In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 530 528 Go to another world

Chapter 530 528. Go to another world

People always have to face all kinds of ups and downs in their lives.

Voldemort, the Horcrux that was split by Voldemort in his youth and merged with Hufflepuff's golden cup, had all of his memories before it was made, but after that, he basically stayed in Gringotts. In the treasure house, life experience is completely blank.

Until more than half a year ago, for some inexplicable reason, his power was not limited to the Golden Cup.

At that moment, he became a completely independent individual and even regained most of his strength.

Then he took advantage of the opportunity when the Gringotts goblins went into the treasure house to take inventory, and he learned about what was happening in the magical world.

The Voldemort in the Gold Cup originally thought that so long had passed, and that the outside self should have successfully fulfilled his ambition and captured the entire magical world.

But the reality was far from what he imagined. His body had disappeared silently more than ten years ago, and the forces that had worked hard for so many years also rebelled and were caught. Just a complete loser.

This made the relatively young Voldemort extremely unwilling, so he controlled the goblin who entered the treasure house to take inventory, used him to leave Gringotts, and then for nearly half a year, he continued to fight with the people who were still fleeing in the outside world. He made contact with his subordinates, including Wormtail, who was also constantly looking for him. At the same time, he also learned from these subordinates what had happened in the magical world over the years.

Finally decided to reorganize his own forces.

Regarding this gathering of Death Eaters, Voldemort really didn't have any evil plans or complicated ambitions.

He simply wanted to gather those who once belonged to him again to see how many people were willing to be loyal to him and how much power he could use. As for what happened next, he had no plans for the time being.

After all, I am not the real Voldemort now, but just a remnant soul in a Horcrux, and Dumbledore's power has always been at its peak. He will not be deceived by the other party's appearance of being old. Compared to the wizard In terms of normal life span, more than one hundred years is just the early stage of life.

Therefore, the purpose of Voldemort's gathering this time was really simple. At least now, he had no intention of doing any evil. Even if he killed a few people, they were just a bunch of low-grade young men.

But now, nothing has begun, but it is about to end.

In the black mist, the young Voldemort looked at Jon who looked like a seven or eight-year-old boy with disbelief on his face, and he easily used the Fire Curse on the golden cup that had fallen to the ground!

The evil flames rose up and wrapped the golden cup in it with precise aim!


Resentful roars echoed in the valley, and those who were in the middle of the battle, whether they were Aurors or Death Eaters, all looked blankly in the direction shrouded in black mist.

Under the burning fire, the relic left by Hufflepuff didn't even last for a second before it turned into ashes in the flames!

At the same time, as if being hit by an explosion spell, the black mist transformed by Voldemort exploded in the sky, and finally disappeared completely.

Everyone present saw this scene. Whether it was the Death Eaters or the Aurors, they all looked at the culprit who had done all this in shock - Joe, who still looked unsatisfied after burning the gold cup and smacked his lips. On the body.

The whole world seemed to be quiet for half a second, and then the wallflowers were the first to react.

Those who thought they could escape with this opportunity immediately turned around and ran away. Those who thought they couldn't escape immediately threw their wands on the ground, then put their heads in their hands and shouted, "I've been hit by the Imperius Curse!"

There were also some Death Eaters who were absolutely loyal to Voldemort, and they all looked grief-stricken and angry.

If Voldemort's mere disappearance could give them hope before, now that Jon has destroyed their faith and only in front of them, they are completely heartbroken.

Some people yelled desperately and attacked Jon, hoping to die with him, but of course it was all in vain.

There were also people who were kneeling on the spot in a daze, like a walking zombie who didn't know what to do.

Finally, there was a group of people who aimed their wands at themselves and wanted to leave this world with Voldemort.

The Aurors also reacted in time, and they began to control the situation. They first arrested those Death Eaters who no longer chose to resist, and finally concentrated on annihilating the few who still wanted to resist, completely ending today's battle. This action.

Not only the Death Eaters, but even the Aurors still have a feeling of unreality, especially those who questioned Jon's identity before the operation began.

They were all prepared for a fierce battle today, but let alone a fierce battle, Kingsley even felt that this was not a serious battle.

Everything seemed to be over before it even started. They were not even needed. Only Dumbledore and Jon could achieve the same effect as now.

He had just seen with his own eyes how Jon killed the Lestrange family. There was no sign of a spell being uttered, and there was no sign of casting a spell with a wand. They just died.

Jon didn't care about the looks directed at him by the Aurors around him, and he wasn't surprised by such an ending.

It was just a Horcrux of Voldemort. He had already killed the ultimate Voldemort once when two Voldemorts were fused together, let alone this incomplete thing.

Looking at the pile of dust on the ground, Jon just regretted that the Hufflepuff relics in this world were ruined like this, and then turned to look at Dumbledore, who was also looking at him at this time.

"Now there's only one question left."

Dumbledore nodded, put away his wand and said softly.

"Go back to the castle, call Harry over, and leave the follow-up work here to Moody and the others."

Jon, Lily and Dumbledore did not stay on the battlefield long, so he naturally did not need to ask more questions about the subsequent treatment of these Death Eaters.

After returning to the castle, this time happened to be when the students had just finished dinner.

Harry was quickly called over, and when he first walked into the principal's office, he saw the three of them together, and he immediately guessed that something big was going to happen.

Of course, Lily was the one who was most qualified to speak first when it came to questions related to Harry.

"Do you want to go to another world with your mother?"

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