Immortal Voices

Chapter 354: Bitter master

Cui Tianning came into the temple and took out two futons. He and Tie Ying sat at the low table one by one.

Tie Ying took the lead in speaking, he asked directly: "I don't know what the girl said here?"

Rong Xian glanced at the two in surprise, Shi Shiran said, "I should ask the two, but I don't know what the two said here."

Tie Ying was silent for a moment and said, "I and the two came to investigate the case, how about Rong?"

Rong Xian braced his cheek, and solemnly said, "Come to the gods temple, of course, to worship God."

Tie Ying then asked again: "Girl Rong knows that both brother and sister died here?"

He and Cui Tianning stared at Rong Xian, trying to see the thoughts in her heart from her expression.

Rong Xian frowned, and naturally answered: "I know, so I'm here."

Cui Tianning did not give her any time to think, and asked, "Is Rong Rong coming to take revenge?"

Rong Xian shook his head: "I'm here to recover the brother's remains."

"Did you just say that you came to worship God?" Cui Tianning pointed out the loophole in Rong Xian's words sharply.

Rong Xian blinked, very good-tempered: "While collecting the remains, worship God by the way."

Cui Tianning and Tie Ying calmed down for a while. Facing this kind of people who were still calm and kind after hearing the death of their siblings, they felt a chill in their hearts.

Because they can see very clearly, this calmness and kindness are not pretentious gestures, but they really do not care, which is too terrible.

People have emotions and desires, and emotions fluctuate because of various things, but Rong Xian does not.

She is not necessarily happy when she laughs, and she is not sad when she is not laughing.

That's just a layer of mirror blossoms that she is willing to show you. You never know what the real woman looks like.

At this time in Shenxian Village, Zhao Wei went from house to house and notified the village chief about what he had ordered. He just walked home and fell to the ground with a soft leg.

He looked in horror with a big hole in his chest, and Aon, still holding his heart in his hand, only felt that the blood was flowing backwards and his back was cold.

After a long while, he slowed down and shouted, "Avon is dead, Avon is dead ..."

When Qian Liu and Wang Daniu heard the voice, they hurried to see the terrible corpse of the village chief. His scalp became numb and Bai Maohan was scared.

"Quickly, quickly go up the mountain to inform the two arresters." Qian Liuxuan said.

He and Wang Daniu did not dare to delay, and hurriedly headed for Qingshan.

In front of the Shenxian Temple, Tie Ying inquired and looked at Rong Xian and broke the security. He asked tentatively: "I and I came here after receiving Ling Zun's letter. Ling Zun was very worried about the girl."

Rong Xian frowned slightly, and sighed slightly: "This is the heart of a loving father."

Tie Ying was stunned for a moment. Of course he knew that it was the heart of a loving father, otherwise anyone else would care if she disappeared.

Unable to get the desired result, Tie Ying was a little depressed.

Cui Tianning's eyes flickered and she asked, "Did Rong know that someone was dead in the village?"

Rong Xian didn't conceal anything: "Of course I know."

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and the corners of her eyebrows were full of joy, and she did not conceal her malice towards the villagers.

She resembled her emotions: "Good and evil will come to an end, and heaven will have eyes."

"Did you kill them?" Tie Ying asked in a deep voice.

Rong Xian glanced over the faces of them, and then he opened his mouth very calmly: "I never kill."

She lifted the tea cup gently with her slender and soft hands, and lowered her head and sipped the tea. She said slowly, "I don't kill, but I know someone will continue to die."

‘Oh! ‘Cui Tianning snapped the table and gritted his teeth.“ Rong Xian, did you do it? ”

Standing on the side of Rong Xian, Rong Hong was eager to move, to prevent this man from hurting her sister suddenly.

Rong Xian didn't have any fear, and she sighed, "Is Cui arresting the intention to threaten and intimidate me to confess my guilt?"

"You!" Cui Tianning was speechless.

The scene fell into a stalemate for a while. Except for the annoying cicadas, the two did not notice that they did not feel the fiery heat of the sun.

After a long while, when Tie Ying was about to speak, Qian Liu and Wang Daniu ran over with sweat.

They shouted in a husky voice, "Two adults, the village chief is dead, the village chief is dead ..."

Cui Tianning and Tieying stood up suddenly and asked, "What's going on?"

Qian Liu's throat was smoky, and he said in a dumb voice: "We saw a big hole in the chest of the village head and the village head, and he was holding his heart in his hand and died in his house."

Wang Daniu said with a blank face: "It must be that Rong Hong has returned to take revenge. The two head arresters, you must think of a way. The village chief is dead. If you continue this way, the people in the village will not survive.

After listening to Cui Tianning and Tieying, they looked back at Rong Xian for the first time.

Suddenly meeting two pairs of eyes, Rong Xian blinked and sighed in an unconstrained tone: "I said just now that someone will continue to die."

Until now, Cui Tianning and Tie Ying had to believe that the murder in the village had nothing to do with Rong Xian. When the village chief died, she was still reading books and tea here.

Cui Tianning couldn't care less, he asked anxiously: "Girl Rong, what else do you know, please tell us."

Rong Xian lowered his eyes, and his fake breath was relieved: "Is it clear the suspicion?"

Tie Ying said earnestly: "Girl Rong, I believe that the people in the village were not killed by you. I also ask the girl to tell who the killer is and who will die next?"

Miss Rong obviously knows some secrets. If she would cooperate and wait for the murderer, the people in the village would not die.

Didn't I know that Rong Xian was so anxious that the people in the fairy village had died, and those who lost their conscience were worth living? ridiculous.

Rong Xian said nothing: "It's my son."

"What?" Cui Tianning stayed with Tie Ying, didn't understand what she was talking about.

Rong Xian's temper again repeated: "Yi Er. It was my sister who killed her, she was just taking revenge."

Tie Ying's face was iron-blue: "It's ridiculous that there is no dead in this world to kill."

Rong Xian was refuted and was not angry. She pointed at Wang Daniu and Qian Liu, who were only relieved, and said, "Then you ask them, did the village chief dig out the child's heart?"

Cui Tianning looked at the two men in horror and said coldly, "Say."

Wang Daniu didn't dare to conceal anything, and said quickly: "The village chief asked Zhao Butcher to cut Rong Hong's girl's flesh, and dug out her heart to make wine, saying that this can continue her life."

Cui Tianning and Tieying's faces changed greatly. Before they only heard that the brothers and sisters of the Rong family had died here, they didn't know that it was so amazing.

Where is the thing that people can do, it is clearly the evil spirits.

Rong Xian didn't have any anger, even though she heard such a terrible thing happened to her sister, her mood didn't fluctuate at all.

The constant warmth of the arc actually caused a cold sweat on the foreheads of Cui Tianning and Tie Ying, only to feel that Fangtiandi became eerie and terrible because of Rong Xian alone.

Rong Xian groaned with a smile: "The village chief dug his own heart and died, but it was only the child who treated his person with his own way. The bitter master recovered justice for himself. The two arresters should not stop Right? "

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