effects after the target is destroyed?”

Lei Mengmeng's words caused Lamia to complain.

"Dear Mengmeng, this is reality, not a game."

"In fact, even in the game "Machine War", there is no function to customize the death effects of destroyed objects."

Lamia's words made Lei Mengmeng laugh.

"Lamia-chan, you are too serious."

"Think in the right direction in everything."

“It doesn’t happen now or before, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future.”

"Before Youde came up with the BGM field, who would have thought that there would be such a thing, right?"

Lamia's expression was a little subtle.

"That's what he said, but..."

Lei Mengmeng waved her hands: "Okay, okay, it's not good to be too serious."

"Girls who are too serious will not be liked by boys."

Lamia was a little surprised: "Eh? Is that so?"

Before Lei Mengmeng could reply, Shinobu responded on the public channel.

"Yes, yes, this young lady is right. It is difficult for a man to like a woman who is too serious."

"As the saying goes, it's rare to be confused. Only by pretending to be confused at the right time can you become more popular."

"Do you understand? Asuka?"

Asuka fought back on the spot.

"I don't need you to teach me, Makiha~Auntie~!"

Mahiha's tone was very dissatisfied: "This girl is really not cute at all. I don't know what Shinji-kun likes about you? It's really frustrating."


In an instant, both Shinji Ikari and Asuka blushed.

Shinji Ikari hurriedly defended: "No, I..."

Asuka interrupted on the spot: "I don't want idiot Shinji to like him, he is just a GAY guy!"

Shinji Ikari looked gloomy: "Asuka, I told you, I'm not gay..."

Lei Mengmeng was very surprised: "Ah, well, your place looks very lively."

Makiha smiled and replied: "You're not bad there either~!"

In the female chat channel, no man except Shinji Ikari intervened.

Because the men tuned into another friendly forces channel for combat.

"Major Lin Youde, can I ask about the size of the rescue force dispatched this time?"

Watching the white Trojan approaching quickly in the distance, I also saw Lin Youde destroying all the approaching mass-produced EVAs.

Nagisa Kaoru finally found the opportunity to ask.

Lin Youde glanced at the number of remaining ammunition in Gu Tie's weapons and frowned.

"As you can see, the rescue force only has one warship on our side."

Nagisa Kaoru was shocked: "This..."

Before Zhuxun could speak, Lin Youde explained.

"This area has been blocked by the Free Federation for too long, and we don't know if there are any living people here. There are also conflicts within the Federation."

"On the one hand, everyone in the Frontier Army feels that this is the unified homeland and must be taken back. At the same time, we will rescue the citizens who may still be alive."

"After all, everyone joins the army because they choose to become soldiers in order to protect their families and the country and protect the people from harm."

"But on the other hand, because of the pincer attack from the Silla Alliance and the Free Federation. A group of people from several big families in the capital believe that they have already done their best to unite and defend the territory, and there is no other remaining power."

"It is not cost-effective to randomly dispatch rescue teams to search and rescue citizens who do not know whether they are still alive."

"So the major families in the capital are very resistant to taking risks."

"In this case, as an independent combat force, I chose to act arbitrarily and break through the Free Federation's blockade first and enter here to search."

"If there are no survivors here, then I can only choose to give up and return to the country."

"If there are still survivors here, I will send the news back and customize a rescue plan based on the number of survivors."

"This matter involves various conflicts among the three major countries and cannot be messed up."

"Please understand."

The above are all made up by Lin Youde.

If they didn't know that Lin Youde only came here on a temporary basis, everyone in the White Trojan Horse would have mistakenly thought that Lin Youde came here really to save people.

But everyone who belongs to the White Trojan Horse knows this first point, but they will not say it out loud.

Because everyone understands that this is a white lie compiled by Lin Youde for Zhu Xun and others.


Ni Xingxing looked in Gu Tie's direction and tightened the joystick in her hand.

In the communication channel dedicated to the SRX team, Ladis reminded.

"Ah Xing, remember not to spill the beans."

Ni Xingxing said dissatisfied: "I won't talk too much."

Gu Lincai sighed: "Everyone, please pay attention. After all, this is the captain's wish."

In the bridge of the White Trojan, Refina even ordered.

"The purpose of this ship entering the Old Neon Islands is to search for possible surviving citizens. This was the purpose decided from the very beginning."

"All crew members should be informed of this and communicated to everyone!"

Lin Liuli nodded: "Understood."

Nagisa Kaoru and others were unaware of the movements on the white wooden horse.

After listening to Lin Youde's explanation, although Zhuxun felt a little disappointed, he also felt that he could understand it.

"That's it. Thank you Colonel Lin Youde for informing me."

As if hearing the disappointment in Zhuxun's tone, Lin Youde replied.

"No need to be disappointed. In fact, the situation here is more serious than I expected."

"Of the various combat forces currently integrated, only my troops can operate here."

"If this were replaced by other troops forming a search and rescue force, I'm afraid they would have to retreat due to heavy losses before they even encounter you."

"Besides, the current situation here is not suitable for retreat."

To this, Nagisa Kaoru had to agree.

"This is indeed..."

Lin Youde glanced at Zhuxun's body and said.

"Time is limited now, please report the situation here to me as soon as possible."

"Also, try to inform the top command of your Third New Tokyo City."

"It's impossible to take everyone out in this battle. You'd better discuss who should go with us."

"By the way, send me the map of the area so that we can organize a rescue team next time and carry out a quick rescue."

Nagisa Kaoru was shocked and answered.

"Understood, we have prepared some information before. Now we will start transmitting it to you..."

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