In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 18 18. Driving position

"You even steal a glass ball? Why don't you steal the golden perch at the foot of Dumbledore's Phoenix?"

Jon slipped the sniffing hide, muttered unkindly, grabbed it and walked out of the library.

Xixiu, who failed to steal and was caught on the spot, looked at him with pitiful eyes blinking, as if responding to Jon's question with his eyes.

I can not.

"Okay, so you really wanted to go and steal it! Now you don't dare to bully the weak and be afraid of the strong, so you come to steal my things?"

Sniff, of course Jon knows this creature. Its appearance is very easy to identify. Coupled with this kind of petty personality, there will be no other magical creatures like this.

"Give me back the things."

Jon stretched out his other hand to the Nixiu, but the little thing looked like a miser, and put his two little paws in the pocket in front of his stomach, and didn't want to hold it at all. It means taking out the hidden crystal ball.

Seeing its attitude that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, Jon was not used to it, so he turned it over on the spot, trying to pour out all the contents of its pocket like a bag.

Xixiu desperately clutched his pocket and screamed, no matter how Jon shook it, he still looked like he would swear to defend his property.

In the end, Jon really had no choice but to grab it and ask someone for help. If he couldn't solve the thief, it didn't mean that others couldn't.

Just as Jon was walking toward the dining room, holding onto Niuxiu, and passing the Charms classroom, he vaguely heard a rough voice inside calling something.

"Beach, Beach, are you here?"

Hearing the name Beachy, Niffler, who was caught by Jon, struggled more violently. It squeaked as if it was responding to the call of the person in the classroom.

Immediately, Jon knew who raised this "thief", and there was no one else in the carriage except him.

He grabbed Niffler and walked into the Charms classroom. Hagrid, the coachman, was not at his post, but was anxiously looking for something here.

"Hagrid, are you looking for it?"

Hearing Jon's voice, Hagrid turned around and saw what he was holding in his hand, and surprise appeared on his face.

"Ah! Yes, you little naughty boy! Let me find you! You can't get lost anymore, I've lost my teeth, and I can't lose you too."

When he got to the end of his words, there was already some sobs in his voice.

Jon exchanged the Niffler named Beachy to Hagrid's hands, and Beachy immediately followed Hagrid's hand and quickly ran into the pocket of his fur coat, only half of his small head was exposed, and his paws were lying on the pockets. Edge looked at Jon warily.

"Thank you, kid. I still remember you. Your name is Jon, right? Lily brought you into the carriage."

Hagrid looked grateful, obviously this little thing was really important to him.

Jon waved his hand, and still didn't forget about the crystal ball. After all, it was something Neville gave him, so he lost it so casually that he couldn't explain it to others.

"It stole something from me, Hagrid, can you help me get it back from it?"

"So that's how it is."

Hagrid frowned immediately and took Beachy out of his pocket.

"Give it back, I told you not to steal anything from this carriage."

Beachy obviously listened to Hagrid more. He was pitiful and rummaged through his pockets for a while, before putting the crystal ball into Hagrid's hand.

Hagrid returned the crystal ball to Jon.

"I'm really sorry, I will restrain it in the future."

Jon didn't care about this episode, but he was curious about another thing.

"It's okay, but you don't have to drive the carriage? Can you leave in front of the carriage?"

A smile appeared on Hagrid's face.

"Of course I don't have to keep looking at them. Even if thestrals leave, I can go on my own way. Do you want to go and see them with me? Just take it as my compensation for this incident."

Jon was really moved by his words, he asked hesitantly.

"Won't this violate school rules?"

"Don't worry, this is not leaving the carriage, and I will take you with me, there will be no problem."

When Hagrid said this, he had already enthusiastically pushed Jon towards the direction of the corridor, and Jon didn't hesitate anymore, and walked towards the front of the carriage with Hagrid.

At the end of the corridor they came to, Dumbledore's headmaster's office was directly opposite, and Hagrid led Jon to open the unmarked door on the left side of the office.

The moment the door was opened, Jon felt a breeze and the smell of wheat blowing towards him from outside the door. Outside was a golden wheat field that was receding continuously.

"Follow me, Jon, don't just stand there."

Hagrid led the way, and Jon followed him out of the carriage.

After getting out of the carriage, there was a fairly open field. Last time when Lily took Jon to talk to Hagrid under the carriage, because the night was too dark, he didn't see the whole picture of the driver's seat clearly. See the furnishings here.

What Hagrid was sitting on was not an ordinary chair, but a long couch nearly three to four meters long. The couch was also covered with a thick layer of animal fur. It seemed that he would lie on it when he was free. rest.

Wrapped around the couch was a row of curved wooden cabinets, which for Jon were already taller than his height, but for Hagrid just reached the position of his chest when he sat down, allowing him to clearly See the vision ahead.

The cabinet is full of all kinds of strange things, as well as a large teapot, teacups, and some small snacks.

Hagrid invited Jon to sit down next to him, then poured him a cup of warm black tea, and brought him a cream and honey cake.

The driver's seat has obviously been cursed by some kind of spell, blocking out all the wind, and only a refreshing breeze blows in. The sound of the carriage galloping on the ground is louder than that in the carriage, but it doesn't appear to be noisy. A feeling of being on the go.

They were now driving through a large wheat field with no end in sight. With black tea in his hand, Jon stood on tiptoe to look over the cabinet to see the scene ahead.

Before the carriage ran over, the golden wheat seemed to come alive, and automatically made way for it.

Hagrid saw Jon's inconvenience, and brought him a small bench and put it on the couch, so that he would not have to tiptoe to see the scenery ahead when he sat on it.

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