Immortal Stars

: 1 day off

All along, the state of writing books has been very bad.

In the past, there were pre-written outlines, settings, and code words that were very smooth, and there was no need to update so late every day.

Later, since people became lazy, I was busy with the time before twelve o’clock every day, hurry up and hurry up, and digitize the words of the day to complete the task, so my mentality for writing books has always been very wrong.

For the sake of full attendance, you will always worry about gains and losses. Instead, you will put books second, and full attendance is the first.

For this reason, I pushed a lot of gatherings with my classmates, and suffered physical damage caused by the intensity of codewords for several hours in a row.

After thinking about it for so long, I finally decided, forget it, I don’t need to be full of attendance. I will set my mind first and get my enthusiasm for writing books back.

Looking back at the beginning, I was just full of enthusiasm, and I just wanted to write it out and describe the plot that I was excited about. After the Chaos chapter, I was obviously no longer excited, and I no longer had the passion for writing books before, because by this time I had already There is no blood like before.

Many times, I wanted to finish this book quickly and start a new one, but then I thought about it, if I couldn’t hold on to this one, the next new book would just be a repeat of the same mistakes.

So I persevered. Although the update is still very late, the daily amount is guaranteed.

Now, I don't want to be stuck with full attendance and update every day for the sake of update.

But rest assured, I say this not because the future updates of this book are not guaranteed, but I will have more time to show the plot I want to express to you.

ps: This book will have at least two million words, and I will give you the most perfect ending in my mind! (To be continued..)()

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